What is an epidemic and an epizootic? Epiphytotia is a dangerous enemy!

Almost every year, humanity is faced with a new wave of incidence. Most often these are seasonal infectious outbreaks. But in addition to the ailments that a person suffers, similar problems are found in the animal and plant world. In this regard, sometimes you hear the arguments about the epidemic, epizootics, epiphytotics. But what do these concepts mean, and what damage can they cause?

Mass diseases

epidemics of epizootics of epiphytotics

The word "epidemic" may mean several meanings related to human infection. But in medical circles, it means the appearance of an infectious disease, which spread widely throughout the territory and at the same time, the incidence rate significantly exceeds normal indicators. It is worth noting that the epidemic can be of a different nature depending on the pathogen, which are always living microorganisms related to pathogenic or, as they are called, pathogenic species. When infected with such a pathogen, a reaction with the body occurs, as a result, we call this condition an infection. There are four types of microbes that cause this painful process. These include:

  1. Viruses (cause yellow fever, smallpox, etc.).
  2. Rickettsia (fever, typhus , etc.).
  3. Bacteria (tetanus, cholera, plague, etc.).
  4. Fungus.

Determination of epizootics and epiphytotics

epiphytotia is
In addition to mass human diseases, there are other types of infections, from which not only people suffer. So, many cases of the spread of parasitic diseases in the animal world have been recorded. This affects birds, wild animals, pets and livestock. Infection occurs mainly in a certain area, while the number of affected livestock exceeds normal rates. This phenomenon is called epizootic. Also, some people know such a word as epiphytotia. This concept implies the massive emergence of an infectious infection of plants. Each disease has its own characteristics, which are reflected in different ways on the stands. Such damage is caused by bacterioses, mycoses, viroses, flowering parasites, mycoplasmas and nematodes (microscopic worms).

The consequences of plant infection

epizootics and epiphytotics
In a certain territory, epiphytotia is detected by external manifestations. This can be wilting, decay, raids, stains unusual for the plant and other signs. As a result, growth is slowed down or stunted, the crop is scarce or completely absent, and the plant may die. The most significant damage is caused by fungi (mycoses), since this type of infection is most common. It is worth noting that epiphytotia is a "treacherous enemy" that can erupt repeatedly with renewed vigor. This happens because the soil can accumulate infection in the foci of infection, and it can also remain in fallen leaves, in stumps or felling residues. Parasitic fungi again β€œattack” a weakened plant or one that has damage of mechanical origin.

Risk factors

Of course, you can not predict where and at what point the infection of plants will occur. But it is known that if certain conditions coincide, epiphytotia can occur. This phenomenon can be prevented to some extent. So, for infection there must be a sufficient amount of an infectious pathogen, for example, it can be a spore. Moreover, they should have significant aggressiveness. The second condition is that on one square there are many weakened or susceptible to this disease plants. The role is also played by environmental factors, it can be moisture and temperature. Such an environment contributes to the accelerated spread of the pathogen and the weakening of the plant itself. If it is possible to take into account all these factors, then epiphytotia to some extent can be a predictable phenomenon. In order for this infection to subside, it is necessary to improve the health of plants, and resistant species are chosen for planting. In addition, epiphytotia begins to fade with a decrease in the pathogen's supply and a decrease in its aggressiveness, as well as with a change in the weather in a more favorable direction. The duration of epiphytotia always varies. Some diseases can fade at the end of the season, while others can not leave alone for many years.

Types of Epiphytoties

that means epiphytotia

Such infectious infections can have varieties that differ in the extent of distribution and their characteristics.

Local epiphytotia usually occupies one territory over several years. Such diseases are stored for a long period in the soil, on weed grass, fallen residues, etc. The onset of such infection occurs slowly and gradually spreads. But if there is a lot of accumulated infection, and the plants are susceptible, the disease flares up much faster.

Progressive epiphytotics begin with one focus and in one summer affect a vast territory. They can be transmitted not only through the air, but be carried by insects.

Ubiquitous epiphytotia mainly covers the whole country, and even the continent. This phenomenon is very rare.

In addition to these three types, there are slowly and rapidly developing epiphytoties.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35017/

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