Alexey Cherkasov - biography and creativity

Today we will tell you who Alexey Cherkasov is. Books by this author, as well as a biography, will be discussed below. This is a Soviet prose writer. He created the trilogy "Tales of the Taiga People", which included the novels "Red Horse", "Black Poplar", "Hops."


Alexey Cherkasov
Alexey Cherkasov was born in 1915, in the village of the Yenisei province, in a peasant family. Adolescence, as well as youth, was forced to spend in the walls of orphanages Kuragino and Minusinsk. Alexey Cherkasov began writing from an early age. At first he composed poems, and later (in 1934) the play “For Life” was born to him. She was staged at the Minusinsk Drama Theater.

As part of the representatives of the Kuraginsky commune, A. Cherkasov was sent to undergo training at the Krasnoyarsk Agro-Pedagogical Institute. Having not graduated from the university, after 2 years of study, he went to the Balakhta district to collectivize according to the Komsomol appeal. He worked as an agronomist on the collective farms of Northern Kazakhstan and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Alexey Cherkasov: “Hops” and other works of the “Tales of the Taiga People” trilogy

Alexey Cherkasov hops
In 1941, the writer received a letter sent from the village of Podsiney, which is located near Minusinsk. The letter, according to the recipient, had the letter "yat" in the lines, was stated in petrified, direct handwriting and resembled a message from the world of the dead. The text ended with the signature "Euphemia." The author reported that she is the daughter of Avvakum and lives with Alevtina Krushinina in the village of Podsiney. Alexei Cherkasov at the same time decided to visit the messenger and found the Log Cabin, which was half grown into the ground. Our hero found Efimia. Her story formed the basis of the works of interest to us. The sender of the letter was 136 years old. She had a Soviet passport, which was issued to her in 1934. The document indicated the year of birth - 1805. The Old Believer told the writer that in 1812, during the First World War, as a child, she saw Napoleon with her own eyes. In the revolution, in 1917, she was 112 years old. And she survived to World War II.

The great-great-grandfather of our hero, who was the legendary Decembrist, exiled to Siberia, became the prototype of the convict Loparev - beloved of Euphemia. The story is also based on the stories of the writer’s grandfather - Zinovy ​​Andreevich Cherkasov.

The narrative describes the time after the Decembrist rebellion. In 1830, Euphemia turned 25 years old. By the time the heroine appeared in the main scene of the novel - White Elani - she was already 55 years old. The entire trilogy is created from sections that are divided into chapters. The plot is valid for 1830-1955. The narration of the work "Hops" ends after the October Revolution of 1917. A novel called "Red Horse" covers the events in Yenisei Siberia during the civil war. The work "Black Poplar" covers a significant period of history from the defeat of Kolchakism to the Great Patriotic War, as well as the first peaceful years. Actions take place on the territory of the Yenisei province, in Minusinsk and Krasnoyarsk. In 1950, when creating the novel "Hops", the author actively used materials from the Martyanov Museum. In 1963, the first edition of this work was published in Krasnoyarsk. During the writer's life, five editions were published with a total circulation of over 3 million copies.


In the years 1933-1934, Alexei Cherkasov wrote another novel, "Ice Cover". He also owns the following works: “The World As It Is”, “On the Siberian Side”, “The Day Begins in the East”, “Lika”, “Swallow”.


alexey cherkasov books
Alexey Cherkasov did not live long in the capital of Crimea, in a five-story building, located on 14. Samokish Street, only from 1969 to 1973 (until April 13 - the day of death). However, the ashes of this person rest in the city cemetery of Simferopol.


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