How many budgerigars live? This is an important question when choosing a pet.

Most parents at least once in their life are forced to think about choosing a pet for their child. A dog or a cat is usually considered a traditional choice, as these animals can not only become friends for the baby, but are also partially able to take care of themselves. However, in some cases, due to illness or a common allergy, the child should not be near these animals, and then the attention of the parents switches to birds. It is in this situation that the question becomes relevant - how many budgerigars live? Indeed, many birds live only a few years, and their loss is fraught with a difficult experience for the child.

how many years have budgies
Today budgies are the most popular feathered pets. They are ideal for living in an apartment, they do not need special care or a large space for flights. It is enough to pick a bird to your liking and satisfy its unpretentious needs. How many budgerigars live? When properly maintained, they can live up to 20 years, delighting the owners with their carefree disposition and multi-colored plumage.

In nature, the answer to the question of how many years budgerigars live is as follows: from 12 to 15. They are found in Australia, from where they were brought to Europe in the forties of the nineteenth century. They reproduce very well and live in captivity, which earned them great love of a huge number of people. The natural color of these cute birds is bright green, but over the centuries of selection, more than a hundred different color options have been bred.

how many years have budgies

How to care for budgies

First of all, you need to remember that the cage for these birds is very spacious, as they are incredibly mobile, at least 60 centimeters wide and 40 high. When choosing a place for parrots, several important points must be considered:

  • drafts should be avoided;
  • Do not place the cage near the heater.
    how to care for budgies
    s elements;
  • no need to put it in dark places.

An ideal place would be a wall illuminated by the sun at the level of a person’s eyes a few meters from the window opening.

The cage should be properly maintained. It is best to choose metal specimens, as they are much easier to clean and more durable. Blank paper should be laid at the bottom. Caution: Do not use a newspaper or any other type of printing product! Thus, you can simply poison the birds with paint. In addition, several poles at various heights, feeders and a drinking bowl must be installed in the cage. In one feeder, the usual grain mixture should be poured, and in the other with mineral additives.

The question of how many budgerigars live often comes up with those who want to try to teach them human speech. There are several cases where such birds reproduced up to three hundred words. For training, it is necessary not only to put the student in another cell, but also for a long time to clearly and distinctly pronounce the word that the pet needs to be trained. This should be done during feeding, when the bird's attention is fully focused on one subject. It’s enough to apply a little perseverance, and soon a little feathered friend will begin to speak with might and main memorized phrases.

Now you know how many budgerigars live with good care.


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