Financial Literacy Day: when, where and how is it held?

The financial literacy of the population is a very important aspect of the development of society. Of course, they teach a lot in schools and other educational institutions. Here, the younger generation masters the most necessary skills, acquires mathematical, natural-scientific knowledge, and acquires language literacy. However, in modern society, economy occupies a key place, therefore it is important to instill in people financial literacy from childhood. Some schools have recently started spending a day of financial literacy. Indeed, it is worth paying attention to such events, since it helps to form a truly comprehensively developed society.

Financial Literacy Day: General

A few years ago, it was decided to create an all-Russian program that would cover the issues of financial literacy of the population. Thus, the program “Days of financial literacy in educational institutions” was created. The date of events dedicated to this day falls on September 8th. Holding them fully meets the challenge of time. In our country, a market economy and a free trade system have existed not so long ago, so sometimes there is no possibility of transferring life experience from older to younger generations. Modern youth sometimes in dire need of mastering the basic skills of managing money and understanding the basic processes in which finances are involved.

financial literacy day

Financial literacy: at what age should you start vaccinating it?

Of course, not only young people, but also children need such knowledge. Starting from a very young age, you need to instill in your child basic knowledge about how you can manage your finances, because the example of parents largely determines the behavior of a person in the future. Naturally, there is no need to load the child with complex terms and definitions, he will not understand anything and will forget them in the near future. The best option is to tell interesting stories, for example, with fictional characters, while placing them in different situations.

At first glance, it may seem that the children will not remember anything. However, this is not at all true, since the human brain is structured in such a way that even after many years, the knowledge gained will emerge in the memory and help you navigate in the right situations. Communication with the child on this topic should be carried out not only on the day of financial literacy, but much more often. Thus, the younger generation will be ready for the rational disposal of funds in the future.

financial literacy day at school

School Financial Literacy Day: What events are held?

As part of the recently created program to increase the financial literacy of the population, many schools decided to independently conduct events on this day. In fact, this is a wonderful solution, because there is not always enough knowledge that is planted at home. The day of financial literacy at school should be organized according to the age category of students. Of course, this is important, because the understanding of the financial sphere of a first-grader and a graduate of a school that is almost entering adulthood is completely different.

Spending a day of financial literacy at school is a very responsible occupation. For the most part, open classes take place on this day, but these are far from all formats in which such an event can be organized.

spending a day of financial literacy at school

Event formats

Of course, first of all, a scenario is needed for such an event. Financial Literacy Day can take place in various formats. The first and most popular is open lessons. Conducting an open lesson is not difficult, but you need to approach it with complete seriousness. In this lesson, you can and should use multimedia tools to visually show students many financial processes. In the elementary grades, more game methods are used; during the game, students will learn material much better.

Some schools hold large general holidays, during which theater performances are organized and amusing scenes are played. Thus, a large number of students of different classes can be involved in the event. Beyond Learning New Knowledge, Financial Literacy Day In addition, it will allow to unite the collective of students.

University Financial Literacy Days

Events timed to this day do not bypass higher educational institutions. However, here they are approached with much greater seriousness. Usually, universities give lectures and conferences on many topics of the financial and economic sphere. It affects not only the basic knowledge of students, but also scientific topics that require additional training.

financial literacy day script

In specialized economic educational institutions, various materials are published by this day, which highlight the problems of the modern economy, ways to solve them, and many other issues. Summing up, we can say that the day of financial literacy arose not just like that, in modern society there has long been a need for people to gain knowledge in the economic field.


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