Roses in the garden - propagation and care

Roses in the garden are flowers that love warmth and light. Especially favorable is the morning sun that acts on them. Do not grow these flowers in the shade of buildings or trees - here the bushes stretch out, bloom weakly and become low-leaf. No matter what sort of roses you plant, the wood on these bushes does not ripen, and in the winter they are often damaged.

roses in the garden
It is advisable that the area where you place the roses in the garden should be protected from the northeast winds. In the southern regions with a rather hot climate, a northern slope is needed to grow roses. For the healthy growth of this royal flower, only fertile soil is suitable . On light sandy or heavy clay soils, great difficulties may arise with their cultivation - they bloom poorly and poorly develop. Also, areas where there is too high a level of local groundwater are not suitable for rose bushes.

Agricultural technology of roses in the garden (care for it) includes regular watering, weeding, cultivation, removal of shoots, periodic dressing and pruning of already faded shoots. If all these measures are carried out in a timely manner, then regular and abundant flowering can be ensured.

During the long growing season, roses in the garden consume a large amount of useful and nutrients. Because top dressing is essential. They are carried out once every ten days, while alternating organic with mineral fertilizers. Before and after top dressing - plentiful watering.

roses in the garden care
Reproduction of roses is different - with stem cuttings, vaccinations, layering, dividing the bush and seeds. Cutting roses is easy with cuttings. For rooting, cut green cuttings with 4-5th kidneys. The lower leaves are removed altogether. On the aerial part of the handle there should be two buds and a couple of leaves that need to be shortened - cut with scissors by 2/3. It is great to carry out the treatment of cuttings with any root stimulants before rooting .

When planting roses, stock is of great importance. If his choice is unsuccessful, even excellent varieties become more prone to diseases. You can also try the varieties you like to plant on a regular dogrose. In this case, the vaccine is carried out in a T-shaped incision of the root neck. Crowning is carried out from late July to early fall. At the end of April, a tenon clipping is performed. For the formation of bushes, a grafted shoot is nipped necessarily above the third and fourth sheets.

varieties of roses
In order for the roses in the garden to survive the winter well, they are prepared for this. The leaves that are left are left and the non-lignified shoots are cut. Before the onset of frost, the bases of the bushes are spudded, and the shoots are bent to the ground (having previously laid a layer of fresh spruce paws under them). When frosts occur, the bushes are covered with a layer of thin spruce paws (15 cm) and a layer of roofing felt or roofing felt (to protect against excess winter moisture). Remove the shelter on a cloudy day in early April. In sunny weather, the bushes are shaded for a couple of days to protect the shoots and buds from sunburn. After the disclosure, they immediately begin to form and trim the bushes.


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