What are the raised white blood cells in children

elevated white blood cells in children

The level of white blood cells in a person’s blood indicates his vitality, his body’s ability to respond to infections. These blood cells are involved in tissue repair and in immune responses. In general, the number of leukocytes varies throughout the day many times. This is due to meals, stress, physical activity. That is why it is customary to take a blood test in the morning. There are times when the result of the study shows elevated white blood cells in the blood. In children, the level of these cells is always greater than in adults. If your child’s leukocytes even exceed the established children's norm, then you should seek the help of a doctor. This fact may indicate the presence of a disease. This article tells about what increased white blood cells in children mean. So, let's begin.

white blood cells in a child

Human blood leukocytes

The norm of these cells for adults is 4-8.8 x 109 / L. In children, as already mentioned above, the level of leukocytes is much higher. So, in general, the upper border of these cells is 17 x 109 / L. If the analysis showed that your child’s leukocyte count is higher than indicated, then this may indicate the presence of such diseases as viral infections, acute bacterial diseases, allergies, inflammations, injuries, purulent processes, internal bleeding. In addition, a similar circumstance is often found in burns and shocks, renal colic, and diabetic coma. Also, elevated leukocytes in the blood of children can indicate more dangerous diseases, such as lymphoma. Do not cheat yourself, it is better to visit a doctor with your child, who will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis, as well as offer medical treatment.

How to lower white blood cells in a child

human blood leukocytes

If an increase in the level of these blood cells indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, then to correct the situation, it is necessary to do direct treatment of the underlying disease. The human body reacts sharply to any virus or infection. There may be cases when the child has the disease, and these blood cells are normal. This situation is much worse than elevated white blood cells in children with diseases. This fact means that the body begins to fight pests. As a rule, in children, increased white blood cells indicate various viral infections, inflammation, and intestinal problems. Little men have a talent anywhere to catch a disease. In such cases, it is extremely important to provide the child with quick qualified help: to conduct an examination for the presence of diseases, establish an accurate diagnosis, and determine treatment methods.

As soon as the disease leaves the body of your child, the level of white blood cells immediately normalizes. It is important to monitor the health of the child constantly, to provide him with proper nutrition, physical activity and clothing according to the weather. Then it will be possible to avoid the unpleasant consequences of neglect in the form of diseases.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3514/

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