What decorative fence to choose for a summer residence?

What a capacious name - a decorative fence! The first thing that comes to mind is the forged sections of the grids of the Mikhailovsky Garden. This is such a magnificent work of art that everything else fades. Even the Summer Garden is inferior to the laurels of primacy. But what to do for those who have never been to St. Petersburg and have not seen these beauties? Create your projects, draw your fences and enjoy the result.

decorative fence
Any material is suitable, if only imagination is enough. A decorative fence does not imply material, but the result that came out of it. But this is all the lyrics, we turn to more practical things. Probably, many owners of a country house have a question about how to make a decorative fence so that it is not very expensive, protect the territory and at the same time remain beautiful? How to install it and what material to use?

Based on the variety of options, you can offer a conditional breakdown into species and subspecies. First of all, it is possible to divide all fences according to their filling or functional purpose.

  • Solid, or they are also called deaf, fences are built of wood, metal, brick, concrete. Their task is to close the territory from prying eyes. But the decorative fence can be made of complex concrete sections, which have decorative elements in the form of inserts.
    decorative concrete fence Price
  • Non-continuous fences have different gaps; they are intended to protect the territory from animals rather than from people. Any material can be applied here. First of all, these are forged sections, welded products, shaped wooden fences . They rather decorate the site.
  • To a separate type include a wicker fence made of boards. It is an intermediate link between the first two options. Weaving can be so frequent that nothing can be seen through it, especially if it is double. But at the same time, this is not a continuous fence.

Sometimes the fence is made of different materials. For example, the lower part is made of concrete, brick or thick logs, and a beautiful lattice made of metal is attached on top. The general appearance immediately changes and is perceived more easily. If we consider from the point of view of openwork, then this can also include a concrete decorative fence . The price of such a section depends on the pattern and size. Most often, below is an imitation of stone, and at the top there is some beautiful element for decorating a section.

how to make a decorative fence
When installing the fence, it is necessary to provide poles that bear the entire load. You can use the same material from which it is planned to carry out the fence itself, but it is quite realistic to combine different fundamentals. For example, if you decide to put a decorative fence of concrete sections, then you can also make posts from the same material. Or if you have a beautiful forged fence, you can mount it between pillars made of brick or metal.

Forged sections can be mounted on top of a low concrete curb, combining power and lightness. If there is a gazebo on the site, then it is possible to carry out its fencing in the same style with a pattern that has a decorative fence. You should think about the originality for the gate and gate. Usually they are performed in the same style.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3501/

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