The origin of the name Efremov and its holy carriers

The person receives the surname from birth. In ancient times, she directly pointed to the genus from which the newborn resembles, what his distant and close ancestors did, what character traits differed from neighbors. In this material we will consider what the name of Efremov means, origin, nationality, to which she points. We will find out who in the history of the planet glorified it and how.

Ivan Efremov

Where do the legs grow from?

The first question we will try to find the answer to, what the name Efremov says, where it came from. The ending of the “s” present in it clearly indicates that it refers to Russian surnames. Education followed the same rules as other proper names, for example, Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov and the like. It is clearly seen that the basis is the male name, in this case, Ephraim, and the person who became the first in the history of Ephraim did not have a surname at all.

To distinguish him among the namesake fellow villagers, they began to say whose son he was, that is, in fact the origin of the name Efremov is connected with the name, but does not indicate the owner, but his father. Then things went easier, all the descendants of the first Efremov received the surname as an inheritance, while the names of the fathers could be any.

You can dig even deeper and try to find out what the name Ephraim means, and here an interesting story opens. It turns out that this name is not Russian at all, its roots should be sought in the Hebrew language, where from time immemorial the name Ephraim (Ephraim) has existed. For the ancient Israeli people, it also had its own significance, it can be translated into Russian as "prolific."

Thus, the surname comes from the Russian masculine name, and it is associated with the Jewish masculine name. On the territory of modern Russia, it is rarely found now, but in the holies there are many saints, carriers of the name Ephraim, and Russian history can name many famous personalities.

Saints ephraim

Saint Ephraim

The history of Christianity does not consider the origin of the name of Ephraim, but emphasizes that many true believers who bore the name Ephraim performed many deeds in the name of faith in Christ. The names of some of them entered the holy calendar and are revered by living Christians. The most famous are Saint Ephraim, Rev. Ephraim of Syria, Patriarch of Antioch and Archbishop of Rostov.

The most famous was the Christian poet, the theologian Ephraim the Syrian, whose memory is revered both by Catholics (June 9) and Orthodox (February 10). He humbly called himself “unlearned,” but in fact, his knowledge from various fields surprised modern scientists. He became famous for his sermons, compositions of prayers, and interpretations of holy scripture.

They glorified the surname

The origin of the name Efremov is disclosed above, and it can be seen that the descendants of the first Efremov were “prolific” not only in relation to children, but also in other areas. The history of the Soviet Union forever inscribed the name of Efremov Vasily Sergeyevich, who received two stars of the Hero of the Soviet Union for the exploits committed during the Second World War. He took part in the battles for Oryol and Voronezh, distinguished himself in the battles near Stalingrad, completed 340 sorties, and continued flying practice at the end of the war.

Another Efremov became a full gentleman of the Order of Glory, being a simple sergeant, who served in intelligence during the Great Patriotic War. He died in February 1945 in the Kaliningrad region, not quite living to win.

Soviet science fiction writer, paleontologist and philosopher Ivan Efremov (1908 - 1972), whose books have been read for three generations. Wrote works: "Razor Blade", "Thais of Athens", "Bull Hour" and others.

Among the representatives of the surname Efremov there are military and athletes, scientists in various fields of knowledge, writers, artists and musicians. The greatest fame in the twentieth century was given to the father and son of Ephraim, representatives of the world of theater and cinema, but about them a little lower.

The acting dynasty of Ephraim

Oleg Efremov

Probably, the origin of the name of Oleg Efremov’s surname was not so worried as the opportunity to glorify and perpetuate it. During his lifetime, the famous Soviet actor and director received all kinds of titles and titles; over the course of a long career, he became the owner of the USSR State Prizes and the State Prizes of the Russian Federation.

In 1976, he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR, and in 1987 he became a Hero of Socialist Labor. But the most important thing is not awards, orders, medals and titles, but the popular love that came to Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov during his lifetime. For 14 years he directed the Sovremennik Theater, as the director staged many brilliant performances, played cult roles in the films Three Poplars on Plyushchikha, Once Again About Love, Burn, Burn, My Star and dozens of other paintings.

Efremov Mikhail Olegovich followed in the footsteps of his father, he is also an actor in theater and cinema, director and television presenter. Today has the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1995).


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