Krasnoe Selo (Leningrad Region) - one of the most beautiful suburbs of St. Petersburg

In the old days in Russian the word "red" was used in a slightly different sense - beautiful, beautiful, handsome. Therefore, on the Russian land there are many villages that are called "Red", "Red" or "Red". One of them is the city of Krasnoe Selo (Leningrad Region), which is part of the eponymous district of St. Petersburg.

red village Leningrad region [


This city was founded under Peter the Great, back in 1714. It was then that in this place the construction of the first paper mill in Russia began. For construction and industrial needs from the village of Krasnoe near Moscow, serfs were transported here. They were settled not far from the place of the future mill. Time passed, the village grew, and they began to call it the same as the native village of workers.

red village Leningrad region how to get

The red village was located in a picturesque area, among forests and lakes. Tsar Peter gave it to his wife, Catherine the First, and she ordered a wooden palace and a church to be built here (unfortunately, they have not survived to this day). In 1735, with the funds allocated by Anna Ioannovna, a new stone Trinity Church of St. Catherine the Great Martyr was built. Today it is one of the oldest churches in the entire Leningrad region. During the reign of Catherine the Second, the Red Village began to develop in a different direction, in the military. Here were guards of the St. Petersburg garrison. Until 1811, this village was officially called the "Palace Red Village". The Leningrad region until 1914 was called the St. Petersburg province. After that, she was renamed twice more. But the name of the city has remained unchanged to this day.

Krasnoe Selo - the military capital of Russia

As already noted above, even under Catherine II, military maneuvers were carried out in this area. During the reign of Alexander the First, the Red Village and its environs completely turned into the summer military capital of the empire. His younger brother, Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, who idolized military affairs, rebuilt a modest wooden palace for himself next to the barracks and spent almost all his time with the troops. All the warm months of the year, exercises and parades were held here, at which the emperor himself was present.

Soviet time

After the October Revolution, forces of the White Guard Army concentrated in Krasnoye Selo. From here they prepared for the assault on Petrograd. In 1925, the village of Krasnoe Selo received the status of a city, and from that moment it began to develop along a new path. However, during the years of World War II, the Nazis, sweeping everything around, broke into the Red Village. The Leningrad region was occupied by German invaders, and Leningrad itself was in blockade. After the war, the villagers began to put their dilapidated city in order. New multi-storey houses, schools and kindergartens, hospitals and other institutions were built.

Krasnoye Selo Leningrad Region Hotels

New time

As noted above, the founding date of the city of Krasnoe Selo (Leningrad Region) is 1714, therefore, this year in mid-September (by decision of the authorities of the city of St. Petersburg), it will solemnly celebrate its centenary. By its status, the city is considered a municipality, the enclave of which includes the villages of Khvoinoye and Mozhaysky. It also includes 2 historical regions - Horse racing (between the Gatchina railway line and the Gorelovsky overpass) and Mozhaisk-Duderhof (between Krasnoye Selo and the lakes of Duderhof). These places are not of particular interest to tourists, unless the famous Trinity Church, located in the center of the city of Krasnoye Selo (Leningrad Region). How to get here, in principle, everyone knows in St. Petersburg. It is located only 11 kilometers from the northern capital, on the hills of the Izhora Upland. Here, at the foot of the hill, Bezymiannoye Lake is located - a favorite vacation spot of Petersburgers. By the way, in 2011 it was recognized by ecologists as the cleanest in the entire region. The railway line Gatchina-Baltiysk - St. Petersburg passes through this place. The Krasnoe Selo station is located on the eastern outskirts of the city. You can also come here by road along the Tallinn Highway, spending only 15-20 minutes on the way.

red village Leningrad region attractions

Krasnoye Selo, Leningrad Region: Attractions and Natural Monuments

The town in terms of architecture is not of great interest. Little has been preserved here since the time when it was considered the summer military capital of the empire. The most beautiful building in the city, of course, is the Church of the Holy Trinity, which was built during the reign of Anna Ioannovna and is a wonderful example of Baroque architecture. However, from these times it had to be restored several times, as a result of which the appearance of the temple was partially changed. The city also has the church of Alexander Nevsky. From the palace buildings today, only the two-story building of the kitchen of one of the royal palaces has been preserved, as well as the unremarkable wooden building of the palace of Grand Duke Mikhail (the youngest son of Paul the First). In Soviet times, a memorial to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War was erected in the city. Among the sights of the city you can also highlight the Museum "Bridges", dedicated to the history of the development of railway transport in Russia.

Where to stay in Krasnoe Selo (Leningrad Oblast): Hotels, motels and hostels

St. Petersburg is the most beautiful city in Russia. Every year, millions of tourists come here to see its many attractions. They are located either in the city itself or in its suburbs. In Krasnoye Selo there are practically no large hotels, only small family hotels. This is probably why the town is not very popular in terms of tourism. Among the guest houses of this suburb of St. Petersburg can be noted mini-hotel RedVill. Here you can find a very decent service and delicious cuisine.


Leningrad region is rich in sights. Here at every step you can meet unique monuments of architecture and history. These places are also famous for their beautiful natural landscapes. For example, the view from the Izhora Upland, on which the city of Krasnoye Selo is located, is so beautiful that it can strike the imagination of even the most sophisticated esthete, and Lake Bezymyannoye, located in a hollow under a hill, is considered the cleanest and best vacation spot for residents of nearby areas.


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