Washer Bosch WLG 20060 OE: reviews and features

Choosing a washing machine for your home is always quite difficult. Here you should pay attention not only to the technical characteristics, but also to the convenience of the unit, its versatility, good washing quality, design and economy. The best option, in terms of value for money, is the Bosch WLG 20060 OE. Reviews of women note its compactness, ease of use and the presence of all the necessary modes.

Using the appliance

The Bosch WLG 20060 OE washing machine (reviews claim that the product has a good roomy drum that can load up to 5 kg of laundry) is one of the highest quality modern household appliances, which distinguishes all Bosch brand products. This unit is designed exclusively for domestic use. Suitable for all textile items that can be machine washed, as well as for woolen and other delicate care items.

When using detergents, the dosage recommended by the manufacturer must be observed. Detergents should be selected taking into account the type of fabric, its color.

Operation of the washing machine by children of more than eight years of age, as well as people with limited mental and physical abilities, should be carried out only under the supervision of those responsible for their safety. This also applies to people with a lack of knowledge and experience in using similar equipment.

Use the washing machine in accordance with the instructions prescribed in the technical documents and instructions for use.

Safety information

When using the Bosch WLG 20060 OE washing machine (reviews indicate a good quality of washing clothes, which remains even with a quick program), you must adhere to certain safety rules.

First of all, during the washing of products, you must not touch the elements through which electric current passes. When turning off the power, pull the plug, not the cable. Insert the plug into the outlet and remove it from there only with dry hands.

Safety rules prohibit leaving children unattended near a working machine. Children must not play with the packaging details and the elements of this unit, or climb into the washing drum. Do not touch the tank hatch during the working process, as it can become very hot during washing.

All products intended for washing clothes contain chemicals that can cause poisoning of the body or irritation of the skin surface. Therefore, when handling them, maximum caution should be exercised. Store detergents out of the reach of children.

bosch wlg 20060 oe dignity reviews

If textile products are treated with solvents, such as stain removing products, gasoline, kerosene, then they must be manually rinsed before washing in the machine, as they can provoke an explosion in the washing machine.

Caution should be exercised when washing at high temperatures, since it is possible to scald with a soapy solution when pumping it out.

Do not stand on the top surface of the washing machine, sit down, as the protective cover may be damaged. Do not lean on the door of an open hatch - it can be broken. Do not touch the rotary drum of the washing machine with your hands to prevent personal injury. All actions with household appliances should be performed at its full stop.

Bosch WLG 20060 OE: specifications

bosch wlg 20060 oe reviews

Both the reviews and the technical characteristics of the washing machine distinguish this unit from other models. This household appliance is produced in Russia. It has an energy consumption class A, which indicates economical consumption of electricity, an A-class washing, which speaks of high-quality cleaning of things, and a C-class spinning, which means a short drying cycle of clothes, during which it leaves the drum almost dry. The maximum spin speed is 1000 rpm. For one wash, the washing machine consumes about 45 liters of water. At the end of the working process, the unit emits a certain signal, and the hatch cover clicks, indicating that it can be opened.

The type of loading for this equipment is frontal. This is a standard classic option, suitable for any living space. The parameters of the washing machine are very compact: 60 x 85 x 44.5 cm. Another washing machine has a modern, stylish design. Her body is made of white plastic, and the manhole cover is gray. Such a color scheme is not accidental, because it is suitable for any interior.

The type of device control is electronic. There is no display, but the control interface is simple and understandable to almost everyone. Its main buttons are: “Start”, “No spin” and “Water plus”. It also contains an indicator of the status of the duty cycle and a round program switch, which can be twisted in both directions.

You can load up to 5 kg of laundry into the machine (weight depends on the program and type of fabric). The technique has 15 programs, among which five are set according to the temperature regime, and the rest depending on the type of linen. Among the additional options stand out quick wash, spin off, pre-wash, wash in plenty of water, additional rinse.

The unit ditch has three compartments. Powder for soaking is poured into the first cell, the fabric softener is poured to the specified level in the second cell , and the detergent for the main wash is put in the third.

Bosch WLG 20060 OE (reviews indicate low noise during washing and ease of operation) is completely safe. There is protection from children: during the working process, the hatch door locks securely and cannot be opened until the work process is completed. In addition, the technique has multi-stage protection against leaks, regulates foaming, and controls balance. There is an indication of the workflow. Weighs about 65 kg Bosch WLG 20060 OE. The detailed description and reviews can be found on many resources of the corresponding subject selling this product.

First wash

After the Bosch WLG 20060 OE washing machine (reviews indicate a good spin of the laundry, after which it comes out almost dry) was purchased, it is necessary to carry out the first wash without adding things. This is done in order to remove any residual liquid left from the unit check at the factory.

For this, the equipment is plugged in and the “Cotton 90 ° C” program is selected. One liter of water is poured into the detergent drawer (in the middle compartment), up to half of the cell is added to the detergent. Next, close the compartment for washing powder and click on "Start". At the end of the program, the Bosch WLG 20060 OE washing machine (some people say that about 3 kg of laundry gets into the drum, instead of 5 kg specified by the manufacturer) will be ready for the main wash.

Operating procedure

washing machine bosch wlg 20060 oe reviews

The workflow of the washing machine includes several stages:

  1. Plug the washing machine into a power outlet.
  2. Sort laundry by type of fabric, degree of soiling and color.
  3. Open the water tap to which the machine is connected.
  4. Open the hatch and check the residual water from the previous wash. If liquid is present, then it must be drained.
  5. Select a program.
  6. Load laundry. It will be better if things of small and large sizes are washed together, so the laundry is evenly distributed over the drum.
  7. Open the cuvette and add detergents in the appropriate dosage. Too thick conditioners and balms should be diluted with water.
  8. Close the hatch. If necessary, you can select additional options.
  9. Click on "Start".
  10. Wait until the wash is finished and get the laundry.
  11. The program selector should be set to the off position.
  12. Close the water tap and unplug the machine.

Compliance with the operating procedures and safety of the washing machine will extend its service life and avoid damage.

Bosch WLG 20060 OE Programs: Overview

bosch wlg 20060 oe customer reviews

Both people's reviews and the comments of sales consultants attribute this model to the best in terms of price - quality. It has all the necessary programs that allow you to qualitatively wipe different types of laundry. It:

  • "Cotton". There are three temperature modes to choose from: 40 ° , 60 ° and 90 ° , there are modes with pre-soaking and intensive washing. The maximum load of linen is 5 kg. Drying is carried out at 1000 rpm.
  • "Thin underwear." It is erased at 30 ° C. The maximum load is 2 kg. Drying - 600 rpm.
  • "Wool". Loading up to 2 kg. Spin at 600 rpm The working process takes place at 20 ° C.
  • "Synthetic fabrics." Washing is carried out in two temperature modes: 30 ° C and 40 ° C. Allowed to load up to 2.5 kg of laundry, spin 1000 rpm.
  • "Jeans". Water temperature - 30 ° , load of things up to 2 kg, drying 800 rpm.
  • "Mixed underwear." Put together things from cotton and synthetics. Washing takes place at 40 ° C. The maximum load of linen up to 2 kg, spinning things at 1000 rpm.
  • "Kids' things". Allowed to wash items made of cotton and linen fabric that can withstand the boiling process. Washing takes place at a temperature of 45 ° C. The permissible load of linen in this mode is up to 5 kg. Spin - 1000 rpm.
  • "Super fast wash." Duration 30 minutes. It is intended for linen with a light degree of pollution. Water is heated to 30 ° C. Maximum load - 3 kg. Drying at 800 rpm.
  • "Drain". It is used when washing without spin.
  • "Rinse spin". It is intended for additional rinsing of things. Drying takes place at a speed of 1000 rpm.

The washing of the laundry should take place in the modes corresponding to the type of fabric by the means by which the processing of the products can be carried out. Typically, this information is on the label.

Washing machine care

bosch wlg 20060 oe review and reviews

The machine Bosch WLG 20060 OE has established itself as a reliable assistant in the home. The instructions and reviews recommend taking care of this technique, observing the recommendations for use, and taking proper care of it.

After washing, remove the remaining detergent from the unit body with a soft damp cloth. Do not use steel mesh or products containing chlorine to clean the washing machine.

If the instructions for adding the detergent have been followed, then no additional measures should be taken to remove the scale; otherwise, service personnel should clean them.

Cleaning the cuvette designed to add detergents should take place in the following sequence:

  • The item should be removed from the washing machine. To do this, they pull it all the way to themselves, and with their fingers click on the insert located below, and remove the cuvette completely from the machine.
  • Remove the insert from it by pressing the lever from top to bottom.
  • The compartments of the detergent bath are sponged and wiped dry.
  • Return the insert into place and securely fasten.
  • The cuvette is installed in the appropriate compartment of the machine and left ajar so that the remaining moisture can dry.

They note that care for the Bosch WLG 20060 OE aggregate does not require much effort, reviews. Photos of this washing machine can be viewed below.

bosch wlg 20060 oe features and reviews

Advantages and disadvantages of technology

So, let's take a closer look at what the reviews say about the operation of the Bosch WLG 20060 OE unit. Merits consumers call the following:

  • ease of use;
  • the presence of all washing modes that are necessary;
  • compactness;
  • washing quality;
  • leakage protection;
  • indication of each stage of washing;
  • Russian menu;
  • good spin (after it linen is almost dry);
  • cost.

Among the shortcomings of the washing machine, people distinguish:

  • noise during spinning and operation, if the machine is not installed at a level;
  • during “quick wash” washing powder is not always completely rinsed out;
  • There is no special unit that protects the washing machine from children, so the child can easily stop the washing process, and the program will have to be restarted:
  • lack of electronic display;
  • low capacity;
  • there is no way to interrupt the washing process and add laundry;
  • deep opening in rubber, where water and foam accumulate;
  • poor functionality.

In general, the operation process of the aggregate is not satisfactory. People are happy with the Bosch WLG 20060 OE washing machine. Features and reviews of owners are interested in potential buyers. From the foregoing, we can conclude that the unit has everything you need for a high-quality washing of linen. The equipment is characterized by a rather long service life, during which it rarely fails.

The cost of the product, where to buy

The Bosch WLG 20060 OE washing machine (expert reviews about this machine indicate its reliability, washing quality and economical consumption of resources) can be bought in almost any household appliance hypermarket. Its price, depending on the outlet, ranges from 18,000 to 23,000 rubles. This is the best model that combines reasonable price and decent quality.

Consumer Reviews

bosch wlg 20060 oe description and reviews

Basically, only the positive opinions were gathered about the Bosch WLG 20060 OE machine. Customer reviews notes the simplicity of its use and the menu, which even a schoolboy is able to understand. People say that the unit stretches well, has a fairly capacious drum, as well as all the necessary modes of washing clothes. It is compact enough and takes up little space. During the working process (including drying the laundry), the washing machine is almost inaudible. More users note the economical consumption of water and electricity.

Very few people are unhappy with the functionality of the Bosch WLG 20060 OE. Customer reviews say that the menu contains either too long programs or short ones. Some people do not like the fact that there is no way to interrupt the washing process and add things there. A certain category of people lacks an electronic display, according to which you can control the entire work process. There are users who lack rinse programs without spin.

In general, buyers consider this unit to be of high quality and reliable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3503/

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