Do-it-yourself tire foundation: step-by-step instructions, technology and reviews

If you started a construction project and want to do everything yourself, then you can use one of the many budgetary methods that will help begin the future building. The foundation of tires was specially invented for this.

What kind of tire design to choose

DIY tire foundation

In the field of construction of the base of car tires began to be introduced recently. Already today, such a foundation is known in two variations. The first involves the use of tires as the basis for pouring concrete mixture.

The second version is the laying of car tires to form individual supports. They will be located in the corners and in those places where the estimated load will be the most impressive. In this case, we are talking about the intersection points of the walls.

Reviews of the budget basis for the construction

foundation of car tires

If you faced the task of building a small building, for example, a bathhouse or a garage, then at the first stage you need to decide on the foundation. It is important to calculate what its dimensions will be, and also to decide what material you plan to use. This stage usually takes a huge part of the time, and it takes a lot of money to build the foundation.

The base can be created from old tires. This technology is of interest to summer residents, because it is notable for its low cost and simplicity. In order for the design to be strong and reliable, some tools and materials will be needed. But you must remember that it is forbidden to use this technique for the construction of massive and block buildings!

If you still doubt whether it is worth building a foundation from tires, you should evaluate the positive features of this part of the building, having read the reviews of home masters. They argue that with a competent approach to business, the foundation will last several decades.

According to the builders, you will be able to save money, and the tires will act as the basis and will serve as a waterproofing layer. If you start construction using the described technology, then you can avoid the problems caused by temperature changes. Tires are resistant to moisture. According to the owners of the baths, such a substrate is able to withstand high loads. Rubber has a special composition that provides products with the ability to withstand atmospheric influences.

Negative reviews

reviews of experts about the foundation of tires

Before you build a foundation of tires, you should evaluate some of the disadvantages of this design. For example, when exposed to direct sunlight on the wheels, the material may release toxic substances into the atmosphere. You can avoid this trouble if you perform the construction according to the rules.

The use of car tires, placing them on the surface of the soil, is not recommended. Among the minuses, private builders also highlight the inability to erect a heavy building on the type of foundation described. A base of this type does not have a sufficient level of reliability, but it will be an excellent solution for a summer kitchen or bath.

Technology of work

wheel tire foundation

The most popular "tire" technology is for those who plan to build a bathhouse or garage in a personal plot.

First you need to dig a pit, lay the tires and install the formwork. The next step is the filling.

Step-by-step instruction

how to make a foundation from tires

If the foundation of tires is suitable for your future building, then for its construction it is necessary to prepare the site. It is cleaned of stones and debris, and then dig a pit. Access on each side of the trench is 20 cm. Recommended depth is 30 cm or less. The final value will depend on the source material for the fill.

When the foundation is made of tires with your own hands, in the next step you need to lay the wheels, but first you need to align and compact the bottom. Tires are stacked one after the other, there should be no gaps. Inside the tires, the space is filled with prepared gravel, a brick fight, sand and earth.

The material is well compacted with a hammer. By the same principle, it is necessary to get rid of the gaps between the wheels. The mound layer should cover the tires completely. The density of the tamping material will ensure reliability and structural strength.

Formwork installation

foundation for a bath of tires

After compaction and preparation of the base, you can proceed to pouring the foundation. For this, waterproofing is installed in the form of sheets of roofing material. At the next stage, the formwork is mounted, for which a beam and a board prepared in advance are used.

This part of the foundation is assembled in such a way that as a result it is possible to obtain a monolithic slab of concrete. It will become the top of the base. It is especially important to reinforce the structure using channels and metal, which are interconnected by wire. Sometimes it will be enough to use a monolithic concrete slab, but in this case its economic feasibility and cost should be estimated and calculated.


foundation for the bath

The foundation of automobile tires is poured with concrete mortar, to which a plasticizer is added - this component will ensure the absence of cracks and chips. The poured solution is covered with rags, which are pre-soaked in ammonia, which saves time on drying.

The plate in this condition is left for 10 days to fix and ensure the strength of the structure. The formwork is then disassembled.

The most important thing is to ensure that the slab is perfectly horizontal. To do this, always check the construction level during pouring.

Comparison of column and slab foundations from tires

After reading the reviews of experts about the foundation of tires, you will find out that the design can be columnar or slab. The installation features will depend on the choice of the type of base.

For the slab type of foundation, the tires are located at the bottom of the pit in two layers. With an increase in the number of tires, the foundation becomes more durable, which means it will last longer.

The sheets of roofing material in this case act as a waterproofing and ensure uniform filling. When installing formwork from timber and boards, you must comply with a height of 15 cm. The foundation after pouring lasts 10 days, but for reliability, the formwork is disassembled after two weeks.

As for the columnar foundation of wheel tires, the technology provides for the construction of columns of the desired height and size. This type of foundation is relevant in regions and areas where seismic activity is highly likely. The tire base has high strength characteristics. During construction, you will spend more effort and time, but the design will turn out to be as reliable as possible.

Features of the construction of a columnar foundation of tires

Before you make a foundation from tires, you must decide what type of foundation you will build. For a columnar structure (after preparing the pit), pegs are marked in size. Car tires are placed on them so that the first layer is in the middle. In this case, it is necessary to strictly observe the horizontal surface.

Tires are covered with rubble, a brick fight and poured with a solution of concrete. The pouring should stand for about 5 days, then you can start tying it with a bar and boards. Such a foundation for a bath of tires does not require further special care during operation. This is especially true for those cases when during the construction process all the rules and regulations were observed.

A layer of sand must be formed in any of the described types of foundation. This part acts as a damper, which stabilizes the load and provides additional waterproofing, retaining moisture.

How to avoid soil swelling

The foundation is shallow. If construction is carried out in a region with severe winters, it is necessary to provide for swelling of the soil due to frost. In order to eliminate unpleasant consequences during the operation of the building, soil is laid inside the columns formed from the tires. But this must not be done to the brim, but only at 80% of the tire volume.

Empty 20% is required as a reserve in case of swelling of the soil. Ruberoid is laid on top of the received supports. Some builders use linoleum, which remains from the repair - this is an additional savings.


Whatever type of foundation you choose for the construction of a bathhouse or garage, consider all conditions, ranging from regional weather to soil features.

Once again, the base of tires is an economical and simple option. This is especially true for those craftsmen who plan to do the work on their own from beginning to end, using improvised tools and materials.


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