How to connect a voltage regulator: work procedure and safety rules

The state of electric networks and transformer substations in private sectors leaves much to be desired. If in large cities they, although slowly, are being updated, then in rural areas this can not be expected for a long time. Due to the deterioration and "careless" work of electricians, one of the phases is quite often overloaded, while the other two are practically free. This leads to a distortion and, as a result, failure of electric motors and other similar equipment. Yes, and ordinary household appliances with a drop in current have a hard time. In today's article, we will talk about how to connect a voltage regulator and how it can save from phase imbalance.

Consequences of overloaded transformer substations

Many, fearing power surges, do not attach any importance to drops, which is a serious mistake. Lowering can cause quite serious harm to electronics and household appliances. And if the jumps are usually short-term, then the falls often have a long time. Why does this happen?

A good option for a 1 kW cottage

If the power consumption is too large on one of the phases and much less on the other two, skew can occur. This is especially noticeable if the transformer substation is worn out. In this case, the voltage on the overloaded phase is significantly reduced. It is clear that this situation is not reflected in the best way on electric motors, but how does it affect household electrical appliances? As it turned out, for such a technique, a sharp decrease in the voltage in the network is also fatal. The main thing that can seriously suffer is a washing machine and a refrigerator. These household appliances should be considered in more detail.

Consequences of voltage drop for washing machine and refrigerator

Any housewife includes such a "helper" when a certain amount of laundry accumulates. The machine erases the usual volume of things without any difficulties. But now, there is a voltage drop and the network is not 220-230V, but only 150-160V. In this case, the engine is trying to fulfill the drum rotation command from the electronic control unit with the last effort. As a result, it heats up and its winding burns out. Repair in such cases can "fly into a pretty penny."

The situation with the refrigerator is even more complicated. Under reduced voltage, the compressor is simply not able to start, the engine is buzzing, trying to crank it, but it cannot - there is not enough power. At the same time, the temperature sensor continues to signal an insufficiently low temperature inside. 10-15 minutes of such attempts are enough for the electric motor to fail.

It is from such situations that the voltage stabilizer saves. And how to properly connect a similar device and what types of similar devices exist, you should understand in detail.

Despite its high power, the model is compact

Some features of stabilizers

Before you understand how to connect a voltage regulator, it is worth understanding the varieties of such devices. Such devices can be rated for 220V or 380V. Here you have to choose, based on the type of power network of the apartment or private house. Often people purchase such devices separately for a certain amount of household appliances, which has a higher cost. There is a rational grain in such a solution - such a purchase will cost less than installing a stabilizer on the entire home electrical network.

The 220V voltage stabilizers offered by the manufacturer for summer cottages have proven themselves quite well in apartment buildings. But 380V devices are purchased only when absolutely necessary. Their problem is in a small stabilization range with instantaneous shutdown in case of phase imbalance, which is rather inconvenient.

Variations of connecting various devices

Stabilizers can differ in the number of terminals, which affects the way they are switched. To understand how to connect a voltage regulator to the entire house or to a separate group of household appliances, this question should be carefully studied. If we talk about devices designed for 220V, then there are 2 types of their connection:

  1. There are 5 terminals on the rear panel. In this case, the neutral and phase conductors come to the input, the other two contacts are used to output the line. Between them is the junction with the grounding conductor.
  2. Three pins. Here, the input of the vase is switched to the first, the third is its output. The middle terminal is for the neutral conductor.
Quite bulky three-phase on 15kW

Three-phase stabilizing devices have a larger number of contacts, but the essence of switching does not change from this - there are always input and output terminals, which are marked without fail.

220V voltage stabilizer for cottages: connection features

For such purposes, low-power models are often purchased, designed for 2-3 household appliances. They are installed on a stand or table in the immediate vicinity of the equipment. However, you should pay attention to the fact that moisture on the device, as well as direct sunlight, is not allowed - this can significantly reduce the service life. The question of how to connect a voltage stabilizer in the country does not arise - the bulk of low-power devices simply plugs into the outlet. This is quite convenient, especially if the owner spends only summer time on the site. For the winter, such a stabilizer is easy to pick up in a city apartment.

There are sockets on the device body for connecting household appliances, so switching to a refrigerator, microwave or washing machine will not be difficult.

Criteria for choosing a stabilizing device

Before you connect a voltage regulator to the entire house, you should consider whether its cost will be lifting for the family budget. For each individual case, accurate calculation of power consumption is required, with the increase of which the price of the device also increases. In order to determine the values, you should write down the characteristics of all household appliances, not forgetting to add lighting. The resulting value must be increased by 25-30%.

Useful advice! Those who believe that all household appliances will not work at the same time and you can make a discount on this will have to disappoint. It is necessary to proceed from the full load on the stabilizer transformer.

In order for the respected reader to have an approximate idea of ​​what the price of a voltage regulator can be, we will consider several options.

The average cost of such devices in the Russian market

The prices below are indicative and may vary depending on the region. They are indicated in rubles at the end of 2018.

  1. "Calm IS550", 400W - 6400.
  2. RESANTA ACH-5000/1-Ts, 5 kW - 6100.
  3. RESANTA LUX ASN-10000N / 1-Ts, 10 kW - 11 500.
  4. Energy Classic 12000, 12kW - 36,000.
  5. RUCELF SRWII-9000-L, 7kW - 13,000.

For individual household appliances, low-power stabilizers can be purchased. For example, the APC by Schneider Electric Line-R LS1000-RS model with a power of 500 W costs only 1700 rubles. Such devices will not greatly affect the family budget. In addition, there is no question of how to connect an automatic voltage regulator - these devices are simply connected to the outlet using a plug.

There may be sockets with different output voltages at the back.

RESANT device: connection and use of a single-phase device in 380V networks

It is much more convenient to disassemble the switching by the example of a certain stabilizer. For this, the “RESANTA LUX ASN-12000N / 1-Ts” model, worth 14400 rubles, was chosen today. This is a 12kW single-phase relay device that protects household appliances from short circuits, overheating, power surges and various disturbances. On the front panel there is a display on which the voltmeter readings are displayed. So, how to connect the RESANTA LUX ASN-12000N / 1-Ts voltage regulator.

There are 5 terminals on the back of the device. Their purpose (from left to right): 1/2 - phase / zero input, 4/5 - stabilized power output, 3 - ground contact. If you think about it, then all the switching is quite simple and does not require any skills or experience. Such a connection can be done by any beginner master. The considered device is intended for wall mounting, and its power is quite enough for a large number of household appliances. However, experts do not recommend its use for computers, televisions and music centers, limiting the scope of use of pumps, electric heaters and kitchen equipment. This should be considered before connecting a voltage regulator to the whole house.

Compact and powerful 8kW stabilizer (10,000 V * A)

Advantages and disadvantages of “RESANTA LUX ASN-12000N / 1-Ts”

For the convenience of perception of information by the Dear Reader, it will be provided in tabular form.



Such stabilizers are quite reliable due to the lack of mechanical components.

The device cannot boast of high accuracy of stabilization. She is 8%.

High-speed performance, which allows you not to worry about power surges.

The output voltage is regulated stepwise, which negatively affects complex electronic devices.

Convenient wall layout, saving floor space.

When the relay is activated, a distinct click is heard, so installation in the bedroom will not be the best option.

Of course, the disadvantages are significant, but they are covered by the price of the voltage regulator. If it is not planned to use it for complex electronics, then the acquisition of this model is quite justified.

Three-phase devices and their switching

Devices operating in a network of 380 volts practically do not differ from those described above. But one nuance should be taken into account. Before answering the question of how to connect a three-phase voltage regulator, you should think about whether it is needed at all. The acquisition of three 220V devices is much more profitable. In this case, if one of them fails, a separate node changes. If a device with three phases is installed, when a transformer burns out, any of them will have to purchase a whole new stabilizer.

Such a baby has a power of up to 8kW

Switching, in this case, is not difficult to perform. Each device is connected to a separate phase, while the neutral wire goes common, through all the contacts intended for it. Thus, 3 stabilizers are obtained, combined into one system, which will successfully replace a device operating in 380V networks.

Placement of devices: which place is better to choose

The difficulty of installing the stabilizer will depend on its type. There are devices for which a niche is required, floor or wall placement. Having figured out how to connect a voltage regulator, you should think about where to install it.

The floor version is the most convenient. If we talk about installation in a niche, there may be a ventilation problem - during operation, the device heats up quite a lot, which requires high-quality cooling. If the holes through which air enters the stabilizer are blocked, it will quickly fail.

But even a device installed on the floor requires a certain attitude. Before connecting the voltage regulator to the network, you should make sure that at its location there will not be a lot of dust and exclude the ingress of water. Moreover, for the device, not only direct exposure is dangerous, but also an increased percentage of the humidity of the surrounding air.

A few words in conclusion of the topic

Convenient stabilizer for 4 sockets, 1.5kW

The acquisition of such a device with increased power is not a cheap pleasure. However, sometimes there is no other way out. After all, it is easier to buy it than periodically changing expensive household appliances. Moreover, having figured out how to connect a voltage regulator with your own hands, you can save a little on paying for the services of specialists. The main thing is to make the right choice taking into account all the required characteristics and install the device in a ventilated dry room. Only in this case, you can be sure that it will serve faithfully for a long time, protecting household appliances from power surges and voltage drops.


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