Best Quotes About Passion

Passion is a powerful craving for a certain phenomenon, object or person. The object of this feeling can be science or religion, music or painting, collecting or traveling. Often, passion can be caused by a specific person. This feeling embraces both the physical body and the mind.

A life filled with passion

Passion and enthusiasm

Quotes about passion show how important this feeling is for those people who have high goals. For example, G. Hegel said:

Nothing great in the world is accomplished without passion.

Passion is a prerequisite for achieving great goals. If a person does not have this internal drive, sooner or later he will get tired of going to the desired, and give up his dream. That is why many sages advise in the process of choosing a profession, first of all, to follow the call of their heart. Indeed, only enthusiasm allows a person to achieve serious heights in his business. A quote about Hegel’s passion once again confirms this.

Passion and enthusiasm

A man whose heart is filled with fire and a desire to reach new heights wakes up in the morning with a feeling of joy. After all, he has many pleasant things ahead. Not only is he filled with energy, but he is also able to charge others with it. W. Blake in his quote about passion says:

Energy is eternal pleasure.

For those people who are filled with internal energy to achieve a goal, there is no concept of laziness or apathy. After all, it is precisely this spiritual force that is called passion that gives them strength for daily work on their projects.

Passion and its object

Here is what K. Marx writes about this:

Passion is an essential human power that is energetically striving for its subject.

Whatever the object of passion, one way or another this feeling speaks of a person’s desire to be one with the object of his adoration. That is why people who are keen on science can spend tens of hours in laboratories, and artists can work on their canvases without sleep and rest. Passion allows them to overcome sleep and fatigue, the need for food and communication.

The strength and power of passion

The quote about the passion of G.V. Plekhanov is also interesting in this respect:

Not a single great step in history has been taken without the help of passion, which, tenfold the moral strength and sophisticating the mental abilities of the leaders, is itself a great progressive force.

The scientist believes that every achievement throughout the history of mankind was accomplished precisely thanks to enthusiasm. He is that energy which can multiply internal forces and even mental abilities several times. A quote about the passion of the writer S. Zweig has something in common with Plekhanov’s opinion:

Passion can do a lot. It can awaken an unprecedented superhuman energy in a person. With her relentless pressure, she can squeeze even titanic forces from the most balanced soul.

If a person does not have such passion, then he is unlikely to succeed in achieving serious heights in his profession or in overcoming obstacles in his path to the goal. But if desired, passion is able to develop everyone. As Zweig points out, even from the most “balanced” soul, this feeling can squeeze enormous energy. Therefore, even one who does not consider himself particularly passionate can develop this feeling in himself. For this, it is necessary to constantly notice positive things in that business (or person) in relation to which passion needs to be developed.

Two types of lust

W. Shakespeare wrote:

The stronger the passion, the sadder it ends.

This quote about passion shows that such a feeling can be different and bring a person both happiness and suffering. In one case, enthusiasm will be harmonious, beneficial. The other is obsessive, obsessive passion.

When a person, like an addict or an alcohol addict, cannot refuse the object of his lust, passion begins to destroy his personality. If a person is simply psychologically capable of dissolving in the process of interest to him, which is beneficial to society, there is nothing wrong with that. Such passion allows you to go beyond the boundaries of your world and create completely new objects and concepts.

If a person is dependent on the subject of his passion, then this feeling brings him only suffering. There is no question of creativity and self-expression.

Russian critic V. G. Belinsky in his quote about passion says:

Passion is poetry and the color of life, but what about passions if the heart has no will.

Following his parting words, it is necessary to remember the importance of human will. If a person is not able to choose his own path, then passions will be of little use for him and rather even destructive.

Girl in love

Quotes about passion and love.

Statements about passion can shed light on the features of this feeling, as well as separate the concepts of passion, love or even closeness of people on a spiritual level. Here is what writer Angel de Quatie says about her:

Love is a concern. Not passion, not physical attraction, and not even spiritual intimacy. True love is a natural, devoid of any other purpose, sincere need to take care of your beloved.

True love pursues only one goal - the good of another person. And in this she is radically different from passionate affection. A similar point of view can be traced in another quote:

Passion is when you want to eat, and love is when you want to feed.

Quotes about passion and desire will be of interest to anyone who would like to understand the deep meaning of these experiences, as well as their laws. The following words belong to Ennius Quintus, an ancient Roman poet:

I know the female nature: when you want, they don’t want; when you don’t want, they are embraced by a longing.

According to this quote, as well as the practical experience of many lovers, passion arises when the object of lust remains indifferent. The only thing that Anny Quintus did not say is that this truth applies not only to beautiful ladies, but also to men. Of course, there are people who only step back if they show indifference towards them. But there are few such people guided by reason. In most cases, the indifference on the part of the object of desire leads to an even greater desire to be near it.

Another quote is from the ancient Chinese sage Confucius.

The attraction of souls turns into friendship, the attraction of mind turns into respect, the attraction of bodies turns into passion. And only all together can turn into love.

A picture of lovers

Quotes about passion and tenderness are useful both for reading and for posting on a social network. The following words belong to the unrivaled Marlene Dietrich:

Tenderness is a better proof of love than the most passionate oaths.

This phrase once again reminds us that there may not be love behind passion. Tenderness, in contrast to passion, is its indisputable sign.


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