Fluorescent tubes: harm to health and the environment

Due to the low energy consumption, energy-saving light bulbs have become popular. They are also called luminescent. These products are considered harmful to human health and nature. Therefore, it is important to use safer lighting sources. The dangers of fluorescent lamps are described in the article.

Scope of use

Fluorescent lamps are common and economical light sources that create diffuse lighting in public areas. They are used in offices, schools, hospitals, shops and banks. With the advent of compact lamas, which are installed in standard E27 or E14 lampholders instead of incandescent lamps, they have become popular in everyday life.

fluorescent lamps harm

The use of ballasts instead of conventional electromagnetic devices improves lamp performance - helps eliminate flicker and hum, as well as increase efficiency. Fluorescent bulbs have high light output and long runtime.

Pros of lamps

Those wishing to save on electricity, it is important to know about the benefits and dangers of fluorescent lamps. The main advantage is the reduction in energy costs, which are constantly becoming more expensive. Professionals even performed experiments on consumption 80% less than with incandescent bulbs.

fluorescent lamps harm to health

Another plus is durability. Products are about 5 times more expensive, and will last 10-12 more. This is beneficial, but each person must decide for himself whether to take it or not. But one should take into account the harm to health from fluorescent lamps.


As scientists from the United States established, the concentration of ultraviolet light from a light bulb is harmful to human health. This negatively affects the skin, leads to its early aging, and sometimes to melanoma and skin cancer. Manufacturers of such products believe that ultraviolet light is formed during operation, but they believe that radiation is normal.

But as can be seen from the research results, the product coating has many microcracks, which increase the dose of ultraviolet skipping. In addition to cancer, the appearance of:

  1. Allergies.
  2. Eczema
  3. Psoriasis
  4. Swelling of the tissues.

According to medical experts, the use of such bulbs can lead to bouts of epilepsy, migraine, and a deterioration in tone. Now 2 types of products are used: collagen and fluorescent. The second type is more harmful. Do not use fluorescent lamps with a power of 100 watts. If there are such light sources, then they must be replaced with lower power.


The harm of fluorescent lamps is associated with the presence of mercury. During the manufacture of products, phosphor, argon gas with mercury vapor is used. Great damage is expected from a broken fluorescent lamp, because in a closed room the indicator of these components will exceed the norm.

lamp fluorescent benefit and harm

The risk zone for mercury poisoning includes:

  1. Pregnant
  2. Babies.
  3. Small children.
  4. Old men.

If a fluorescent lamp is broken, the damage to human health will be severe. In this case, it is necessary that a special service take up the disposal of the waste. And for people who were indoors, you need to call a doctor.


The harm of a fluorescent lamp lies in electromagnetic radiation, which distinguishes it from a conventional incandescent bulb. The permissible radiation norm is violated within a radius of 15 cm from the light source. Therefore, they should not be used in table and wall lamps, near which you have to stay for a long time.

harm to fluorescent lamps for the eyes

The electromagnetic field is active during the operation of the bulb, which can lead to the appearance of:

  1. CNS disorders.
  2. Inhibition of immune defense.
  3. Heart and vascular disease.

Waves can complement other negative environmental factors, so they are harmful to health. With them, "sleeping" chronic diseases awaken and the protection against viral infections decreases.

Vision Impact

Known harm to luminescent lamas for the eyes. This applies to light sources with LEDs. The reason for this is that the light waves of “daylight” appear due to the use of the blue and yellow diodes. The blue radiation from which the retina of the eye suffers is harmful to the eyes. The risk zone includes:

  1. Children, because they have a sensitivity to the influence of energy-saving devices on the eyes . They do not have a formed crystalline eyeball, and therefore there is no protection against ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Persons with macular degeneration.
  3. People during drug treatment.


1 light bulb contains 7 mg of mercury. Although the indicator is small, it is impossible to throw it into the bin. Since the harm of fluorescent lamps is obvious, the manufacturer advises to send failed energy-saving devices for recycling . This work is carried out by the regional departments:

  1. Directorate for the operation of buildings (DEZ).
  2. Repair and maintenance departments.

damage from broken fluorescent tubes

But as you can see from practice, such bulbs go to landfill. Manufacturers are advised to find a company that performs the disposal of mercury wastes and conclude an agreement with it. But these services are paid, and there is no compensation from the state. Such energy-saving products are becoming increasingly popular, so an environmental disaster is expected in the future.


If you want to use such products, the following recommendations should be considered:

  1. It is necessary to choose collagen models, they are less harmful.
  2. For residential premises, luminaires with a power exceeding 60 watts should not be installed. If the lighting is insufficient, it is advisable to use several light sources.
  3. It is advisable to choose light bulbs having an operating temperature of no more than 3100 Kelvin and a yellow glow.
  4. Installation requires careful handling of the lamp so as not to damage it. If it crashes, it is necessary to open the windows, leave the room for the weathering of mercury gases. After that, remove the fragments and dispose of them. Then you need to treat the room with a chlorine solution.
  5. If a table lamp is used, the lamp must be installed at a distance of at least 15 cm from a permanent place of stay.

Experts do not advise throwing products into the bin, as the environmental damage of fluorescent lamps is known. Their components penetrate the soil, infecting it. Known harm to the smell of wiring fluorescent lamps.

Precautionary measures

fluorescent lamps are harmful if broken

Fluorescent lamps are considered harmful when a defective product is purchased, as well as if it is used improperly. In order to prevent the negative effects of devices on the body, it is important to follow simple rules:

  1. Products of dubious quality should not be purchased.
  2. Do not use products for table lamps, bedside lamps, sconces and other appliances that are near a person.
  3. Do not use light bulbs in children's rooms, as they negatively affect the retina, which has not yet been fully formed, as well as the skin.
  4. Do not hold the lamp by the bulb while screwing in or out, otherwise a leak may occur.
  5. It is important to follow the product’s operating standards.
  6. It is necessary to change spent devices in a timely manner so that flicker and ultraviolet do not negatively affect the body.

Environmental impact

Mercury contained in lamps adversely affects not only humans, but also plants. The component accumulates on vegetation located in soils with low concentrations. And with an increase in the soil of this substance in the aerial and root organs of plants, this amount increases. An increase in humic acids in the soil reduces the amount of mercury absorbed by plants due to the formation of organomercury complexes.

Under the influence of microorganisms, the complexes are destroyed with the appearance of metallic mercury, which passes into the atmosphere. Algae absorb mercury from contaminated soil and are its source for organisms. In higher plants, the roots are considered a barrier that accumulates it. Mercury in the atmosphere in the form of vapors is held by spore and coniferous plants. This leads to inhibition of cellular respiration, a decrease in enzymatic activity.

Mercury has harmful effects on animals. Salts are absorbed by aquatic organisms. Fish also accumulate this component and hold it in the form of methylmercury. It is believed that the component that enters the water accumulates and transforms at each link in the water food chain. Maximum content is reached at the top. In animals with the accumulation of mercury, inhibition of important functions occurs, as well as a decrease in the viability of offspring.

How to replace?

It is preferable to choose only from 2 types of devices. The first include incandescent lamps. They are considered the safest, but with them expensive light is generated. You can use LED lamps that can save humanity from the adverse effects of using energy-saving lighting.

fluorescent lamps harm smell wiring

LEDs do not have mercury. They do not heat well during work. Luminous efficiency is higher in comparison with fluorescent lamps. Low consumption and safety are weighty arguments in favor of light-emitting diodes, of which all such lamps are created.

The high cost is not a minus, since LED lamps work 5 times more compared to energy-saving counterparts and 30-50 times more compared to incandescent lamps. Since there is an excellent substitute for hazardous mercury-containing devices, it is better to use safer light sources.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35054/

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