The conflict of generations in the novel "Fathers and Sons" and its resolution

The book Fathers and Sons was written in the sixties of the nineteenth century. This is a story about unhappy love, new beliefs and the eternal problem of understanding between different generations. It is the latter theme that is presented in the novel from various points of view.

The basis of disagreement in the novel

The topic of understanding between parents and children is eternal. Especially successfully it was discovered by the Russian classic Ivan Turgenev. The conflict of generations in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is a difference of views on the political, cultural and social situation in Russia in the second half of the 19th century. It was 1860 that was a turning point in the history of the empire. The constant uprisings of dissatisfied peasants forced the government to abolish serfdom. This divided the people into two camps.

In the first there were representatives of the old world, nobles and rich. The second part is the supporters of a new, free era, where people were appreciated and respected. Evgeny Bazarov, the hero of the novel Fathers and Sons, belonged to those who wanted a revolution. He is a nihilist, which means he does not recognize authority and laughs at generally accepted values. His ideas are shared by Arkady and his beloved Anna. But at the same time, he becomes an enemy for a close friend and for his parents.

Clash of views

The conflict develops most because of the stubbornness and misunderstanding of two representatives of different generations and eras. This is a meeting of the convictions of the revolutionary democrat in the image of Bazarov and the liberal nobleman Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. The first is trying to work for the good of society. The second is more concerned about self-interest. Nevertheless, both of them are energetic and confidently uphold their beliefs. In general, their topics of contention are diverse.

They relate to religion, philosophy, and even poetry. The characterization of Fathers and Sons is a brief description of the events that actually took place in Russia in the 1860s. Conversations and disputes between Bazarov and Kirsanov are conversations of people of those crucial years for society.

Differences in the Kirsanov family

It is also important to consider the relationship between Arkady and Nikolai Petrovich. These two, father and son, are also representatives of different generations. Arkady is Evgeny Bazarov’s best friend and part-time obedient student. He seeks to know nihilism and plunge into the theory of democracy as much as possible.

His father is an avid liberal who is embarrassed by his connection with the common people. In particular, he is ashamed of his love for a young woman named Fanechka. The first generational conflict in the novel Fathers and Sons occurs between father and Arkady. But the love that they cherish in themselves for each other is stronger than a misunderstanding regarding the views on society.

Kinship that is stronger than belief

So, over time, Arkady abandons his theory and stops trying to join in the creation of a new world. Nikolai Petrovich is not far behind. He at the end of the novel marries the commoner Fanechka. And Arkady chooses a modest and quiet Catherine as his wife. Their conflict is resolved.

A characteristic of the novel Fathers and Sons is an analysis of the then society. Turgenev shows that Bazarov’s thoughts didn’t take root, the conflict that arose in this family, hesitated, never reaching a logical solution. But at the end of the book, during the double wedding of father and son, the author makes a slight accent and says that neither one nor the other looks happy.

Author and parents of Bazarov

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev does not hide his attitude to the older generation and instills a love for this reader. His tender feelings of gratitude and respect can be seen in the description of Bazarov's parents. Lovely, charming spouses from the first lines are attractive to us with the warmth and friendliness that breathes from them.

The generational conflict in the novel Fathers and Sons could not have been so vivid if the author had not so clearly revealed the images of the elderly to the reader. So, he introduces us to Arina Vlasyevna and Vasily Ivanovich. Mother is a sweet old woman, equally believes in God and popular superstitions. She is the embodiment of hospitality, peace and kindness. Father, a respectable man who justly earned the respect of acquaintances. He is sincere, cordial and even tries to join new generation ideas.

The only son is the greatest joy in their life. Knowing about his difficult character, parents try as much as possible to indulge him. They tiptoe around him and show only part of their feelings for their beloved child. Yevgeny Bazarov, the protagonist of the novel Fathers and Sons, is revealed to us on the other hand in his native home.

The role of Bazarov’s whole life

An unapproachable heart is not so impregnable. From the first lines of the novel, the reader observes how Eugene is dismissive of the older generation. Stingy, pompous, narcissistic, he refuses any thoughts of others. His arrogance and cold repel. He is inhuman and indifferent to old age.

But as soon as he ended up in his parents' house, most of his contempt vanishes. The main theme of the novel “Fathers and Sons”, the difference of generations, is clearly expressed precisely in the relationship between Eugene and his parents. Changing the environment changes the way Bazarov thinks. It becomes softer, more tolerant, more tender. Despite the fact that he rarely visits his homeland, he ardently loves his relatives, although he carefully conceals this behind a mask of distraction. His main problem is that he never learned to express feelings, especially when it comes to bright, positive emotions. It is with such a wall of inability and misunderstanding that parents faced.

Conflict of Views

In his work, Turgenev revealed a simple and painful truth - the difference between generations. Bazarov’s old-fashioned parents only worsen, albeit not specifically, their relationship with their son. All the images of the novel “Fathers and Sons” are very strong personalities, and for them to break their own views in favor of strangers is an unacceptable thing.

The young man does not share his philosophy with his parents, representatives of another generation. They are pious, and he is an atheist, they are people of the first half of the century, he is the second. And parents, knowing about the isolation of their son, are not trying to get into his world new principles. So, the first and second rejoice at that small fraction of closeness that exists.

Perhaps if Yevgeny’s life was longer, he would become a father, then over the years he would understand what was not revealed to him - a young dreamer. And then the conflict of generations in the novel "Fathers and Sons" could find a logical solution. But the author decided to correct the situation in the fate of his readers through a grief of characters.

A world that has not reached the views of Bazarov

The events in the novel take place from May 1859 until the winter of 1860. These are significant years for the history of Russia. It was then that new ideals arose. And the first to start distributing them was Yevgeny Bazarov. But the world was not ready for his convictions, so the only thing left to the lonely hero was to abandon his attempts to change the country. But fate chose a different path for him.

Death put an end to suffering on a land where no one understood him. Along with the death of Bazarov, all the conflicts that the author created in the work were also resolved. The story of Fathers and Sons is a story of a rootless man. He was forgotten by friends, supporters and beloved. And only the elderly parents continued to mourn their only joy.

The problem of “fathers and children” arises in all spheres of human life: in the family, in the work collective, in society. This issue can be resolved if the older generation is more tolerant of the younger, somewhere, possibly agreeing with him, and the "children" will show greater respect.


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