Minimum thickness of interior partitions: types of material and photo

A partition is a structure that divides the interior of a house into separate rooms and zones. Interior structures of this type can be built from different materials. But most often for their construction, brick, foam and gas blocks, boards and timber or drywall are used.

Minimum thickness of interior partitions

Various kinds of SNiP standards were developed primarily for the construction of multi-storey buildings. However, many owners of suburban estates, who decided to build a residential building with their own hands, usually also pay attention to such rules, although their observance in this case is often not mandatory.

GKL partitions

This also applies, of course, to the assembly of interior partitions. For example, many home craftsmen are interested in what should be the minimum thickness of structures of this type. Of course, SNiP regulates this parameter as well.

So, according to the rules, the thickness of the interior partitions in residential buildings should be such that they provide soundproofing of the shared rooms at 40-50 dB. That is, this parameter will depend primarily on what material is supposed to be used for the construction.

The thickness of the wooden partitions

Most often, suburban low-rise houses are divided into premises for various purposes using frame-panel structures. Such partitions are assembled from timber and boards. Only the constructions of this type on the frame assembled from a bar with a section of at least 100 x 100 mm can provide the required sound insulation level according to SNiP.

However, such thick material for the assembly of partitions in country houses is, of course, rarely used. A partition constructed using such a beam will occupy quite a lot of space in the building. In addition, the cost of the timber directly depends on its cross section.

In most cases, the owners of country houses collect frame partitions using a bar of 70-80 mm. This indicator is the minimum thickness of the interior partition, including in a low-rise building. When using a bar of such a section, it is also possible to provide the necessary level of sound insulation. However, in this case, when assembling the partition, it will be necessary to additionally use mineral wool. This material is inserted into the space of the partition between the bars of the frame and provides the required sound insulation.

Wooden partitions

Brick partitions: SNiP

Such designs in country houses are erected quite often. The thickness of brick interior partitions is usually 10 cm. This is explained by the design features of the material itself used for construction. The standard brick has a width of exactly 10 mm. Partitions are usually erected using the “half-brick” method.

According to the norms of SNiP:

  • the thickness of the masonry joints in the partition should not exceed 12 mm;

  • when laying, dressing is mandatory;

  • brick partitions are allowed only on a solid foundation.

Plasterboard constructions

When using such a material, the thickness of the interior partition will also be fixed. Drywall partitions are assembled in most cases using a standard profile. In different situations, the thickness of such structures can be equal to:

  • 75, 100 or 125 mm when applying a conventional profile and lining in one sheet;

  • 100, 125, 150 mm when sheathing in two sheets;

  • 155, 205, 255 mm when using a double profile and sheathing in 1 sheet;

  • more than 220 on a double profile with a lining in 2 sheets.

In small private houses without the use of soundproofing materials, the thickness of the drywall interior partitions is usually 100-125 mm. When using mineral wool, they are made thinner - 75-100 mm.

The thickness of the interior partitions of aerated concrete blocks and foam blocks

In this case, the masonry is also carried out using the “half-brick” technique. That is, such partitions have a thickness equal to the length of the short side of the foam or gas block. There are as many options for standard sizes of similar building materials.

Foam blocks, which are 10 cm thick, 60 cm long and 30 cm high, are usually used for laying internal interior partitions. That is, in other words, the smallest version of this material is used in this case. Accordingly, the thickness of the partition from such blocks will be 10 cm.

Aerated concrete piece material usually has the same dimensions. The advantage of foamed concrete in comparison with brick is a large degree of sound insulation. That is, a 10 cm partition from blocks will block noise better than from brick.

Foam blocks for partitions

Advantages and disadvantages of frame-shield partitions

Designs of this type are very popular among summer residents and owners of suburban residential buildings, primarily due to their cheapness. Also, the advantages of partitions of this type include:

  • simplicity in installation;

  • environmental cleanliness.

Very often, for lining of separating structures of this type, not a conventional edged board, but a lining is used. In this case, the partition does not require additional decoration and is aesthetically very attractive.

Plus frame-panel construction, thus, have a lot. But such partitions also have certain disadvantages. The most important thing is the low degree of fire and moisture resistance. Furnace equipment near such structures, for example, can only be installed in compliance with certain rules. Separating damp rooms with partitions of this type is not recommended. Not only wood is afraid of water, but also mineral wool most often used in such structures as a soundproofing insulator.

Pros and cons of brick and block partitions

The minimum thickness of the interior partitions according to SNiP, made of materials such as we found out, is 10 cm. That is, the places in the house of this type of partition usually take no more than wooden or GKL. Moreover, such designs are also characterized by high strength and thoroughness. This can be considered their main advantage. Such partitions are assembled, of course, usually in brick or block buildings. And houses built from these materials can serve for decades.

The main disadvantages of separating structures of this type are the complexity of installation and high cost. In order to lay out a brick or block partition, you need to have at least minimal mason skills. The materials used for such structures, in comparison with wood and GCR, are quite expensive.

How to build a partition

Pros and cons of GKL designs

The thickness of the drywall interior partitions, as we found out, can be different. The owner of the house has the opportunity to choose the best design option for this indicator. This, of course, is attributed to the unconditional pluses of partitions from the GCR.

Like the frame-panel, such designs have two more main advantages - ease of assembly and low cost. The installation of such partitions is often even cheaper than boardwalks. However, unlike wood, GKL, unfortunately, does not know how to “breathe”. In addition, in terms of environmental cleanliness, such material is inferior to boards, of course.

Unlike frame-panel, partition walls made of drywall can be assembled, including for the separation of wet rooms. This, of course, can also be attributed to the advantages of the material. The only thing in this case is to use a more expensive moisture-proof green drywall to assemble the partition.

Installation of frame-panel structures: features and requirements

Regardless of the thickness, interior partitions of this type do not usually differ in too much weight. Therefore, additional support under them is most often not equipped. The weight of such structures usually falls on the logs of the floor and the posts supporting them.

A feature of wood is the ability to resize when fluctuating in humidity and temperature. Therefore, when assembling such structures, an expansion gap is necessarily provided.

Partitions of this type are mounted approximately according to this technology:

  • the lower horizontal beam of the frame is rigidly attached to the floor according to the marking;

  • in those two walls that will subsequently connect the partition, vertical grooves are made;

  • spikes are cut out in a bar prepared for extreme racks;

  • racks are installed to the walls with the assembly of the "castle" and are additionally fastened with nails or screws;

  • using the corners, intermediate racks are installed;

  • boards are laid or lining is mounted on one side of the timber;

  • mineral wool slabs are inserted between the carcass elements;

  • the partition is hemmed by the board from the back.

The temperature gap during the assembly of such structures is provided in most cases above - under the ceiling (about 1.5 cm).

Partition frame

Brickwork masonry

Such structures in the vast majority of cases are being erected simultaneously with the construction of the building itself. The foundation under them is poured along with the base under the walls.

Regardless of the thickness, the owners of the house decided to make the interior partition of brick, the masonry mortar for this design is mixed with cement and sand in a proportion of 1/3. In order to give the mixture plasticity, masons usually add a little slaked lime to it. Before starting the masonry, the bricks are put dry and the row is aligned. Further, the walls are assembled using a mooring cord.

Sometimes brick partitions have to be erected in an already constructed building. In this case, the structure can be laid out without preliminary pouring the foundation. But it is allowed to do this only in those rooms where concrete was used to fill the floor. Start work in this case in this way:

  • marking on the floor;

  • make notches in the concrete and moisten it with plenty of water;

  • put on the floor a strip of solution with a thickness of 20 mm;

  • spread the first row of bricks with tapping with a hammer to obtain a lower seam 10-12 mm thick;

  • masonry using standard technology.

Block constructions

About the same technology as brick, foam and aerated concrete partitions are being erected. But in this case, reinforcement of masonry is additionally used for strength. The rods are inserted into the blocks in parallel every 4 rows. Gas and foam concrete is relatively fragile. Therefore, it is recommended to erect such partitions only on a reliable foundation.

Brick partitions

Installation of drywall partitions

The standard thickness of the interior partitions of this type is 100-150 mm. The assembly of GKL structures in most cases includes three stages:

  • installation of the frame from the profile;

  • installation of soundproofing material;

  • GKL covering.

Two types of profiles are used to assemble the frame of the drywall partition - guide and riser. The connection of the elements of the supporting structure in this case is performed using self-tapping screws. Shorten the frame elements when assembling the partition from GKL, if necessary, using scissors for metal. Elongation is performed using additional sections of the profile.

The rules for installing frames under GKL are the following:

  • 2 cm into the ceiling guide riser profiles;

  • pre-vertical elements lead into the lower horizontal profile;

  • the racks adjacent to the wall are pasted over with a damping tape.

Drywall during sheathing is cut using a construction knife. At the edges, a 1/3 chamfer is taken at an angle of 45. To the GCR frame, they are fixed using screws, starting from the edge and moving towards the middle.

As with the use of wood, temperature gaps are provided for the assembly of drywall partitions. In this case they leave them both below - by the floor, and above - by the ceiling. The screws on the surface of the sheets are arranged in increments of 25 cm.

Partition communications

Masking the elements of various kinds of engineering systems used in country houses makes it possible to give premises for various purposes a more aesthetic appearance. Often, communications in such buildings are carried out precisely inside wooden or plasterboard partitions.

Plasterboard partitions

The answer to the question of how thick the interior partitions should be, in this case there will be quite large parameters. GKL-designs, if necessary, laying communications inside them, for example, is mounted on a double profile. That is, the thickness of the structure in this case will have a minimum of 155 mm.

In the profile under the GCR, openings for pipes, for example, heating systems, are usually provided initially. In the beam during the assembly of panel structures they have to be done separately. Communications are laid in partitions, usually before filing the second side of the gypsum board, board or lining.


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