How did the Soviet park of Omsk appear?

The Soviet Park is known throughout Russia. Omsk is a city in which a wonderful park area appeared. This is where tourists who come to enjoy the beauties of the city try to get here.

soviet park omsk

How it all began?

Fate ordered that Alexander Moiseevich Maluntsev had to become the first head of a large enterprise in the "Town of Oil Workers" - at the Omsk Oil Refinery. When he was working as director, he did a lot for the development of the town, including in terms of its improvement, the creation of green spaces. Initially, the village was in a desert area, in which there was no forest at all. Very elderly residents still remember those times when even a small in intensity wind caused clouds of dust and sand. The absence of trees and shrubs on the streets affected the situation in the town.

Finally, residents decided to put an end to this problem once and for all. The result was not long in coming; soon green spaces and the Soviet park of Omsk appeared. These events are captured in verse on the pages of the book of A. Maluntsev.

soviet park omsk photo

Joint efforts

The townspeople united in a single impulse. Without any equipment, armed only with shovels, they laid a park on a vacant lot, planted a huge number of poplars. Nothing could stop them from achieving a noble goal. So the Soviet park (Omsk) was created . Photos of the park area are still pleasing, they are made by tourists and local residents.

Alexander Moiseevich was thinking about creating a green space zone. It was he who owned the implementation of the idea, which had long been ripe. Numerous appeals to the Union Ministry of the Oil Industry with a request to support a good deed with finances have long remained unanswered. The prospect of a positive solution to the issue was outlined in 1973, when the executive committee of the Soviet region was headed by a new chairman, Anatoly Nikolayevich Kubrakov. As a rule, youth is characterized by a manifestation of initiative, determination. That was the leader Anatoly Nikolaevich. By that time, the oil refinery was headed by Viktor Andreyevich Ryabov. He, along with his colleagues, who headed the rest of the enterprises on the territory of the Sovetsky District, decided to complete the work that had begun. They were supported by Ryabov V.A.

The first New Year of the park

Even when there was no talk of a park zone yet, they were able to actively and creatively celebrate in the town. A variety of games were organized during the celebrations. The result of the creation of the park in the future was to be the conduct of activities related to leisure in a culturally equipped area.

soviet park omsk rides

Coordination of all work on the construction of recreational facilities for citizens was assigned to a special headquarters. Sovetsky Culture Park (Omsk) was to become the main venue for public festivals and important events of the city.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, on December 27, 1974, the local government decided to open a PKiO of the Soviet district with a total area of ​​36 hectares. The predominant territory of the park was a green area, and only 5 hectares were reserved for attractions and other facilities for leisure activities.

Continuous work on the object

The newly created Sovetsky Park received its first director, Grigory Abramovich Ezon, who enthusiastically took up the further development of the territory. It is difficult to overestimate his merits. Thanks to the efforts of Grigory Abramovich, his ability to obtain funding for work, not only trees, shrubs and flowers were planted, alleys were laid. It was he who was able to make PKiO get 16 attractions, a cascading staircase, a descent to the Irtysh River, an iron cascade that rotates the Christmas tree. The Soviet park of Omsk is pleased with its development now.

Soviet Omsk culture park

The noble initiative of Grigory Abramovich was picked up by Eskova Tamara Prokofievna. She was appointed director in 1980 and for the next 20 years she continued to equip the park and purchase attractions.

Modern stage

Since being appointed Director of Demchenko, Elena Ivanovna, the number of attractions has reached 30 units. Throughout the year, sports and entertainment events are held for citizens of all ages, thematic evenings, and festivals dedicated to various events are organized. The best cultural events are famous for the Soviet Park (Omsk). Children like the rides, the elderly love malls, and the rest enjoy spending time on benches and gazebos.

In winter, ski rental is very popular among residents of the town, sports fans do not miss the opportunity to ride on the ski track. Each year, the attribute of the New Year holidays is established - a tree, in winter beautiful figures are made of ice.

Soviet Omsk culture park

The work of the workers of the Soviet park does not go unnoticed. The team often becomes a winner in competitions, fairs, exhibitions and shows held in the city, and the Omsk Department of Culture presents letters of thanks.

2010 was remembered for cardinal changes in the life of Omsk. A decision was made to unite all recreation areas that are located on the territory of the city into a single complex with their further reconstruction. The initiator of the reform was the mayor of the regional center Viktor Filippovich Schreider. So, the Soviet park of Omsk has become even more and more significant.

The plans of the city administration to carry out a whole range of measures aimed at arranging PC&O. Among them are the alleys of students and veterans, a children's playground, a cascading fountain, a bike-roller track, a recreation area for senior citizens, rental sledges and skis in winter, and many other innovations.


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