Symbolism is ... Concept, example

Symbolism is a system of identifying signs. It is used in many different areas of life. Let's consider it in detail.

symbolism is

The concept of "symbolism"

The meaning of this word can be interpreted in different ways. For example, a system of signs is often used to express feelings, ideas. Symbolism is also a set of elements (including individually defined objects), which is used by political and public associations, a group of citizens, an organization. It can be established at the legislative level. For example, state symbols are the distinctive signs of a country defined by the constitution or special regulatory act. Its composition includes such elements as the anthem, flag, coat of arms.


Symbolism is a collection of elements reflecting some general idea. Here it is worth noting one nuance. Not always the symbols that have a certain meaning at the present time, had it before. Many signs have existed since ancient times. Moreover, their designation changed in the course of certain events. Some signs disappeared from everyday life.

symbolism meaning

A symbol of peace

In most cases, this sign is associated with the counterculture, the so-called hippie movement, popular in the 60s of the last century. The symbol of peace did not come from antiquity, unlike many others. It was created by Gerald Holtom to inform the world community about Britain’s nuclear disarmament. The drawing, according to the author himself, is a person in a state of despair, frightened by the threat of disaster. Holt later stylized the image with a few lines and drew a circle. For a short time, the symbol has become quite popular. Holt did not protect his creation with copyright, so the mark is used everywhere. Some activists tried to give mystery to the origin of the sign.


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