How to plant dill and parsley in the country? Parsley and dill at home: features of cultivation

To grow a vegetable crop, it will take significantly more time than to look after greens, which are also rich in vitamins. Parsley, for example, contains folic acid, which stores the body with energy, contributes to the work of the heart muscle and brain. Dill has a whole range of beneficial substances that have beneficial effects on the joints and digestive system. Doctors recommend consuming the green gifts of nature daily. It is easy to grow greens both on the site and on the windowsill. How to plant dill and parsley in the country? This will be discussed further.

What do dill need when planting?

To get the expected results when growing dill, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the features of this plant:

  • dill loves moist soil;
  • on poor lands it grows poorly;
  • he needs as much daylight as possible;
  • quite resistant to cold weather;
  • seeds of the culture contain a lot of essential oils, and because of this they sprout for a long time.

Taking into account all these subtleties, you can understand how to plant dill correctly, in which area to sow it and what part to take in its cultivation.

how to plant dill and parsley in the country

How to plant dill?

Since the culture can tolerate air temperatures up to -4 degrees, seeds are scattered from mid-spring. Their germination occurs when the street is +3 degrees, and the best temperature for the growth of greenery is +15 ... + 20 degrees.

Well, now about how to plant dill. In order to get an early harvest, planting must begin in the first ten days of April. Of course, if the temperature is acceptable for this. Seed should be sowed once every two weeks to ensure the continuous growth of a young crop.

Ideally, dill takes root on neutral porous soil. Heavy soil is not suitable for him.

How to plant dill and parsley in the country? Yes, very easy! First you need to prepare a bed (preferably in the fall, so that you can sow the seeds early in the spring). Next, you need to dig the soil to a depth of 20 cm, make mineral fertilizers and humus into it. Already in the spring, it remains only to gently level the soil surface, create 2 cm indentations in it, make a spacing of rows of 20 cm, moisten the ground and sow the seeds. Top them with loose soil, lightly ramming it. Watering seedlings should not be. Seeds can go deep into the soil with water.

how to plant dill

What do parsley like?

This crop is more demanding than dill. Parsley loves the land provided with fertilizers, moderately cold and damp. It grows well after tomatoes and potatoes, can take root next to carrots. In order for the plant to begin to cluster, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with rotted manure before sowing the seeds and how to mix the fertilizer with the soil.

how to sow dill and parsley

Planting culture

Interested in how to plant dill and parsley in the country? About dill has already been said, but about parsley, now we will talk in more detail. The advantages of a green plant is that it is unpretentious to light. You can safely plant parsley in the shade. However, in the area under the sun, the sprouts will rise a little earlier.

The first step is to put the seeds of the culture on wet gauze, which is spread on a flat object, and set them aside for 3-5 days. Then, when the sprouts begin to appear, they should be planted in the ground.

The process of sowing parsley

How to plant dill and parsley in the country, if the goal is to get a rich harvest? Everything is already known about dill, and now more about parsley.

Soil needs to be prepared in advance, before planting seeds. Gently weed, plow the ground and smash the lumps. Create paths with a depth of 2 cm, keeping a distance between them of about 10 cm. It is better to take care of this in advance, in the autumn, to introduce mineral fertilizers into the soil. And in the spring you can add potassium phosphorus compost, urea and ammonium nitrate.

Soak dill and parsley seeds optional, you can sow them in the ground and dry. But in this case, parsley will grow much later.

After the whole planting process, it is advisable to cover the seeding site with plastic wrap. This will protect the seedlings from a cold snap. It is mandatory to water the beds with the crop, especially in dry weather.

sowing dill and parsley

Parsley and dill at home

Not everyone has summer cottages to produce vegetable crops and greens on them. But the windowsill in the apartment is found in everyone. This is a great place to grow plants. To do this, you will need:

  • plastic containers or clay volumetric pots;
  • appropriate soil - a mixture of sand, garden soil, peat and sawdust in equal parts (you can purchase special land for seedlings);
  • lamps for lighting a home garden;
  • plastic film (to create a greenhouse effect).
    dill and parsley seeds

How to grow dill and parsley?

At home, planting such a crop is not difficult at all, but it would be nice to get acquainted with some varieties of plants before planting. First you need to know what dill varieties exist:

  • early ripe (Gribovsky, Grenadier) - collection can already be done 35 days after the first sprouts;
  • mid-season (Aelita, Richelieu) - such varieties give more leaves and greenery itself, the crop can be harvested 40-45 days after germination;
  • late-ripening (Salute, Kibray) - create luxurious and fragrant greens, these varieties have an increased amount of nutrients.

Sowing process

How to sow dill and parsley? We will talk about parsley a little later. First, the seeds will need to be put in warm water for a day, which should be updated every 6 hours. Then you need to dry them slightly and immediately disperse into a sufficiently saturated soil.

Dill seeds should be planted in beds at a distance of 15 cm in pre-prepared recesses or simply in the soil, sprinkled with a 2 cm layer of soil on top. In the end, you need to cover the home garden with polyethylene and remove it for a week in a dark place where the air temperature will be at least + 20 degrees.

how to grow dill and parsley

Crop care

Sowing dill and parsley requires some knowledge in this matter. What is needed exactly dill:

  • a sufficient amount of moisture (constantly watered, especially during seed germination);
  • fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers (fertilize the earth once every two weeks after irrigation);
  • air temperature (the most favorable for dill is from +18 to +21 degrees).

Growing parsley

Parsley, like dill, can also grow without problems at home. It comes in two varieties: root (its roots are used in cooking, they make healing broths) and leaf (to obtain fragrant and beautiful greens to the table).

What are the varieties of plants:

  • root (Berlin, Sugar and Harvest) - these varieties are early ripening, as well as late ripening, suitable for long-term preservation and drying;
  • leaf (Bogatyr, Curly Sue and Esmeralda) - they are bred because of fragrant and luxurious greenery.

Leaf parsley has two types of leaves: curly and simple (they are effective in the design of dishes). Torn leaflets retain their freshness and smell for a long time, and also do not turn yellow for almost a week. Leafy greens grows again very quickly after cutting.

parsley and dill at home

How to prepare seeds and plant them?

To get started, you should wet gauze or a cotton cloth in boiled water and put seeds in it. Then wrap gauze in parchment and put in a cold place. Seeds should be there for a week. Every day you need to soak a rag and weather the seeds. In a week they will be ready for planting in the soil.

How to sow dill and parsley in a container? About dill, it was already said above, but parsley needs to be sown to a depth of 0.5 cm and sprinkled on top with a layer of earth. Then cover the container with polyethylene and hide in a dark and cool place. The soil itself must be covered with a rag dampened in water and irrigated once every 2-3 days.

Seeds should be watched, daily moistening them with a spray and airing. After three days, the first sprouts should sprout. Now the gauze can be removed, and the container can be transferred to the windowsill, where there is a lot of light. It is necessary to spray young parsley with water as often as possible. Young stems need to be thinned, leaving a distance between them of at least 4 cm.

Parsley Care

Sowing dill and parsley, as well as caring for them are not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. What can now be said about parsley? What does she like? There are some requirements for caring for her:

  • infrequent watering (every 3-4 days), it is unacceptable if the soil dries out or is excessively wet;
  • dressing with a solution of superphosphates (5 g per 1 liter of boiled water), produced once a month;
  • air temperature: the best - from +22 to +24 degrees (parsley does not tolerate cold and drafts).


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