How the famous surname Frolov was created. Origin

The surname Frolov, which will be discussed in this article, is certainly not rare. Let's take a short digression into history to understand what word it came from.

The origins

The surname Frolov, the origin of which this article considers, as probably most of us may seem, leads us directly to the name Frol, however, this is not entirely true.

The history of this family name has Latin roots. The name Frol, it turns out, came from the word "floris", that is, "flower", which is slightly distorted in Russian usage. Surprisingly, this surname has such a gentle and poetic origin.

surname Frolov origin

Patron saint

The surname Frolov, whose origin should be attributed to the 15-18 centuries, was formed on the church name of Frol.

The patron saint of this unusual name is the great martyr Frol. According to the description of his life, he, along with his brother Laurus, converted hundreds of workers who were pagans to the Christian faith.

Memorial Day of Frol and Laurus - August 31. They are the patrons of all domestic animals, especially horses.

origin of the surname Frolov

Previously, an icon depicting these saints was in every house. They were considered the patrons of cavalrymen and simple grooms. It is not surprising that these saints are now forgotten, because now the horse is not used for everyday movement.

Surprisingly, the meaning of the name Frolov in a very unusual way intertwined with the history of religion. Even now, people whose professions are somehow connected with horse breeding are trying to acquire this rare icon.

Psychological portrait and the meaning of the name, which formed the basis

The surname Frolov, whose origin, history and significance is analyzed here, as shown by statistical data, is gaining popularity more and more every year: by the mid-90s, she headed the second ten of the most common surnames.

According to social surveys, representatives of this genus, and a surname is nothing but a genus, are distinguished by a cheerful disposition, love of life, and activity. They are generous, selfless, easily perceive change.

surname Frolov origin story

The surname Frolov, whose origin we are now studying, dictates to us the need to analyze the name itself, which originates from the word "flower". This is unusual for the reason that it is masculine, and female names are usually associated with flowers. However, in some countries, the female name Flora, Florinda, is popular.

It is believed that the man Frol is able to create unusual pictures in his imagination. He has a high emotionality, is sensitive to unjust acts and remains so until old age. A man named Frol is often touchy.

By nature, he is not endowed with prudence, the ability to strategic planning, prone to spontaneous actions and decisions.

In relation to close people, the bearer of this name is gentle and attentive. Frol is usually a good family man.

The representatives of the male with this name have strong energy, which is becoming even more powerful, for the reason that now rarely anyone calls so sons. It is worth noting that Frol is often overwhelmed with painful pride, is not always able to cope with his emotions, shows a temper.

The unusual thing is that hardness and strength in this name are combined with high sensitivity. This is due to the fact that the origin of the surname Frolov, Frolov and the name that formed their basis is associated with the word "flower", and the patron saint of this kind also protects people associated with horse breeding.

Frolov last name

Famous representatives of the clan

The origin of the names of Frolov and Frolov has very poetic roots, however, the history knows not so many famous characters.

The ancient family of Frolovs, military commanders who served under Catherine the Great, is known.

Perhaps the most eminent is the writer Peter Alexandrovich Frolov, who lived in the 19th century.

About fifteen years he served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Duma of St. Petersburg. Since the mid-19th century, he began to take an active part in the preparation of the issues of such magazines as Domestic Notes, Sovremennik, Golos and some others. In the mid-60s, Pyotr Aleksandrovich was in charge of editing such a journal as Izvestia Sankt-Peterburgskogo Duma.

The most popular plays written by this author are β€œTo be or not to be” and β€œGirlfriend of life”. These works give us the opportunity to present the mores of that time, touch upon issues of family relations. Also known is his comedy Little Caresses.

So, the name Frolov, whose origin takes us back to the 15-18th century, has a very interesting history, worthy of our attention.


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