Healthy tropical fruits

Each of us tasted tropical fruits when we were on vacation, and in an ordinary store today you can find exotic goodies. Modern international communication has made it possible to deliver all kinds of fruits to almost all regions of the globe, thanks to which everyone knows from childhood what pineapple is or what mandarin tastes like. Consider the most common and wholesome tropical fruits.


Tropical fruits

Many saw the famous fruits on the shelves of supermarkets, but not everyone knows that there are more than two dozen types of this fruit. The main suppliers of such exotic are India, China and Thailand. More than 20 million tons of mangoes are collected annually. Agree, a significant figure. The ripe fruit pulp is soft, juicy and sweet, with a wonderful, memorable aroma. Europeans are used to seeing these tropical fruits in their ripe form or in the form of canned food, however, in places where mangoes grow, they even eat it in a β€œgreen” form. It is also a source of fructose and many vitamins. Fruits are widely used in local medicine, for example, to stop bleeding, improve brain function, and also strengthen the muscles of the heart.

Pitaya, or dragon fruit

Tropical Fruit Names

It has an unusual shape, the peel can be red, purple or bright yellow, while the flesh is invariably white with a splash of small black grains. It tastes like kiwi, sweet and delicate pulp has a subtle aroma. These tropical fruits, whose names came precisely because of their interesting appearance, grow on cacti and have a characteristic feature: flowers bloom only at night. It should be noted that the flowers are also edible: added to tea, they give it a sweet and sour flavor. Fruits are used in medicine, because they successfully cope with pain in the stomach, and also beneficially affect the quality and visual acuity.


Tropical Fruits List

Tropical fruits of this type have a juicy sweet flesh of golden or orange-pink color. In the center of the fruit are inedible seeds. In places of growth, and these are India, Bali, Thailand and Mexico, they eat not only ripened, but also barely started to ripen fruits. Papaya has many synonymous names, for example, breadfruit (because it smells like fresh bread when baked) or melon tree (for a similar appearance and chemical composition). These tropical fruits have not bypassed the beneficial qualities : the list of ailments that papaya is capable of, if not cured, then stopped, is quite large. It is recommended to consume papaya fruits daily for diseases of the spine, since they contribute to the production of enzymes responsible for the regeneration of connective tissues in the intervertebral discs. These tropical fruits are a source of vitamins and minerals. Studies have shown that consuming only a third of the average fetus every day satisfies a person's daily requirement for vitamin C, calcium and iron. An interesting feature is the contraceptive properties of unripe papaya fruits.


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