What are the names? How to choose the right name

When a new person comes into the world, often the name chosen by his parents is already waiting for him. But it happens that it does not suit him. Mother acutely feels this: she did not represent her child like that. Need to change your mind before it's too late. It happens that the name is chosen in adulthood. Creative nickname, for example. How to choose a name?

Don't make mistakes

Oleg Gelievich, Milena Vilenovna, Gleb Adolfovich - not quite successful combinations, is not it? Choosing a name for your child, you need to associate it with a middle name and surname so that there is harmony. Some names are compromised by famous historical figures, literary characters. No matter how parents would like to choose a name, one should remember: their son or daughter will wear it. By this name their child will be known in society.

what are the names

In addition, each name means something. So it happened from time immemorial. The first man was named Adam because he was made from the elements of the earth. Adama is the red earth, or clay. Eve is the name meaning "giving life." The first woman became the mother of all living. Many languages ​​disappeared from the face of the earth, but the names remained. A beautifully sounding name of a person can have an unsightly meaning. For example, the Greek name Enio means “horror,” Tanis means “Lady Snake,” Erica means “the power of work.” Well, would you like this to your child?

In ancient times, people believed that evil spirits can harm a person if they love him. Therefore, the children were given ridiculous and ugly names. Fortunately, we are modern people and do not believe in prejudice. And society is now more free than before. To name a child by the name of the hero of a famous series is a common thing. The main thing is that there is a wide selection.

What are the names

All names have an origin, each carries some meaning. Now you can find the meaning of any name. Sometimes not one - in different languages ​​it will be translated in different ways. With a few exceptions, all the names in our country have the following roots: Slavic, Biblical (mainly Jewish and Greek), Roman or Latin (European), Scandinavian (from the Vikings) and German (two emigration waves: Peter and Catherine). Communist names like Dazdraperm (long live the first of May) and extravagant (Hobbit, for example) stand apart.

Chinese, Korean, Indian and Arabic names are very rare here. About other national names, we can add that they do not go beyond the boundaries of a clan or family name. In traditional patriarchal families, the question of choice is unlikely to arise. Most likely, the name of the person will be chosen in memory of the departed relative. Let us consider in more detail all these categories.

Slavic names

Names such as Svetlana, Faith, Hope, Love, still live among the people. And what other Slavic names exist? Slavic roots remained in modern languages. Therefore, in the European countries of the Slavic ethnic group, ancient names still live. Take, for example, Serbia. Girls are called like this:

  • Milyana is charming.
  • Glorious - glorified.
  • Angela is an angel.
  • Bilyana is a grass.
  • Gordana is proud.
  • The layman is the beloved.
  • Snezhana is snowy.
  • Lyudmila - is nice to people.
  • Lada is the goddess of love.

name of man

The boys will receive the names:

  • Dragan is dear.
  • Vladislav - owns fame.
  • Svyatoslav - holy glory.
  • Vyacheslav is a great glory.
  • Vsevolod - owns everything.
  • Tihomir is peaceful and calm.
  • Lubomyr - love and peace.
  • Slobodan - free, can afford ;.
  • Bogdan - given by God.

Until the 14th century in Russia, the name given at baptism was not used in everyday life. It was used in the church during marriage, death registration and the like. Then begins an interesting period of history, when in everyday life people are called by the church name, while having a Slavic nickname. It must be said that the church fought against the names of pagan gods and there were lists of unacceptable names for Christians. There were so-called "clergy" - the correct Orthodox names. They were given in honor of biblical characters or Christian saints.

This practice has led to the emergence in Russia of many alien names that have not been seen before. If a child was born on a day with a small set of names in the holy calendar, they should have been called by that name. People are no longer interested in what names are.

Bible Names in Russia

Few people know that the traditional names Ivan and Mary are of Jewish origin. They became popular as there were many saints with this name. Almost a third of the days of the year was associated with any John (translated means “God showed favor”). And the name Mary (from Mariam - rebellious) began to spread due to the many holidays dedicated to the icons of St. Mary.

As you know, the Old Testament was written primarily in Hebrew, and the New Testament in Greek. The names given below, both of Greek and Jewish origin, were ubiquitous throughout Russia. Priests were instructed not to even give their children unbiblical names:

  • Anna - favor, generosity.
  • Elizabeth - my God - abundance.
  • Jacob - grabbing at the heel (this expression means "taking someone else's place").
  • Joseph - may God add.
  • Lazarus - God helped.

her name

  • Peter is a piece of rock.
  • Semyon - hear.
  • Abakum is a hot hug.
  • Alexander is a protector of people.
  • Andrey is courageous.
  • Benjamin is the son of the right hand.
  • Daniel - my judge is God.
  • Dmitry - referring to the goddess Demeter.
  • Dina - found not guilty.
  • Ephraim is doubly prolific.
  • Zahar - God remembered.
  • Eusebius - God makes you forget.
  • Elijah is my God Jehovah (Yahweh).
  • Joseph - may God add.
  • Carp is a fruit.
  • Mark - God showed generosity.
  • Matvey is a gift from God.
  • Michael - who is like God.
  • Naum is a comforter.
  • Anisim is useful.
  • Pavel is small.
  • Herema - God liberates.
  • Prokhor - dance in front of the choir.
  • Timothy - worshiping God.
  • Trofim - nourishing.

The remaining names contained in the saints were mainly of Greek origin.

Greek names

The name Faina (shining, brilliant) is Greek, but it is so popular that Russians, Tatars, and Arabs call their daughters so. In Arabic, it means "excellent." The name Faina entered the Orthodox name-list after the canonization of seven virgin martyrs from Galatia, among whom was a woman with this name.

The name Ney, who began to be called girls recently, also came to us from Greece. Translated, it means "news." This name appeared as a diminutive of Virineus. By the way, such a martyr also exists. So, although the name of Ney is not in the calendar, Virinea is present there. There is an opinion that this name came from an ancient Persian musical instrument called her. This is a kind of flute, and therefore means Ney flute. But, since this opinion is held only in the Caucasus and Central Asia, most likely, we just have two options for the origin of this unusual and beautiful name.

And what are the names that are popular now, with Greek roots? A lot of them:

  • Aglaia - beauty, brilliance.
  • Anastasia - resurrection to life.
  • Arkady - from Arcadia.
  • Arseny is courageous.
  • Basil is the king.
  • Vasilisa is the queen.
  • Galina is calm.
  • Gennady is of noble birth.
  • George is a farmer.
  • Glafira is graceful.

name Alina

  • Denis is the god of winemaking.
  • Eugene is noble.
  • Catherine is pure.
  • Elena is a light.
  • Irina is the world.
  • Oia is a violet.
  • Cyril is the master.
  • Karina is a girl.
  • Ksenia is hospitable.
  • Larisa is a seagull.
  • Leonid is a descendant of a lion.
  • Maya is the goddess of fertility.
  • Nikita is the winner.
  • Pelagia - the sea.
  • Sophia is wisdom.
  • Fedor is a gift of God.

Scandinavian names

The name Gleb is Scandinavian, consists of two words, which are translated into Russian as “heir of God”. In the period of the history of our country, when the path "from the Varangians to the Greeks" acted, this name took root in Russia, and so it became princely first (thirteen ancient Russian princes bearing this name are known), and then it went to the people. After the film about the police with the participation of V. S. Vysotsky, named after Gleb Zheglov, it acquired a modern connotation and again began to enjoy success.

Some Russian names actually came to the country with the Vikings. Olga, for example. This is the Slavic version of the name Helga, which means "holy." These are also the names Sonya (Sonya) - wise, Inga - winter, Evelina - hazelnut.

name is owned

Some names came from Scandinavian literature, from Ibsen and Andersen. This is Ida - work, Gerda - strong, Eliza (Elsa) - God's mercy.

Modern name, the origin of which is not clarified

Alina - the name of the ancient Germanic, means "noble." In Scandinavia it is translated as “beautiful”. But translated from Latin means “estranged”, “other”, from Arabic - “faithful”, “prosperous”. It is not in the Orthodox clergy, although before the revolution it was used as an abbreviation for the French name Adeline.

Disputes are still ongoing regarding its origin. The fact is that it is distributed throughout Europe from Spain to Finland. In the Arab world, it is used as a female version of the male name Ali. In England, he is considered national. Oxford's Dictionary of Personal Names hypothesizes precisely about its Arab roots. But this word in Arabic has several meanings, so for now it is believed that the main meaning of the name Alina is “noble”.

Communist names

The name Vladlen (an abbreviation for the words Vladimir Lenin) is quite common in our country. Despite its political origin, it is harmonious and blends well with both Slavic and Greek middle names. Since Vladimir Ilyich himself took the surname Lenin as a pseudonym, on the Siberian Lena River, an interesting combination was obtained. We can say that Vladlen has two names - male and female, Vladimir and Lena.

Ninel (Lenin, on the contrary) is also a beautiful name that has taken root, despite its artificial origin.

Spark is a forgotten Slavic name that has undergone many obstacles. At first, in the era of the emergence of Christianity in Russia, it was banned as pagan. By the way, there was a male version - Sparks. Literally means "spark, sparkle." The common Slavic root “yask, yasochka” means “asterisk”. In Bulgaria there is the name Iskren - sincere, honest. In the holy calendar does not appear. Later, the name Spark became popular in the revolutionary years and until the Patriotic War. It was given in memory of the Iskra newspaper, founded by V. I. Lenin.

Arlene - Lenin's army (Arlene is also in the old Celtic-English language, and means "oath").

Isolda is made of ice. This name is Celtic, meaning "the one they look at." But after the polar conquests of the USSR, it takes on a different meaning.

Beautiful names for girls

How to choose a name for a daughter? To be original and beautiful. Not necessarily rare, but not to be found at every turn. What are the names? You can advise beautiful Russian female names and abbreviations for them:

  • Miroslava, Mila.
  • Milena, Lena.
  • Dobromira, Ira.
  • Mirolyuba, Lyuba.
  • Lubomir, Lyra.
  • Peace, Ira.
  • Alina, Lina.

name faina

From European names you can choose the following:

  • Stephanie, Stefa, Stesha.
  • Carolina, Lina.
  • Adriana, Anya.
  • Ally, Alice, Ale.
  • Elina, Elia.
  • Diana, Anya, Di.
  • Raffaella, El, Rafa.
  • Marta, Manya, Musya.
  • Taisiya, Taya, Tasya.
  • Darina, Ina, Daria.
  • Angelica, Lika, Anji.
  • Stella, Ale.
  • Clarissa, Lala.
  • Christina, Chris.
  • Alexa, Alya.
  • Raffaella, Rufa, Ale.

Beautiful names for boys

With Slavic roots:

  • Peaceful.
  • Miroyar.
  • Dobrynya.
  • Lubomyr.
  • Egor.
  • Mstislav.

name gleb

  • Frol.
  • Stephen.
  • Hermann.
  • Dominic
  • Adrian.
  • Martin.
  • Christian.
  • Emil.

What names will definitely be in your child's classroom

Of the names for girls in the first place is Sofia, Sofia. Becomes popular Martha. Then in decreasing order:

  • Alina.
  • Pauline.
  • Yaroslav.
  • Angelina
  • Ulyana.
  • Barbara
  • Veronica.
  • Anna.
  • Margarita
  • Victoria.

Boys are increasingly registered under the following names:

  • Bogdan.
  • Matvey.
  • Danil.
  • Michael.
  • Novel.
  • Stanislav.
  • George.
  • Maksim.
  • Luke.
  • Yaroslav.

Extravagant names

Imagine that you came to a playground with your daughter, and there three or four girls carry names like your daughter’s. Unpleasant, right? To prevent this from happening, it would be nice to familiarize yourself with the popular names that are registered in the registry offices in recent times. But there is a limit to everything. Sometimes the ingenuity of parents knows no bounds. It's amazing how sometimes they call their children. In Russia, Viagra, Lettuce, Air Traffic Controller are registered. Choosing what to name the child, it would be nice to familiarize yourself with what names are.

Gone are the days when the names Revdit (revolutionary child) and Pofistal (the winner of fascism Joseph Stalin) were considered original. But how will the Lilith girl feel? Boy Eden? Google guys and Forbes? How will they call names Hiroshima at school? These are real names. Most likely, they will be changed upon receipt of a passport.

First of all, remember: the child is not the property of the parents. Here the animal can be called anything you like, and even then you should first think about it, and a person with his own name should live. May it be given with love.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34963/

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