Japanese wood saws: an overview of models

Despite the fact that electric devices, for example, Japanese Ryobi saws, have long been widely used for wood processing, hand tools are often simply indispensable in many carpentry and carpentry. In application, it is more versatile and autonomous (does not require connecting to an electrical network or recharging the battery). The range of these products is expanding from year to year. Among professionals and amateurs, the so-called Japanese saw has recently become increasingly popular. The name of the tool does not mean that it is made in the Land of the Rising Sun. It’s just that these devices have a specific form and features in use, which are unusual for Russian, European and North American users.

Features of application and varieties

Initially, the structural features of Japanese saws are striking. And if the shape of the canvas in some models is quite traditional for us, then the handle of the tool is very unusual. In configuration, it is in many ways similar to the hilt of a sword (moreover, it is sometimes larger in size than the length of the cutting blade itself).

Another distinctive feature of such tools is a very thin blade (not more than 1 mm). The cut surface is quite smooth and in many cases does not require finishing. At the same time, the blade does not bend, since the sawing of wood is not carried out with a “forward” or “forward-backward” movement, but only “towards oneself”. Thanks to this, it is possible to make an even and precise cut even with a very thin blade that does not experience any bending stresses.

japanese saw

According to the purpose, the shape of the hacksaw blade and the angle of sharpening of the teeth, all tools of this category are divided into several main types (the classification was, of course, invented by the Japanese themselves):

  • universal products with a wide trapezoidal blade and the location of cutting teeth on both sides of the blade (Ryoba);
  • saws for the final cut across the wood fibers with an overlay to limit the depth of cut and give the product additional longitudinal strength (Dozuki);
  • devices with a rectangular cloth without a limiter, allowing you to make long cuts both across and along the wood fibers (Kataba);
  • products with a very thin and easily bent blade to remove protruding parts of wooden structures (Kugihiki);
  • saws for curly wood carvings (Mawashibiki);
  • special devices for processing hard-to-reach spots (Azebiki).

japanese wood saw


Naturally, the founders and inventors of this convenient tool have the widest model range. In the Russian market you can see the products of Japanese firms Shogun and Silky. Among European manufacturers of this segment of carpentry and carpentry tools, a wide variety of Japanese saws are offered by German companies Augusta and Dick, as well as Swedish Bahco. American Stanley and Irwin also did not stand aside, since in their country such devices are also popular.

All leading manufacturers of such products now produce products with interchangeable blades. This makes them universal: there is no need to purchase several devices, just buy one handle and a set of paintings of different sizes and purposes. For the production of cutting blades, stainless steel is used. The teeth of most products are hardened using a special technology. The handles of such saws used to be made of wood. Nowadays, modern polymeric materials or aluminum are used as a material for their production.

Universal Double Saw (Ryoba)

This is the most famous, common and most versatile Japanese wood saw. The cutting teeth are located on both edges of the blade (maximum blade dimensions: length - 300 mm, width - 105 mm, thickness - 0.8 mm):

  • on the one hand in the form of a triangle (in increments of 2.5-3.8 mm) for cutting along wood fibers;
  • with the opposite - in the form of a trapezoid (in increments of 1.2-1.6 mm) for longitudinal cutting.

The total length of the product (blade + handle) is 540-620 mm. Such a saw is successfully used in a wide variety of construction works. With its help, you can successfully cut a medium-sized tree or cut thick knots in the garden.

Such a product from Shogun with a 240 mm blade and a wooden handle costs 1990-2100 rubles. A model with 270 mm canvas and the possibility of replacing it from Bahco - 2500-2900 rubles.

japanese hand saw

Cross Cut Saw with Stop (Dozuki)

Such a Japanese hand saw is designed for a neat cross cut that does not require further processing. The teeth are located on one side of the blade (the thickness usually does not exceed 0.3 mm), on the other - a U-shaped pad that enhances the stiffness of the blade and is a limiter on the depth of cut. Russian users such a product is more familiar under the name of a saw blade.

A model with a 150 mm canvas and a wooden handle (wrapped in rattan) from Shogun costs 1350-1500 rubles, a similar product with a 250 mm blade - 2600-2700 rubles.

Japanese wood saws

Bezelless Saws (Kataba)

These Japanese wood saws are hand- crafted in design similar to Dozuki products. The difference is the absence of a limiter (edge) along the entire length of the canvas. This allows for longer cuts. These products are more versatile, since it is quite acceptable to use them both for extended longitudinal cuts of wood and for corner cuts.

Such a product with a blade length of 265 mm costs depending on the manufacturer: Shogun - 1500-1700 rubles, Bahco - 1800-1900 rubles, Dick - 2100-2200 rubles.

For cutting protruding elements (Kugihiki)

Such products have a very thin (usually no more than 0.4 mm) and flexible canvas. They are designed to accurately remove “flush” protruding elements (spikes, dowels, plugs, etc.) without damaging the surface.

A saw of this variety from Shogun (blade - 120 mm) costs 990-1100 rubles. But the product from Thomas Flinn (Great Britain) with a 152 mm canvas will cost 1480-1600 rubles.

japanese folding saws

Tool for curved cuts (Mawashibiki)

This variety is designed for curved sawing. Such models have a narrow long blade (120-210 mm). Since in some areas the movement of the web will occur along the fibers, and in others across or obliquely, the teeth have a universal shape and pitch from 1.1 to 1.6 mm.

Shogun models for this purpose, depending on the length of the blade, cost 1200-1800 rubles.

japanese saw ryobi

Hard-to-reach cutting products (Azebiki)

These are saws with a rather complex geometric shape of the blade. The total blade length is 350 to 410 mm. The canvas itself consists of two parts:

  • a narrow strip (approximately ¾ of the total length), not intended for sawing and performing only a technological function;
  • a wide cutting element (60-90 mm) with arched blades located on both sides.

The teeth have a different size, size, pitch and angle of sharpening. One side is designed to cut along the fibers of the wood, the other across. The main purpose of such a product is the arrangement of cuts and grooves in limited and inaccessible places.

japanese saw

Depending on the size, such a model from Shogun costs 1870-2250 rubles.


Another popular type of wood hand tool is Japanese folding saws. By purpose, they are very different: small-sized models that are convenient to use on a hike or fishing; products with a straight or curved blade for cutting fresh wood and pruning trees; professional devices for various works. Silky offers the widest selection of folding saws.

The universal Pocketboy model (blade - 130 mm) with fixing the canvas in 2 working positions costs 2100-2200 rubles.

The product Gomboy Curve (curved blade - 270 mm) - 3700-3800 rubles.

japanese wood saw

A professional folding wood-sawing Japanese saw Woodboy Dozuki (blade - 240 mm) will cost 5200-5400 rubles already.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3509/

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