What to read for the soul and for the mind?

The question of what to read for the soul, sooner or later comes to every book lover. Sometimes an emotional state asks for food that will help calm down or, on the contrary, rethink something. This collection contains precisely such works, so that everyone can find a story to their taste.

The story of a great man

In search of something to read for the soul, you should not go past the work “The Great Gatsby” from the author Francis Fitzgerald. This story is shown through the eyes of Nick Corroway, an aspiring broker who settled in New York near his second cousin. Daisy Buchanan lives married to a wealthy man, but she is not at all happy. Not far from them, neighbor Jay Gatsby always throws noisy parties with a bunch of people. A wide variety of rumors are circulating about him, few have seen him and even less personally know him. Nick once was lucky to have a conversation with him, which revealed many secrets about the identity of this man.

what to read for the soul

What is love

When the time comes to choose what to read for the soul, good novels of love with an unusual plot turn out to be the best spiritual food for many. Almost every person experienced the pain that unrequited love brings, losses, betrayal, etc., associated with this feeling. In the book "Delirium" from the author, Lauren Oliver presents the world of the future, where they decided to remove this emotion forever. The government is firmly convinced that it is in love that all troubles lie, and therefore they have organized a special procedure. When a person reaches adulthood, he is removed from the emotional centers and provided with a suitable pair for further life together. The main character, Lina, wants to get rid of the ability to feel, because it was she who brought the suffering of her mother. The deadline is almost over, but then the girl meets Alex and love breaks out between them. In a world where this is prohibited, young people will try to fight for their happiness.

read for the soul

People and the Internet

For many people, the search for what to read for the soul means finding a work that will make you think about certain problems. Such is the creation of “Loneliness on the Net” by the writer Janusz Wisniewski. The author clearly shows the development of communication through the Internet, which overcomes the barrier of distance. Through the pages of his book, a man shows that during long conversations between people a feeling of love can arise. Whether it is real or not, the heroes of the novel have yet to find out. Vishnevsky ideally intertwines network romance with a variety of scientific facts. At the end of the reader an interesting surprise awaits, which will make you look at the book from a different angle. This work draws into its pages, makes you, without stopping, empathize with the heroes. At the same time, it raises problems that can be thought over for a long time and thus come to nothing.

what to read interesting for the soul

Amazing world

If the reader’s head raises the question of what is interesting to read for the soul, then you should immediately pick up “Scarlet Sails”. Writer Alexander Green is not in vain has a wide audience of fans. This master creates on the pages a world in which there is little more room for kindness and sincerity than in reality. At the same time, the reader is so absorbed in the story that he believes in the possibility of its existence. A bright plot will be interesting for women and men. The main character Assol worries about her beloved Gray, who is supposed to return from a distant voyage. It is around this event that the whole storyline unfolds. Reading literature for the soul of such a pattern is worth all those who have lost faith in pure feelings. The author proves to us that they happen, you just need to never lose hope. The book conveys from the pages a little good to the spiritual world of every person.

what to read modern for the soul

Mysteries among journalists

When confronted with the problem of reading interesting for the soul from modern literature, the solution does not come immediately. Not every book by today's writers can provide food that requires an emotional state. Against this background, Cecilia Ahern’s Hundred Names is strikingly different from other novels. The plot revolves around a young journalist Kitty Logan. The girl works in a popular magazine, has her lover, many friends, but one day she loses everything. In pursuit of the dream of becoming a TV presenter, she substitutes an innocent person, misses a chance, at the same time everyone turns away from her. To all the problems is added the death of a close friend Constance, who worked with her. Kitty knows that she was preparing something incredible for the magazine, but she did not tell anyone. Only a list of hundreds of names remains. Among the works that one reads for the soul from modern literature, this book definitely stands out, it is distinguished by its exciting plot and open problems of chasing a dream.

read literature for the soul

Oriental romance

Often the question arises of what to read for the soul from modern literature, remains unanswered. Then a void forms inside, which will affect the mood of a person. To avoid this, it is worth starting to immerse yourself in the work of the Japanese Murakami Haruki, namely the book "Norwegian Forest". This work is far from a description of nature, because it is concentrated on human feelings. It shows a completely different love, filled with sweet passion and bitter pain at the same time. The issue of such feelings inside a person is transmitted through the main character. He is tormented by the fact that he felt a love for a girl who is already in a relationship with his friend. Painful feelings about what to do in this situation make the reader think about many things. The character must choose between friendship and love - everything is so simple and complicated at the same time.

highlight quotes in a book


The question of what to read for a woman’s soul is sometimes extremely difficult to solve. The work should give food for thought, be interesting for the fair sex and at the same time cause certain emotions. The autobiographical narrative “Eat, Pray, Love,” by Elizabeth Gilbert, simultaneously copes with all these tasks. The main character is a successful journalist, lives in a big house with her husband, but does not feel happiness from this. Sleepless nights in the bathroom cause only bitter tears. The divorce proceedings dragged on, and the new relationship with the young man brought nothing but emptiness. Once she is sent to Bali to write yoga material. There she meets a healer, who predicts her return here for training. A year later, the marriage was dissolved, a book about yoga was published, with this money Elizabeth begins to travel. It was this decision that changed her whole life.

Belief in a new life

The book “See You” will be the perfect answer to the question of what to read to a woman who is interesting to the soul. The author Jojo Moyes perfectly demonstrated the possibilities of love, which overcomes all difficulties on the path to happiness. Fate brings Will, chained to a chair, to a disabled person with a caregiver with no experience Lou. The guy does not want to live with a severe form of quadriplegia, and the girl is tired of the constant bickering of her family. She does not have her own dream, and for the sake of money, she agreed to look after a sick person. This is the story of two unfortunate people who managed to know each other for half a year of marriage. They realized that happiness can be found, you just have to start fighting for it. Through all the difficulties, the couple began to learn a feeling of love. Now they are ready for anything, just to be together.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3496/

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