Lactarius scrobiculatus, or mushroom yellow lump

"Gruzdev called himself get in the body". So the famous saying goes. But did you know that in the forests there are several different species of mushrooms, united under this common name? And besides the usual ones that are familiar to the Russian heart in the salty and pickled form, there are also parchment, bluish, black, aspen, pepper and yellow marmots. We will talk about the latter in more detail in this article.

yellow breast
The yellow breast belongs to the family of Syroezhkovs, the genus Mlechnik. In Latin, its name sounds rather complicated - Lactarius scrobiculatus. Well, and the people are known for its completely different names: scratching, yellow waves or yellow podgruzdy. It is under them that this mushroom is known in various regions of our country . And the yellow lump is widespread in the northern part of Russian forests, in Siberia, in the taiga. You can meet him most often in spruce, pine, fir woods, and he chooses mainly the places of accumulation of young trees. Sometimes, however, these mushrooms come across in birch groves and mixed forests, where they grow on clay soil. The usual collection time for them is from August to October, when the temperature does not fall below 8-10 degrees. Also, these mushrooms are loved for short, but frequent rains. But after heavy rains they can appear only for a short time, and then disappear.

What does this representative of the mushroom kingdom look like? In general, he is very similar to the usual representative of the breasts: his hat has a diameter of about 7-10 centimeters, is concave in the center, with a mucous, sticky, felt-like surface. But here it is strikingly different in color from other species - the yellow lump got its name precisely because of the hat. This bright golden yellow shade cannot be confused with anything. And it is he who is the main difference between the mushroom and other mushrooms.

mushroom yellow lump

The flesh of the mushroom is white in color, but tends to turn yellow when touched. The milky juice of the yellow breasts can also change its color. The taste of this type of mushroom is very bitter. The leg of yellow breasts in height can be up to 8 centimeters. Usually it is flat, white.

It should be remembered that this is a conditionally edible mushroom. A yellow breast in raw or just fried form is not very tasty because of the bitter milky juice. Therefore, before use, it is usually soaked for a long time in cold water, releasing bitterness. After that, there is nothing tastier for the Russian soul than salty breasts. But in other countries of the world, the yellow lump and its associates are inedible mushrooms.

lump yellow

This type of mushroom is very useful when used properly. It contains many vitamins B, PP and C, and its calorie content is quite low - only about eighteen kilocalories per hundred grams. Due to the high protein content, breasts can perfectly replace meat in the menu of vegetarians. By the way, the inhabitants of Siberia, even several centuries ago, did not at all recognize other mushrooms, except for this species, as fit for food. In order not to be disappointed in the taste properties of the yellow breast, it is recommended to soak it for at least three to four hours before cooking, changing the water every 20 minutes.


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