Installation is what? Meaning and use of the word installation

There are words that have not one but several meanings. For example, the word installation is what? What exactly does it mean? Sometimes we hear that somewhere there was an exhibition at which installations of such an artist were presented, and then, when installing the software on a computer, we see an inscription on the screen "Installation of the program". We call home the master to replace the plumbing and again hear from him the mysterious word installation; we are looking for work on the Internet and unexpectedly stumble upon such a field of activity as installation and service ... Well, my head goes round from this universal word! Meanwhile, everything is simple and clear, if you know its meaning.

Meaning of the word installation

Installation is a word borrowed from English. We open the English-Russian dictionary, we find installation there and read what exactly this term means. Translated into Russian, it sounds like a setup. Well, now it has become much clearer why the installation is applicable to replacing the toilet or installing computer programs. The truth is that with art exhibitions, again, some inconvenience turns out ... But this is only at first glance. We will talk about art in more detail, but for now, in order to fix the meaning of the word installation in memory, let us summarize a little: the word installation means "installation" and can be used to denote certain actions in various fields of human activity (construction, programming, plumbing, etc.).

Art installations

Now let's see what installation has to do with art. In art, installation is a spatial composition, an original art object created from a wide variety of, sometimes very unexpected, details, everyday objects and elements. This is a whole philosophy! Creating their installations, artists force them to look at ordinary things in a completely different way; they discover their new symbolic functions.

Installation is

It is believed that the founders of this art form are surrealists. Admirers of the work of one of the founders of surrealism, Salvador Dali, know what magnificent and unexpected installations this master was able to create. His work to this day is for many contemporary artists who are passionate about the genre of installation, an inexhaustible source of inspiration.

How and from what objects are art installations created?

Artists-installers can use absolutely any objects and materials for their creative work. Installation is, first of all, creativity and imagination. Associations and the work of the subconscious reign here. For example, recently at the famous Christie's auction for $ 4.3 million, the work of an artist from England, Tracy Emin, was sold. About how this installation looks, the photo will tell you the best.

Photo Installation

We see that this work of art is an unclean messy bed, around which various rubbish and household items are scattered. And one of the modern installations of the sculptor Florentin Hoffman in the form of a giant hare lies on the grass of the Hare Island in St. Petersburg. But not all art objects of this genre have such a frankly shocking and scandalous character. Many modern installations look very harmonious and meet the highest aesthetic standards.

Light installations

Recently, light installations have gained particular popularity around the world. Such unusual art objects are found in many capitals and large cities of the planet.

Meaning of the word installation

Luminous objects of various shapes and colors give the city streets and squares a fantastic festive look. Apparently this type of art has a great future.


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