MDK in "Contact" and other areas

Given the fact that on the Internet almost all communication, all information transfer takes place in writing, abbreviations are becoming increasingly relevant. They allow you to tell people specific information in a shorter form, thereby saving them time or freeing up some more room for additional data.

For example, very often you can meet the abbreviation MDK in "Contact", one of the most popular social networks of our time. Moreover, this abbreviation is not only found there - you can see it on the Internet under various circumstances, which makes you think about what it means.

Social network

mdk in contact

In social networks, there are now hundreds and even thousands of diverse communities and public groups that are created by people to unite users with common interests. You can also meet the abbreviation MDK in "Contact" - that’s the name of the whole community, which hosts various images, jokes and so on, which can rarely be called correct. This is not surprising if you know what is hidden behind the abbreviation of the name.

The fact is that initially this public was not called the most decent word, but then it was reduced to three letters - either because of censorship, or for compactness. In any case, now every Russian-speaking student is familiar with this public and is subscribed to it. Now you know what MDK means in "Contact", but this is not the only place where you can meet a similar abbreviation.

Computer game

vk mdk

Many people think that the abbreviation MDK in "Contact" is unique, that it can not be found anywhere else. However, this is a big mistake, because under such an abbreviation there is even a computer game, which was published much earlier than the social network VKontakte even appeared, to say nothing of the public mentioned above.

Initially, this game, made in the genre of a third-person shooter, was planned under the name Max, Dr. Fluke Hawkins & Kurt, but then the developers decided to abbreviate the name, and it turned into MDK - according to the names of the protagonists of the project. Then came the second part, which also retained this name, but only received a deuce. As you can see, in VK MDK is a very popular community, but only the scope of this abbreviation is not limited to it.

Other values

mdk game

Now you know that MDK is a game, as well as a community on a social network. However, one should not think that everything is limited only to these two points. For example, there are several music groups that called their songs that way. There is a film in which this term appeared, which meant murder. There is even such a crane for construction work, let alone a kit for a mobile application developer.

In general, as you can easily see, this term has many uses and meanings that are hidden behind a simple abbreviation. So next time you can use it not only as the name of a public on a social network - now you know much more about MDK.


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