Pansies from ribbons: master class, description, photo

Many craftswomen who are engaged in decorating a home interior or creating interesting items of clothing like pansies from ribbons. A master class that would consistently talk about the process of this type of work is simply necessary. After all, it is almost impossible to independently guess how the stitches and seams are made, how the ribbon is folded, and how the flowers themselves and their bouquets are formed.

panel of flowers

What types of tapes are suitable for work

Faced with the need to choose material for embroidery, you can really get confused. Today, the range of specialized stores is so wide that, having entered one of them, it is impossible to leave without a purchase.

In fact, you can choose almost any material to make pansies from ribbons (the master class proposed below illustrates the work with satin ribbons). Here, preference is given to those materials that are suitable for the craftswoman in color, texture and width. You can buy a tape from:

  • Atlas.
  • Silks.
  • Kapron.
  • Organza

Each of these materials contains synthetic fibers, which is very good for the future product. Artificial materials do not fade, do not stretch, do not deform, that is, the work done will be saved for a long time.

Material Width Value

Most often used tape size 3, 5, 7, 12, 15 millimeters. For example, a ribbon 7 mm wide was used to embroider Pansy ribbons (a master class is given below). A material of this size is perfectly threaded into the eye of an embroidery needle, and also does not cause problems with drapery.

But to create flowers for the purpose of subsequent attachment to the canvas, it is better to choose a wider material. By the way, ribbons can be combined: wide use for large petals, narrower - for smaller or for leaves.

The find of two-color ribbons can be considered real luck. Gradient staining is great for creating colors such as pansies from ribbons. The master classes in this article are built on the use of just such materials. Most often, flowers are performed using ribbons embroidery techniques .

Pansies from ribbons: a master class. Photo step by step and description of the stages

To create such a flower, it is not necessary to be an ace of embroidery craftsmanship. Using the simplest stitches and basic techniques, you can make pansies from ribbons with your own hands. The master class is quite simple:

  1. On the canvas, the middle of the future flower and the top of each petal are marked.
  2. Fasten the tape in the center, leaving the bundle on the wrong side.
  3. Lay the ribbon so that it forms a free-lying stitch, and then inject the needle into the point designated as the top of the petal. In this case, the resulting stitch must be pierced.
    pansies ribbons master class
  4. Very carefully pull the tape on the wrong side, making sure that the front has an even roller. The tape is pulled until the roller forms an acute angle.
    pansies from tapes master class

This technique is used to embroider all the petals of pansies.

pansies ribbons master class
First, they do those that are conventionally aimed at 10, 12 and 2 hours (taking as reference the classical arrangement of numbers on the dial).
pansies from ribbons master class photo step by step
Then they return to those that look at 11 and 1 o’clock. Later, the remaining petals, stem and buds are embroidered.
pansies from ribbons master class photo

The middle of these colors is performed using the "French knot". The principle of its formation is depicted in the photo.

French knot manufacturing algorithm

Flower of textile tape

If you could not buy such material, which is shown in the photo, do not be upset. You can choose two shades of the same color to make pansies out of ribbons. The master class includes a simple algorithm that will remain unchanged, only it will be necessary to use different ribbons to create the petals of the first and second level.

For work should prepare:

  1. Sharp scissors.
  2. Needle for embroidery with ribbons (with wide and long eye).
  3. The tapes themselves.
  4. Pins for fixing parts.
  5. Thick fabric for the base.
  6. Ruler and pencil.

Where to begin?

Each such flower is attached to a dense fabric. If it will be part of any composition, you can perform it directly on a large canvas. However, the formation of colors on individual rectangles should begin when independent pansies from ribbons are required. A master class (photo can be found below) offers just such an option.

do-it-yourself pansies from ribbons do-it-yourself master class

First of all, you should cut a piece of tape from which large petals of the second level will be made. As a rule, in fresh flowers they have a darker color than the middle. The tape is folded at an angle (in the photo on the left) and stitched along the line marked with a dotted line. The finished fragment is fixed on a fabric basis.

Next, cut a longer tape and fold it into a rectangle having two angles. They fix the places of the folds with pins and flash them on the dotted line (the line goes on the dark side). The second petal of the first layer is performed in a similar way, but they fold the ribbon so that the line is on the bright side.

Make the middle: a bright yellow ribbon is tied with a knot and placed so that it is visible between the petals. Then fix the rest of the details.

Other secrets of ribbon colors

The flower is ready, it can be attached with a glue gun or thread to almost any base.

An alternative method is shown in the photo.

how to make flowers from ribbons

Darkened midpoints are obtained by banal staining of finished products with a marker. However, this is relevant only for panels and paintings. To avoid color transition when washing decorated clothes, it is better to dye flowers with special dyes for fabrics.


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