Cooler for water with a lower load: the main characteristics, the rules for installing bottles, the pros and cons of operation

The needs of the human body at the household level are not so great. Any individual needs water, food, comfortable climatic conditions, rest and sleep. And the first place among the basic needs is the constant replenishment of spent fluid. Violation of the water balance leads not only to a deterioration of the state of the body as a whole at a particular point in time, but also to serious health problems in the future. Using special devices for drinking water, it is possible to provide acceptable conditions for the work of office employees, as well as excellent quality of water consumed for an individual family.

Purpose and device cooler

The main objective of the device is to provide users with purified drinking water.

Pure water

The coolerโ€™s capabilities allow it to cool and heat the liquid, purify running water and aerate bottled water.

Regardless of whether the device belongs to bottom-loaded or top-mounted water coolers, the design consists of a replaceable plastic container, a dispenser, a nozzle, a boiler, and a reverse directional control valve. First, the liquid enters the cold water compartment. From there, part of it is sent to the boiler, where it is heated to a certain temperature. A valve between the compartments prevents mixing of fluid flows, and the taps at the outlet allow you to select the desired chilled or heated water.

Types of appliances

Coolers are classified by four parameters: type of installation, connection method, type and degree of cooling.

Installation type implies water coolers:

  • with lower loading - floor standing devices;
  • with top loading;
  • in the form of desktop devices.
    Desktop option

By connecting distinguish devices running on running and bottled water. Coolers for running water include a simplified filtration system, which is not provided for in samples with bottle loading.

Water is cooled by a compressor or electronics. Compressor samples work on the principle of a refrigerator, cool the liquid quickly enough and are discharged with a lower water supply. Coolers of electronic type are notable for their low power and poor cooling ability. Therefore, their acquisition is considered economically viable for a small team or for use in everyday life.

The price category of the device also determines the quality of its work: the more expensive the device, the greater the degree of water cooling it is designed for.

How to choose?

In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, experts recommend paying attention to criteria such as:

  1. Brand If the device is purchased for employees and visitors of a well-known company, the savings can cause irreparable harm to its reputation. It is unlikely that serious customers will work with a company that counts every penny and allows itself to purchase cheap office supplies. In families where they pay attention to the brand, affordable products will also not take root, but rather will result in a bad mood and constant regret about the wrong purchase.
  2. Price-quality ratio. The available reviews on the Internet will help determine a worthy option among well-known brands and will allow you not to overpay for nothing.
  3. The presence of additional options. You can save a little on the type of installation, if you purchase, for example, a device with a minimum set of functions or less convenient to maintain. So, a floor cooler for water with a lower load will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than its desktop counterpart.
  4. Energy efficiency class. It must be taken into account that the time spent by the cooler for heating and cooling water directly depends on the power of the device. Simultaneously with the speed of execution of the main function, energy consumption will increase, and, thereby, payment for electricity will increase.
  5. Appearance. It is necessary to select a water cooler with a lower load or with a top bottle installation for the design of the room.
    Perfect design
    It is better that it harmonizes in color. Choosing a device that is suitable in form for office furniture, if it does not belong to the high-tech style, is quite problematic.
  6. Security. It is important to check the quality of the insulation of the device. Such an option, as the fuse on the tap with boiling water, is necessary for home use only in the presence of small children.

Leaders of sells

Most families living in apartments and saving free space prefer the desktop version of the drinking device.

For comfortable private cottages and large offices floor options are more suitable, having good reviews. Bottom load water coolers are easy to use and have an attractive appearance, which is important for maintaining the business style of the workroom or home interior design. Therefore, despite the high price, they won the love of customers and came out on top among the best-selling devices.

Advantages and disadvantages

Bottom load

The undoubted advantages of the lower-load water cooler shown in the photo are:

  • ease of bottle replacement, which does not need to be turned over;
  • the possibility of using the top surface of the cooler as a utility cabinet for a coffee machine, cutlery or cups;
  • location of the container behind special doors;
  • protection of water from the penetration of sunlight, which cause the multiplication of non-useful microorganisms;
  • high cooling rate of the liquid due to the existing compressor;
  • fast heating, not bringing water to a boil, and preserving its beneficial properties.
  • excellent technical characteristics compared to desktop coolers;
  • decrease in overall dimensions in height.

The disadvantages of a cooler for water with a lower load include:

  • high price;
  • the inability to use the lower space behind the doors as a cabinet for dishes;
  • lack of an option in the form of a refrigerator, which can be additionally installed in versions with top loading and empty lower cabinets.

Preliminary preparation of the apparatus

The choice of the location of the cooler has a direct impact on the continuity and durability of its operation. Therefore, experts advise installing the device on a flat area at a distance of about 10 centimeters from the wall and outside the direct sunlight.

In addition, there is a certain order of loading the vessel with the liquid inside the apparatus. Firstly, it is recommended to remove the film from the bottle cap, if any. Secondly, you need to open the doors and put a container of water in the designated area. Thirdly, it is necessary to twist the lid from the bottle and lower a special tube into it to collect the liquid. Then it is required to tightly tighten the bottle, the so-called siphon, on the neck and close the cabinet doors.

Bottle pump

How to use?

After installing the bottle, the cooler for water with a lower load can be included in the network. Having received power, first of all, the pump of the device starts to work. Filling all the water tanks, the pump switches itself off. The shutdown of the pump gives the user a signal to turn on the power button on the back of the device.

The next step is the direct use of the cooler for its intended purpose for cooling or heating the liquid.

Intended use

How to care?

Wet cleaning of the device body is done with a soft cloth dampened in a detergent of low concentration. Every three months, all removable parts of the cooler are disconnected and washed in any convenient way. Preventive maintenance of the device is carried out annually by concluding an agreement with a specialized company. It is not recommended to repair the device yourself.

If the cooler is not planned for use for a long time, experts advise disconnecting it from the network and draining the existing liquid through a special hole in the back of the case.

Famous brands

Different models

Today in Russia the cooler market is not represented much. Only a few brands give variety and choice of device in accordance with preferences and available finances. Based on color solutions, Ecotronic has the widest selection. The brand presents coolers with a lower load of water in black, white and steel. An economical option is the AEL LD brand. Additional features are most widely available from Vatten. Good value for money is inherent in HotFrost.

Regardless of the brand chosen, the buyer is most often satisfied with the miracle of technology. After all, the cooler greatly simplifies the life of the layman and reduces the time spent on household manipulations.


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