Kobuleti beaches: overview, description and reviews of tourists

What could be better than relaxing on the Black Sea coast, surrounded by virgin and picturesque nature. Such a vacation can offer Georgia. Which resort should all tourists and travelers pay attention to first of all? Kobuleti is a small Georgian town, known since Soviet times. Many honorable workers received vouchers for this particular town, where they spent their holidays. Several decades ago, this resort was a favorite vacation spot of Soviet citizens due to its favorable geographical location. Thalassotherapy, provided with a humid subtropical climate, the opportunity to visit unique natural attractions, fully enjoy the sun and sea - all this awaits modern tourists. The most famous Georgian resorts are rightfully Sukhumi and Batumi. But what attracts tourists and travelers to Kobuleti so much? What is the secret of the popularity of its beaches? We will try to figure this out.

Kobuleti beaches

About the resort

Kobuleti is by far one of the most popular resorts in Georgia. This is a place of concentration of luxury hotels and hotels. Recently, the resort has launched an active construction of new tourist complexes, pensions and resorts. Here you will have a good time, both couples and youth companies are real extreme people who are attracted by mountains, waterfalls, steep descents and climbs. Kobuleti beaches are considered one of the best on the coast, you can get to them by regular bus from Batumi or Sukhumi for just $ 1. Travel time - no more than 30 minutes. Some tourists who arrived in Georgia by private car move along the coast, but it is in Kobuleti that they delay for a long time. Numerous reviews confirm the fact that Kobuleti is a paradise, a kind of pearl of Georgia.

Beaches in Kobuleti (Georgia)

Accommodation options

Each tourist will find here an optimal accommodation option, preferring a luxurious hotel or renting a room or a cozy house from local residents. We advise you to decide on the accommodation option and book it in advance. The fact is that due to the subtropical climate, the season lasts quite a long time, in the summer the beaches of Kobuleti are literally crowded with vacationers and tourists. The risk of being left without comfortable apartments during the season is actually quite high.

About the beaches

Abkhazia is the state where tourists fly for positive emotions, the opportunity to enjoy the numerous reserves, nature reserves, waterfalls, local lakes. The beaches in Kobuleti (Georgia) are mostly pebble. Moreover, often this is not small pebbles, but rather large stones that make it difficult to enter the sea. We recommend stocking up on special shoes in order to avoid injuries while swimming.

Kobuleti hotels with private beach

If we talk about the peculiarities of Kobuleti, then this is a small, sticky pebble, which is why many people choose this resort for their vacation. Here, even families with small children can relax quite calmly, which is unlikely to happen on the beaches of Batumi. Tourists note that from afar pebbles resemble ordinary rubble. There is a complete feeling that they brought a dump truck of small gravel and filled it with a huge stretching territory. The beach is 9 meters wide, located between the warm gentle sea and concrete steps.

The entrance to the sea is gentle, the elevation differences are not significant, so even those tourists who do not know how to swim will like this paradise. The wide coastline is what the beaches of Kobuleti can boast of. The beach extends to a length of 10 cm, so you can quite safely find a secluded place to relax.

Here you can find both municipal and wild beaches. There are also chic Kobuleti hotels with their own beach.


The crystal clear water of the Black Sea attracts many vacationers. Here you will certainly not find huge merchant ships, barges, ships, covering the sea surface with oil film. In season, the sea warms up to 27-29 degrees, becoming incredibly warm.

Does Kobuleti have a sandy beach


Most often on local beaches you can meet local residents, as well as Armenians, Azerbaijanis. All of them are quite polite and courteous to vacationers.


For a fee (an average of 1 GEL), you can rent a sunbed and an umbrella on the beach. Every 5-10 minutes, merchants go along the coast offering boiled chestnuts, baked pears and apples, soft drinks, cocktails and other dishes of national cuisine.

In season, the beach has cafes, small restaurants and shops offering refreshments. In the evening, clubs, bars and discos are open along the beach, which will surely satisfy the preferences of lovers and connoisseurs of nightlife. If this doesn’t seem enough to you, you can always get to the more developed Batumi, located just 30 km from the resort. The beaches of Kobuleti are also aimed at outdoor enthusiasts, again in the season you can fully enjoy the variety of water activities, play beach volleyball.

Along the beach lies the promenade. It is difficult to call it the main attraction of the city. Renovated and restored areas border the ruins and ruins left over from the Soviet era, but this is where the resort's special atmosphere is.

Wild beaches

Kobuleti beach is really huge, stretches for 10 km. If you are looking for a quiet and peaceful place, prefer a calm, secluded and measured rest away from people's eyes, we advise you to walk a few kilometers ahead: you can rest assured, you will find a secluded place. Here you can pitch a tent and stay for several days - your peace will not be disturbed.

About Magnetic Beach

Does Kobuleti have a sandy beach? This question is asked by many tourists. Indeed, a warm, even sand, a gentle slope into the sea are ideal conditions for a beach holiday. In Kobuleti itself, unfortunately, you will not find a sandy beach, but only 20 km north you can find a decent alternative.

Kobuleti Magnetic Beach

We recommend visiting Ureki, the famous black sand beaches, for all tourists vacationing in Georgia. The former government residence is located just north of Kobuleti. Magnetic beach is the main attraction of this region.

The entire beach is covered with so-called magnetic sand, endowed with unique abilities. It has already been proven that it favorably affects the cardiovascular system, calms the nerves, strengthens the bones of the skeleton.

Our ancestors, who actively use it in the treatment of various diseases, also knew about the healing properties of magnetic sands. It is this that is easily the basis of scientific research in this region with the aim of carefully studying all the features of black sand. The swimming season in Ureki begins in May, at this time of the year many are already ready to plunge into the sea, which, admittedly, has not yet warmed up to the required temperature. The sand on the beach really has a black and gray tint and responds to a magnet. Under the direct rays of the scorching sun, it heats up so much that even walking a few meters through it becomes completely impossible. We recommend stocking up with beach shoes.

Kobuleti sand beach

The sea in this place is shallow, ideal for swimming even for young children. This resort is visited annually by quite a lot of tourists. The sandy bottom stretches for the next 200-250 meters, so sunbathing here and swimming is so wonderful. Many experts are sure that the resort of Ureki has no analogues in the world, that's why it is worth coming here from Kabuleti. A sandy beach with healing black and gray sand, a green grove separating the beach from the city, an actively developing infrastructure is something that everyone, even the most sophisticated and demanding tourist, will appreciate.

To summarize

We hope we answered the question which beach in Kobuleti. We want to remind all tourists and vacationers that sunny Georgia is a hospitable country that allows you to fully enjoy the local flavor, dishes of national cuisine. Kobuleti is in a subtropical climate: even in winter it is warm and dry enough. You have to soak up the best beach in the country and enjoy the stunning beauties surrounding it.

Which beach in Kobuleti

It is enough to see once, than to hear a hundred times - in this case, again, this statement is applicable. Every tourist at least once in his life should come to this sunny country and be sure to visit Kobuleti. You will get acquainted with the resort and the country as a whole, get the opportunity to fully enjoy a beach holiday and plunge into the atmosphere of tranquility and tranquility.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3497/

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