Induction - what is physics in physics?

In this article we will consider the notation existing in physics - induction. We will get acquainted with some of its characteristics and study the existing varieties. In addition to physics, this term is also found in other areas of human activity.


In physics, induction is the ratio of the coefficient of proportionality to an electric current moving along a closed circuit. And also it has a full magnetic flux. It is called flux linkage.

Inductance acts as electrical inertia, likened to the inertia of a body of mechanical nature. As a measure, to determine the electric inertial coefficient, it is necessary to use the emf of induction.

There is a concept of inductive properties of straight long wires. Here, a closed loop can determine the usefulness of an action by defining specific refinements.

In physics, induction is a form of expression of the self-induction emf within the circuit, which occurs when the current magnitude changes.

Given the specified parameters of the current strength, the inductance will determine the energy potential of the magnetic field that created this current.

Indicating means

physics grade 11 electromagnetic induction

When measuring the inductance index within the SI system, “GN” is used to designate it. One circuit contains an induction value equal to one henry. But for this, a necessary condition is to change the current by one ampere every second. This requirement gives outlines on the terminal with an indicator of the voltage that is equal to one volt.

The systemic capabilities of the GHS allow us to measure the inductance index using a Gaussian system. The SSES is determined by the unit determining this value. However, very often she is not given a name.

Symbol L perpetuated the name of the scientist E.H. Lenz. A unit of measurement of the magnitude of the inductance was also named after J. Henry. He proposed introducing into the terminology the concept of inductance O. Heaviside, and he did this in 1886.

induction notation in physics

Bit of theory

The conductive circuit through which current flows forms a magnetic field around itself, due to the activity of electricity.

From the point of view of the quasistatic approximation, the consideration implies that the variable electric field is rather weak or changes rather slowly so that it can be neglected by the magnetic field that they generate. This complies with the terms of the Bio-Savara-Laplace law. The summation of all the fields that any unit is proportional to such a current shows us that in physics the vector of magnetic induction, its field, corresponds to a given phenomenon of electricity, to the same current.

Such data correspond to the process in vacuum. If there is a magnet with a sufficiently powerful indicator of magnetic susceptibility, then the induction vector will clearly express the difference in comparison with how it behaved in the absence of such a medium.

Single-coil type and coil inductance

Single-turn contours penetrated by the magnitude of the flux of a magnetic nature are related to the current level, which is expressed here:

Φ = LI

Where L is the inductive ability of a single turn.

In the presence of the number of turns in size - N, the expression takes a different form:

Ψ = LI

In this form, Ψ = ∑ (N, I = 1) Φi is the total number of magnetic flows passing through the existing turns. L - becomes the inductance of the coil with a large number of turns. Ψ is the magnitude of flux linkage.

L - called the coefficient of proportionality or self-induction. In the case when the current acts on all turns with equal force, we obtain Ψ = N Φ. This corresponds to L N = L 1 N 2 .

physics the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction

About Solenoid

A solenoid is a coil whose diameter is much smaller than its length. The presence of this characteristic in the absence of magnetic materials expressing their density of magnetic fluxes in the SI system, in fact, has a constant indicator.

Absolute filling of the space inside the coil with magnetic materials will create a difference in inductance. The difference is expressed in the relative magnetic permeability factor.

The concept of electrostatic induction

Induction in physics is a “multifaceted” phenomenon, which can take place in various sections of their science.

Induction of an electrostatic nature is the induction of a personal field of an electrostatic type by the body, which is affected by the external electric. field.

The grounds for this phenomenon lie in the redistribution of charges inside the conducting body. The polarization process of a set of internal microstructures in non-conductive bodies also confirms this type of induction. External electric fields can be noticeably distorted, being next to a body with induced electric. by the field.

Phenomenon in conductors

physics vector magnetic induction

The value of induction in physics allows us, with the help of a number of other knowledge about the nature of current, to determine that the process of redistribution of charges inside metals having a high conductivity index under the influence of external electric. field will continue until its full mutual compensation. And also this will lead to the appearance of differently charged induced charges located at opposite ends of the conductor itself.

The consideration of such a phenomenon is important when solving problems in physics. Induction of electrostatic nature is used to charge them. This can be shown if the grounded conductor is exposed to the body with a negative charge, by bringing them closer together. Given the lack of contact, some of the “-” charges will go to the ground, being replaced with “+” charges. Now, if we remove the ground and the body that has a charge, the latter will still be positively charged. The same actions, but in the absence of grounding, will cause the induced redistribution of charges inside the conductor. This will lead to the fact that each part of it will acquire a neutral form.

Induction of magnetic nature

physics problem induction

In physics, magnetic induction is a quantity determined by vectors and is a force parameter of a magnetic field at a specific point. Allows you to detect the strength of the field acting on charges.

Induction of a magnetic field in physics can be defined as the ratio of the maximum moment of force of a mechanical type acting on a frame under voltage placed in a field of a uniform nature to the parameter of the product of the current strength within the frame, its area.

It is believed that it is this phenomenon that explains and lays the foundation for determining the fundamental characteristics of the magnetic field, which is similar to a vector indicating the electric strength. fields.

The GHS system measures magnetic induction using Gauss (G), and the SI system uses Tesla units (T). One T corresponds to 10 4 G.

A device that measures this type of induction is called a teslameter.

Induction of electromagnetism

induction this in physics

Class 11 physicist presents electromagnetic induction in the form of a phenomenon in which an electric field occurs in a closed loop through which a changing magnetic flux passes. M. Faraday in 1831 discovered that the EMF appearing in such a circuit observes the proportionality of the speed at which the magnetic flux changes. This is an indicator of the force driving electricity, regardless of the reason for the change in the flow - changes in the properties of the field itself or the contour movement, its part, in the magician. field. The current that causes such an EMF is called induction.

G. H. Oersted in 1820, it was proved that due to the influence of the flowing current circuit, the magnetic needle will deviate. When email Since the current is generated by magnetism, then magnetism itself must be connected with the electric current. These are mutually conditioning processes.

This idea was studied in detail by the English scientist M. Faraday. The attempt to get electricity from magnetism was his main goal in life at that time. His efforts include a huge number of experiments that he conducted, but without success. However, in 1831, on August 29, he won a triumph. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction in physics was discovered. The installation with which the breakthrough was made is based on a ring made of iron with relatively high softness. Its width was two cm, and in diameter reached 15. He wound a large number of turns of copper wire on the ring, on both halves of the ring. The chain of the first winding closed the wire. An arrow was located in the turns to detect electromagnetic induction. The second half of the winding passed current to the galvanic cells from the battery. The inclusion of electrical voltage caused oscillations on the magnetic needle, which soon subsided; interruption of the current supply caused flashing and damping of the pointer movements. It was found that the arrow deviates in one direction when the current was applied, and in the other when it was interrupted. M. Faraday determined that the transformation of the forces of magnetism into electricity can be accomplished using a simple magnet.

physics magnetic induction


From all the above, it can be concluded that in physics, induction is a multifaceted number of phenomena that can be found in different areas of the study of physics. This quantity finds its expression using a series of vectors. By the nature and nature of the phenomenon can be divided into magnetic, electrostatic and electromagnetic induction. This current property allows you to calculate many values, for example, such as the parameters of the conductors. It expresses an EMF lying within a certain contour. Initially, the phenomenon of induction was a hypothesis, which was elevated to the status of a theory through a variety of experiments that confirm and explain the essence of the structure of this mechanism. It is also important to know that this phenomenon may be of a slightly different nature if it is observed in the solenoid. In human life, this mechanism is a condition on the basis of which a modern system for transmitting current over long distances is built, and also plays an important role in creating the energy itself. Understanding of induction and the consequences arising from it allows a person to exploit it to achieve personal production goals.


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