Emine-Bair-Khosar cave, Crimea: description, history, interesting facts and reviews

Who did not dream to visit the underground kingdom and wander through the mysterious mazes? Everyone who happened to be in Crimea can do this as simply as possible: unique karst caves are located on the Chatyr-Dag plateau in the territory of the nature reserve. Descending into the bowels of a harsh mountain, they say that they saw the heart of Crimea.

Four real miracles of nature are kept by Chatyr-Dag from prying eyes. The stunning beauty of the caves Marble and Emine-Bair-Khosar, Thousand-headed and Cold wait for visitors who dream of unforgettable adventures in the underground galleries.

The most impregnable cave

For hundreds of years, a man’s foot had not set foot there, but the most impregnable was Emine-Bair-Khosar, also called Mamontova, because the only entrance to it was a huge vertical well. And only in 1994, brave cavers from Simferopol cut down the path to the cave, which contains many mysteries, by changing the level of the tunnel.

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And a year later it was open to all comers, who now do not risk their lives, but walk along a convenient passage.

Natural masterpiece

No man can say that he saw fully Emine-Bair-Khosar. A cave in the Crimea with a total gallery length of more than two kilometers and a depth of about one hundred eighty meters is rich in amazing grottoes, stone waterfalls, wells and sculptures. Therefore, everyone who goes for a few hours into the magical world of the dungeon will have a lot of unforgettable impressions.

Millions of years ago, water raged here, creating the most incredible natural creations. Dissolving limestone, she, like a real wizard, formed bizarre formations. Stalagmites and stalactites, growing from below and overhanging from above, are intertwined into a single organism - stalagnate.

Mammoth trap

The vertical well for many animals turned out to be a deadly trap. Not one slipped inside had a chance to survive. In one of the grottoes, the remains of a small mammoth who found the last shelter in the hall were found, after which the cave Emine-Bair-Khosar became known as Mamontova, although this is not the only beast whose remains were found by cavers. Now the bones of wild animals are laid out in the grotto and are open to the eyes of visitors.

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The start of the tour

Not all of the five levels of the "bottomless well", as the locals called the cave, can get its guests. The lower halls are sealed and are protected areas. Only 700 meters of the territory, divided into dozens of grottoes and galleries bearing individual names, are open for sightseeing routes.

Entrance to the cave begins with the Paleontological Museum, which leads visitors to the Main Hall of the underground tale and impresses with its splendor. Its spacious arches consist of impressive stalactites, whose fantastic beauty is mesmerizing.

Dublyansky and Throne Halls

In the Dublyansky Hall, all visitors will find a wonderful surprise - a two-level anhydrous calcite lake, which is a natural monument of erosion.

Emine Bair Khosar Cave in Crimea

And on the left side is the Throne Hall, where the unique formation “Monomakh’s Cap” is beautifully highlighted, which is a snow-white curd mass of limestone that grows during rains.

Idol hall

Emine-Bair-Khosar Cave holds an amazing 60-meter-long Idol Hall, connected by an artificial tunnel to the Dublyansky Hall, broken 13 years ago.

Tourists freeze with delight, and some think that they are in a chess fairy tale, where the figures are ruled by the king and queen, which are so similar to the formations growing upwards. And many see pagan stone gods.

The largest idol reaches 10 meters in length, and among smaller stalagmites, imaginative visitors recognize images of outlandish animals, birds, and even girls.

The walls are decorated with calcite flowers and multi-colored sagging from twenty-meter stone waterfalls.


The name of the next grotto “Treasure” speaks for itself. Here unique natural creations reign, consisting of salts of calcium, water and air - helictites. Curving in the most different directions, they remind small spirals or the thinnest threads. Guests of the cave are surprised at previously unseen wonders that look like aliens from another planet.

Kecskemét Hall

The spacious Kecskemét hall, painted in chocolate-cream color with water, is known for a small stalagmite resembling a volcano. Inside it there is even a small crater expanding every day.

Marble Caves and Emine Bair Khosar

It is not for nothing that they call it the best acoustic hall of a vast cave. And to ensure that all guests are convinced of this, the guides include music that pours from the speakers specially equipped on the arch of the grotto and fascinates with a deep sound.

Mistress Hall

In one of the lower levels, open for excursions, there is a grotto called the “Mistress's Hall”, where you can clearly see the figure of a thin girl with a braided braid.

There are several grottoes that are not open to tourists, but in which work is already underway on equipment, and it seems that they will overshadow the previously known galleries with their beauty and uniqueness.

Protected Natural Miracle

It is worth mentioning that the Emine-Bair-Khosar cave is one of the most strictly protected natural masterpieces in the whole world. Scientists have not thoroughly studied all the processes that took place in underground galleries for millions of years, and so far only a small part of the halls has been investigated.

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Therefore, the entrance to the lower tiers is walled up not only for mass visits of tourists, but also for cavers in order to preserve the descendants of the inviolable grandeur of the grottoes and the microclimate in them.

Only once every five years, access for several scientists is opened so that they carry out the necessary research, and walled up in a new way.

Emine-Bair-Khosar Cave: how to get there?

Crimean landmark, recognized as the most beautiful in Europe, is located near Simferopol. First you need to go towards Yalta, and then turn to the village of Mramornoye, from which a dirt road leading to Chatyr-Dag is laid.

And for those who are in Simferopol, the easiest way is to take a trolley bus or minibus going to the village. A few hours on foot - and the guests will discover some secrets of the Emine-Bair-Khosar cave located on the lower plateau of Chatyr-Dag. Its working hours are from 8.00 to 18.00 without breaks and days off.

Cost of excursions

One and a half hour tours of the galleries of the underground complex will appeal to adults and children. For those who like to tickle their nerves, there is an extreme route with special equipment and means of self-insurance, which allows you to get acquainted with the stunning views that the Emine-Bair-Khosar cave is rich in.

The cost of excursions ranges from 350 to 1200 rubles for a 30-minute and two-hour trip.

Emine Bair Hosar Cave

A visit to a unique attraction will be remembered for a long time. Tourists note thoughtful routes that give only an unforgettable experience. The stunning beauty of the cave and its scale make us think about the greatness of nature, which created the eighth wonder of the world.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35154/

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