How to make simple and beautiful crafts from cereals and seeds? Do-it-yourself butterfly and sunflower

Performing interesting and simple crafts from natural materials brings not only a lot of positive emotions, but also contributes to the development of fine motor skills, thinking and imagination in your children.

DIY cereals and seeds
The use of cereals and seeds for making appliqués is always popular with children and allows seriously enriching and diversifying the baby’s leisure time without special material costs. From melon, pumpkin, watermelon seeds and a wide variety of cereals, really very bright and beautiful works are obtained. The main thing is to show a little patience, accuracy and perseverance, so that the result of creativity will please you. In this article we will tell you how to make original and uncomplicated even for preschool crafts from cereals and seeds with your own hands. We hope that our tips will help you, and together with your child make an original and interesting interior decoration.

DIY cereals and seeds - a cheerful sunflower

To make this bright applique, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • pencil;
  • cereals (green and yellow peas, mung bean, corn, black pepper peas).

crafts from seeds and cereals
First you need to draw a sketch of a sunflower on a piece of cardboard. If you can’t do it yourself, you can translate the drawing from a postcard or an existing illustration using the "carbon copy". After the sketch of the sunflower is ready, you can proceed to the design of crafts cereals. Begin work from the core of the flower. Apply PVA glue to it and gently sprinkle peas of black pepper. Do not allow too large gaps between the natural material, otherwise the product will not look too attractive. You can “disperse” the peas with a match or a modeling stack. Now circle the sunflower core with yellow peas. Make flower petals from corn, leaves and stem from green peas and mung bean. Try not to rush and perform all operations in sequence, allowing each part to dry. After drawing up the whole picture with croup, leave it alone for a day or two. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making crafts from seeds and cereals, the main thing is to be extremely attentive and accurate. Tip: if during drying the cardboard begins to bend, put it under pressure. After drying, the product can be placed in a frame and hung on the wall.

DIY cereals and seeds: a charming butterfly

To create a pretty butterfly you will need a sheet of cardboard, seeds, cereals, paints, felt-tip pens and PVA glue. Take a piece of cardboard of any color.

how to make cereal crafts
Draw on it with a simple pencil the outline of a butterfly. When the sketch is completed, you can begin to work with seeds and cereals. Your handicraft can be of any color: yellow, green, orange, red - so pick up cereals of the desired color for its design. For example, yellow wings can be decorated with millet or grains of corn, white with rice, red with lentils, etc. Your butterfly can become very elegant and festive, if you make her wings, body and head multi-colored. How to make a craft from cereals: gently apply PVA glue with a brush to separate sections of the picture and glue the cereals of a certain shade on them. The body and antennae of a butterfly can be made brown using buckwheat. It is advisable to decorate the inner parts of the wings with white rice, glue millet and lentils around them. So that the groats do not crumble, it is advisable to distribute it in one thin layer.
seed butterfly
Each element of the picture must have time to dry. You can decorate the wings with large pumpkin seeds, and the ends of the antennae can be decorated with sunflower seeds. After doing the crafts from cereals and seeds with your own hands, let her dry thoroughly. This bright and cheerful product can be inserted into the frame. Now you know how to make cereal crafts - a bright sunflower and a charming butterfly. Such applications will be a wonderful decoration for your home interior and will delight your household.


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