How to relocate to the USA: current visa regimes and restrictions

The USA is a country created by emigrants, and to this day you can often catch up: "I want to move to America!" But obtaining a residence permit in this country today is extremely difficult, often it costs a lot of money and takes a long time. A US residence permit , the so-called "green card", is a document that allows its holder to live, study, work, do business in the United States without hindrance, the only thing is that you need to reside in the States geographically for six months.

how to move to the USA
After 5 years, green card holders are full-fledged applicants for American citizenship. When thinking about how to move to America, you should understand that obtaining a residence permit is not so simple, or rather, it is not at all simple. The main conditions are the following: close relatives living in the United States, marriage to an American citizen, a petition from an American company interested in a highly qualified employee.

Citizens of another country who are granted political asylum can also receive a green card, and you can also win it in the lottery.

In addition to a residence permit, a visa regime is provided that allows you to live, get an education and work with a number of certain conditions. There are special work and student visas (H-1B, F-1), the former restrict their holder to a specific employer, and the latter do not provide an opportunity to work outside the student campus.

Even the availability of real estate does not

how to move to america
the right to obtain long-term visas. But investors have separate visa regimes with a wide range of opportunities, therefore, they have more options for how to move to the United States. For example, an EB-5 visa allows an investor, his wife and children under the age of 21 to legally reside in the territory of the American state, work or manage their business without any territorial restrictions. The conditions for obtaining a visa are only the size of investment deposits, their legitimacy and certain restrictions on investment projects. There are no age, professional, or related to a certain level of education restrictions on obtaining this visa.

When learning how to move to the USA, it is worth considering that the E-2 visa also provides the right to reside and work in the United States in exchange for investment investments, but only for citizens of certain countries, Russia is not included in this number. The L-1 visa is issued by companies for highly qualified employees whose services the company needs in its subsidiary or parent branch located in the United States.

I want to move to America
Holders of this visa have an advantage in obtaining a green card - they do not need additional work permits from the Ministry of Labor, respectively, they have fewer problems associated with how to move to the United States.

As mentioned above, you can become a happy owner of a "green card" due to simple luck. Every year, within the framework of the federal program of immigration diversity, in order to attract initiative and active people, an absolutely real, independent lottery is held, in which a citizen of absolutely any country can become a participant.

As a result of the lottery, 50 thousand people from different parts of the globe, figuring out how to move to the United States, receive a treasured document that allows them to legally live and work in the United States. The restriction for participation in the lottery is the country of birth.

There is a list of countries whose natives cannot apply, and it doesnโ€™t matter which country the applicant resides in, the emphasis is on the place of birth.


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