How do quotes about red color affect our perception of the world

A lot of beliefs and proverbs in Russia were associated with red. Initially, it was synonymous with the word "beautiful." In the modern world, the expressions “red string”, “red sun”, “red damsel” are still used. Writers and artists had an ambiguous attitude to this shade. On the Web you can find quotes about red from famous people. So, for example, Charles Baudelaire was very fond of this shade. He said:

I want the grass to be red and the trees blue. Nature has no imagination.

The influence of shades on the character of a person

The splendor of red

It is believed that red color gives confidence to even timid and shy people. A person becomes more relaxed and can talk for several hours in a row about important things for him. Psychologists recommend using this technique in your life. For example, if you need to read a report and you are very afraid, put on red underwear. This simple trick will give you self-confidence, and you will triumphantly fulfill the mission assigned to you.

Quotes about red in clothes

According to psychologists, this color symbolizes passion and energy. It suits brave and strong people. But women with high blood pressure should not wear it too often, as well as impulsive young ladies with a capricious character.

Designers claim that red suits all young ladies without exception. And it doesn’t matter what your age, breast size or eye color is. Choose bright and original things for yourself and enjoy the attention from the opposite sex.

The creator of the famous American brand, Bill Blass, is fully in agreement with them. His quote about red in clothes reads:

When in doubt, wear red.

It was once believed that this color is completely unsuitable for men. Today this statement has been refuted, and the stronger sex is completely free to choose shades for their wardrobe. But since red is the color of passion, it is important to maintain moderation when using it.

Inspiration in the hands of the artist

Red and white

As for the talented people and art workers, their attitude to this color has always been ambiguous. One thing is clear - they all agree that red has a special energy and can be used for their own purposes. Therefore, their statements and quotes about the red color can be perceived very ambiguously. Here is what Jules Feiffer said about this:

Artists can depict the sky in red, because they know that it is blue. But not artists should paint everything as it is, otherwise people will think that he was a fool.

Yes, this shade is very complicated and requires caution in handling it. One thing is absolutely certain: red is a source of powerful energy, and we can use it for our purposes.


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