Roofing panels: dimensions, installation

The arrangement of the roof requires the use of a reliable roofing, characterized by moisture resistance, windproof properties and thermal insulation function. Conventional corrugated board does not fully meet these requirements, and laying a tiled cover is expensive and not always possible due to the large weight of the material. Roof panels can be called an intermediate option, allowing to complete the construction of the roof with minimal labor and financial resources.

roofing panels

Material Overview

Panels for arranging the roofing are a multi-layer plate, including several technological levels of protection. For the same reason, this material is classified as a sandwich panel. The base lower and upper layers are usually made of galvanized steel, and the core is based on heat insulators. For warming function, mineral stone wool is most often used. The outer coating also has special operational properties, which are determined by the type of surface treatment. For such purposes, polymer compositions, plastisol and polyester can be used. It is important to consider the characteristics of the outer cover from the beginning, so that the roof panels comply with environmental and hygiene standards. The fact is that the same polymer treatment, depending on the composition of the coating, is not always safe from the point of view of application in the roof for residential buildings, but it is allowed for the installation of industrial buildings. This nuance will be important during operation. But for private use, panels should have high protective properties, including resistance to UV radiation, corrosion and acidic environments.


installation of roofing panels

Thickness is one of the main indicators of the reliability of a roofing, but it also determines the degree of load on the roof truss system. On average, the thickness of roofing panels varies from 50 to 250 mm. Accordingly, for the arrangement of a private house, the format will be optimal at 50-100 mm, and massive elements up to 250 mm thick should be used in the installation of the roof of hangars, warehouses, industrial facilities, etc.

In terms of length and width, established formats also dominate, but with a wide range. In any case, this applies to lengths ranging from 2000 to 15000 mm. Again, the appropriate format is determined by the place where you plan to use roofing sandwich panels. The dimensions in width are not so diverse - the standard is considered to be 1000 mm, although there are also special extended and narrowed series. As for the mass, it, on average, is 20-30 kg / m 2 .

Types of panels

three-layer roofing panels

The complex structure of the panels determines their structural diversity. First of all, it should be noted the differences in terms of the number of layers of the plate. The configuration is considered to be a standard in three layers, two of which perform protective and load-bearing functions, and the third - insulates the roof. But there are also modifications with additional inclusions of layers of heat, steam and waterproofing. Actually, due to them, the thickness of the cover increases to 250 mm or more. At the same time, three-layer roofing panels and modernized analogues can have different fixing mechanisms. The traditional option is a simple overlap without overlapping joints. Modern versions of the sandwich panels provide for fastening by means of Z-Lock mechanisms. This lock brings together the lower parts of the panels, and the outer layers are superimposed on top of one another in the usual way of roof mounting.

Preparing for installation work

roofing sandwich panels sizes

To begin with, you should consider the technical feasibility of roofing. This may require the installation of scaffolding and mechanical lifting platforms. In this case, the territory adjacent to the building should be cleared indented by 2.5 m. Also, by the time the workers of the event, the rafter system should be ready. This applies not only to the structural part, but also to the completion of processing activities. The supporting structures must be painted and impregnated with protective agents from the very beginning.

If the weight of the roofing panel exceeds 30 kg / m, then reinforcing columns must be provided for the material to be stored on the rafter system. In the future, the load will be distributed over the entire roof area and the need for support racks will disappear.

Panel Mounting

roof panel sizes

The most critical installation phase is the first run. The panels for the initial row must be carefully inspected, and the lock elements, if any, are put in readiness for fastening. Installation is carried out by a free corrugation facing the front of the house. Depending on the parameters of the overhang, it may be necessary to trim the inner lining with the removal of the heat insulator. Connections between panels are made using clamps from both ends. This installation configuration is provided if the set of plates has special pressure plates. The central part of this element is the gap between the two sheets.

Further installation of roofing panels will be carried out using hardware. Force fixation can be carried out with screws, brackets or screws - the choice of fasteners depends on the structure of the plates. As a supplement, stabilizing nylon cables can also be used, but after installation they are removed.

Installation of strips

sandwich roofing panels

With the help of strips, additional sealing of areas that were not covered by panels, but also need external protection, is carried out. Before this, all open gaps must be treated with foam. The overlap of the adherents themselves in the case of group cascade fixation should be 40-50 mm. Fastening is carried out by means of self-tapping screws with a step of 500 mm. It is important to note that the twisting of the hardware should only be carried out with rubber washers, otherwise the installation site will not be completely sealed.

In case of deviation of the structural elements of the base from the correct geometric layout, it is possible to apply sealant to eliminate small gaps. The same applies to the technique of fastening roof panels in corner zones in the event of a loose fit of the element. Special doors are used for doors and windows, the installation of which should begin from the bottom of the opening. Fixing is carried out either by profile components with small fasteners, or large-format self-tapping screws and brackets. Again, the choice of mounting system will depend on the characteristics of the substrate and the configuration of the installation as a whole.

Installation complete

After completion of installation operations, the coating should be brought into a state ready for operation. To do this, the protective films are first removed from the surface of the panels and strips. Next, it is necessary to rinse the material, removing the remaining construction debris, particles of sealant, mounting foam and the remains of the heat insulator. Depending on the operating conditions, roof sandwich panels are sometimes treated with additional protective equipment. It is possible to apply frost-resistant and anti-shock compounds to the metal surface, which will protect the material from temperature and physical overloads.


roof panel weight

The positive or negative manifestation of the operational properties of the panels largely depends on how correctly the initial choice was made. Preference should be given to the material, which primarily in terms of technical and structural parameters corresponds to the destination. For private use, roofing panels should also be selected taking into account decorative qualities. The surfaces of standard plates of this type are not much different from the appearance of corrugated board, but there are also special models with an original color texture. Also, do not save on additional elements of a roofing sandwich structure, which will allow aesthetically designing adjacent functional coverage areas.


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