Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 20, 1998 No. 71 "On the Federal Target Program" State Housing Certificates "

The state housing certificate is a security that is issued by authorized state bodies to citizens who have the right to purchase housing through government subsidies. The order of their release is strictly regulated. State housing certificates have a specific validity period. In this regard, the holder of the paper must in a short time find suitable housing for purchase.

housing certificate


Certificates are issued as part of the federal target program. It provides subsidies for the following categories of citizens:

  1. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They include employees of all existing units, including district ones. According to the federal target program, employees can receive a certificate six months after the start of work.
  2. Large families. Reception of documents and obtaining housing certificates is carried out in the territorial body of social protection. In addition, interested parties can contact the MFC at the place of residence.
  3. Young families. This category of citizens is included in the program of distribution of housing certificates relatively recently. Only spouses under the age of 35 can receive paper.
  4. Military personnel, relatives of contract employees who died in the line of duty.
  5. Immigrants. Housing certificates are issued to citizens arriving in the Russian Federation for permanent residence.
  6. Living in areas of the Far North and in territories equated to it.
  7. Chernobyl victims.

Housing certificates for residents of the Far North and regions equated to it differ depending on the length of service of citizens. Subsidies are also provided to disabled people of 1.2 g., To disabled people of childhood living in such areas.

Conditions for issuing housing certificates

Each citizen in any of the above categories can receive a subsidy. For this, a number of conditions must be observed:

  1. The applicant should not have a living space in the property.
  2. A citizen must live in a dormitory, rented or office space.

An application for a housing certificate for improvement of housing conditions may be refused if:

  • The subject has his own housing.
  • A citizen is waiting in line for another program.
  • A relative of the applicant is building a house or is standing in line for housing.
  • The subject wants to improve the living conditions after purchasing an apartment at his own expense.

The timing

The housing certificate for the improvement of living conditions is valid for two months from the date of issue specified in the document, and nine months from the date of its transfer to a banking organization. The applicant must find suitable housing within the specified time. If the indicated periods are skipped, the subsidy is returned to the authorized state body that issued it.

state housing certificate

A program participant has the right to send another request for a housing certificate. The decision on the provision of the document shall be taken by the appropriate authorized body to which the application has been received.

General Terms of Use

The amount indicated in the housing certificate is transferred to the bank account. To use the funds, the applicant must collect a package of documents defined by the banking organization. After that, an account maintenance agreement is concluded. Its term is equal to the period of validity of the housing certificate.

On the day the certificate is presented, the banking structure checks all the information, draws up an agreement and creates a personal account to which funds are transferred.

According to recent legislative changes, a housing certificate can be used to make an initial payment on an apartment loan. The fact is that the amount of the subsidy is far from always enough for the purchase of housing, and premises of a small area (less than the standard) cannot be bought.

Package of documents

To receive state assistance in acquiring housing, it is necessary to collect a certain list of securities. First of all, a statement is drawn up. Its form is strictly regulated. Attached to the application:

  1. Passports of the certificate holder and his close relatives.
  2. A document confirming that the applicant lives in office or rental housing or in a hostel.
  3. Extract from the house book at the registration address (if available).
  4. A copy of the document confirming the opening of a personal bank account.
  5. Sv-va about marriage, the birth of children.

Obtaining a certificate: a brief instruction

To get an apartment in your existing housing, you must:

  1. Open a current account. The funds will be transferred to it according to the certificate. Account details are provided to the territorial division of the body authorized to issue certificates. Information must be transmitted in 2 months. before the date of receipt of the security.
  2. Conclude an agreement with a real estate agency. It is more advisable to turn to professionals for help in finding a suitable apartment in your existing housing stock. Selecting an object can take a long time.
  3. Make a preliminary contract with the seller. The agreement stipulates the essential terms of the transaction, determines the final amount of the acquisition.
  4. Execute the final contract of sale. It is advisable to certify the agreement with a notary.
  5. Contact the bank organization in which the account is open and redeem the certificate. The subject fills out a request for the transfer of funds from his account to the seller’s account, which indicates the exact amount and details of the contract of sale.
  6. Take a receipt from the seller to receive funds.
  7. Sign the act of acceptance of the object.
  8. Register the transaction in a single state register and receive the certificate of ownership of property.

After carrying out all these steps, you must contact the territorial division of the authorized body that issued the certificate and provide all information about the transaction.

housing stock

Area Norms

The amount of the subsidy depends on the composition of the applicant's family. If the subject lives alone, he is entitled to 33 square meters. m., for a family of 2 people - 42 sq. m., from 3 or more people - 18 m2 per person.

Family members are the spouse, parents, children of the applicant living with him. Other entities are entitled to participate in the program as a close relative only by court order.


The subsidy is calculated if:

  1. The applicant accepted the obligation to terminate the lease of housing in which he lives.
  2. The room in which the citizen lives with close relatives does not have burdens and can be transferred to the balance of the authorized bodies that issued the certificate.

Possible difficulties in practice

The procedure for issuing a certificate, as a rule, is not accompanied by special difficulties. Nevertheless, the paper owner needs to know a number of nuances:

  1. To satisfy the application for participation in the federal program, a citizen actually needs to be a person who does not have a specific place of residence.
  2. As mentioned above, a housing certificate is valid. Not always the subject manages to find suitable housing. If the deadline is missed, the entire registration procedure will need to be repeated again.
  3. The amount indicated in the certificate is far from always enough to pay for the purchase of an apartment. This is due to the fact that the calculation of subsidies is based on the average values, which often do not correspond to the real prices in a particular area. In this regard, it is advisable to use the certificate as a down payment on a mortgage loan.

Housing certificates for military personnel

Persons in the ranks of the Armed Forces are entitled to apply for subsidies 3 years after entering the service. Military personnel and citizens equated with them may receive a certificate one year before dismissal, if it is due to reaching the age limit for service, and the total length of service is at least 10 years.

Housing Improvement Certificate

Based on the report, a person in need of better housing conditions is included in the queue for a housing certificate. It is formed by the unit commander together with a special commission at the last place of service.

The sooner a citizen submits a report, the faster his turn will fit. It should indicate the address of the future residence. The military is given the opportunity to choose any region of the Russian Federation. Persons resigned from service can receive housing only in the subject of the country in which they are on the waiting list.

Package of documents for the military man

To obtain a certificate, a citizen attaches to the report certificates on:

  • The composition of the family.
  • Length of service.
  • The term of dismissal.
  • The absence of other reserved housing for all family members who have reached 18 liters.
  • Lack of credit debt.
  • Handing over of the premises at the former duty station.
  • The lack of privatized premises for each family member.

In addition, a soldier provides:

  1. A copy of the bank statement on the personal account.
  2. Certificate from the place of study (if studying).
  3. A copy of the certificate of marriage and birth (for minor children).
  4. Passports of all family members who have reached the age of majority.
  5. Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the commission of the military unit.

Since 2016, all military personnel have the right to obtain housing exclusively within the framework of the military mortgage program.

Certificate cashing out

According to the federal program to help those in need of better housing, there is no opportunity to receive a subsidy in cash. However, some citizens make risky and not always legal transactions.

federal target program

The most entrepreneurial entities turn to real estate agencies specializing in work with housing certificates. I must say that such customers have to wait a few months for a suitable option. When it is located, the usual sale and purchase transaction is concluded, and then the contract is terminated and the consequences of invalidity are applied - bilateral restitution, that is, the parties receive what they gave. The owner remains with the apartment, and the buyer with money instead of a certificate.

Such transactions are concluded in respect of real estate, the value of which does not exceed the amount of the subsidy indicated in the certificate.

It should be noted that such actions are regarded as a fraud of a state that cares about its citizens.

Getting priority information

An entity that has become a member of the Housing Improvement Program can receive all the necessary information by the number of its certificate. For this, a request is sent to the authority that issued the document. The application is made in duplicate. The first remains with the applicant. On it, the operator puts a mark on acceptance. The second copy is handed over to an authorized employee.

queue for housing certificate

The application can be submitted in person or sent by registered mail with notification. According to general rules, a response to a request will be received within 30 days. from the date of its adoption. At present, however, any interested person has the opportunity to receive all the necessary information through a special online service - the government services portal.

Features of the search for housing

It must be said that the legislation does not establish any requirements for the property. A citizen has the right to buy housing in both the primary and secondary markets. The only restriction is that the apartment should be purchased in the region indicated in the certificate.

Equally important is the area of ​​housing. It should not be less than the norms established in a particular subject of the Russian Federation. In addition, the living space must comply with sanitary and hygienic and technical requirements.

If the area of ​​the apartment you like is larger than planned and the subsidy for its payment is not enough, you need to think about the possibility of additional payment. When buying a living space in a new building, it should be borne in mind that after putting it into operation and obtaining property of the right to property, a lot of time can pass. It is important to calculate the timing correctly so that the certificate does not burn out.

If the apartment is purchased in the secondary market, it is necessary to check its legal cleanliness. The seller should request all documents for housing.

Contract requirements

When making a purchase and sale transaction, the parties should comply with the requirements of the bank through which payment will be made. The contract should indicate the way the funds will be received by the seller. In addition, if the amount of the subsidy for the payment of the object is not enough, the agreement must specify the surcharge.

Important point

Under current law, all real estate transactions are subject to state registration. All documents related to the purchase and sale of an object are submitted to the authorized body:

  • Title document.
  • Contract.
  • Certificate.

Specialists help

It is advisable for a person who has not previously been engaged in the acquisition of housing using a certificate to contact professional realtors. Currently, there are a huge number of real estate agencies that provide highly qualified assistance. Professional realtors build relationships with customers on a contractual basis.

housing certificate Chernobyl

Citizens interested in acquiring housing can receive assistance in:

  1. Preparation and execution of necessary documents.
  2. Selection of housing.
  3. Negotiations with the seller.
  4. Notarization of documentation.
  5. State registration of the transaction.


The civil code provides for the possibility of acquiring housing using a certificate through a representative. For this, a power of attorney is issued, in which all the powers of the proxy are registered. The representative can be instructed:

  1. Transferring the certificate to the bank, opening an account.
  2. Conclusion of a contract for the purchase of housing.
  3. Registration of the transaction.
  4. Presentation of the contract to the bank, disposal of the account.


It must be said that the targeted program to improve the living conditions of the needy population has been operating for a long time. Back in 1998, Government Decision No. 71 was approved, which spoke about the relevance of the issue of providing certain categories of citizens with subsidies for the purchase of housing. Since that time, a number of normative acts have been adopted regulating the procedure for issuing and distributing certificates.


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