Fan connection diagram with timer: operating principle and connection procedure

The bathroom in any apartment or private house is the same room that must be kept clean, which every owner knows about. However, in practice, this is not always possible. The reason lies in the high level of humidity - the inevitable companion of this room. To avoid mold and other negative factors, it is worth considering how to put into practice a fan connection circuit with a timer. With such an air exchange system, the bathroom will fully meet the definition of a temple of cleanliness and freshness.

Need for ventilation

Many residential buildings have natural ventilation, but not everyone is fully aware of the importance of its presence. As mentioned above, there is always an excess of moisture in the bathroom, which negatively affects the human body. However, the room itself suffers. And if the bathroom is also combined with the toilet, which is not uncommon in the layout of apartments in high-rise buildings, then unpleasant odors are added to this.

Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is an important condition for a comfortable stay

The natural ventilation system, which works due to the difference in temperature and pressure, does not always cope with its responsibilities. Ultimately, this leads to the active reproduction of fungi, because the increased humidity for them is simply an ideal habitat. It is also accompanied by an unpleasant aroma that spreads throughout the rest of the rooms of an apartment or private house.

Actually, the violation of air exchange in the bathroom serves as a weighty reason for installing forced exhaust (the very scheme for connecting an exhaust fan with a timer will be given below). The reasons for the unsatisfactory operation of the ventilation system itself can be various factors:

  • air clogging;
  • strong wind;
  • turbulence in the ventilation channel (again due to strong winds).

For this reason, the use of a forced air exchange system due to the inclusion of domestic fans has become relevant. As a rule, they are mounted in places of ventilation exhaust of the bathroom.

Natural Ventilation Analysis

However, before proceeding with the creation of a forced ventilation system, it is worth analyzing the natural. First, you should find the hole in the shaft and remove the decorative panel. For many years of operation of the building, no one usually looks here because of the lack of need (according to the residents). Therefore, there you can find not only deposits of debris and dust, but even cobwebs.

In accordance with SNiP, the air exchange parameters in a standard bathroom should be equal to 25 m 3 per hour. Therefore, when designing it, it is difficult to do without a connection scheme for an exhaust fan with a timer. Of course, in the absence of special equipment, it is impossible to determine compliance with this standard. At the same time, you can use one folk method.

Verification of natural ventilation

After the channel is put in order, it is worth bringing a lit match, candle or lighter to it. If the flame deviates towards the shaft, therefore, ventilation is functioning properly. And in this case, the decision to install a fan can be taken for preventive purposes, or this measure can still be abandoned.

If this technique is not enough for someone, you can use another - using a sheet of paper. To do this, take a small piece and lean against the ventilation shaft:

  • the leaf holds - all is well;
  • leaf fell to the floor - conclusions in favor of installing a fan.

The connection scheme of the fan with a timer in the bathroom will be implemented in the best possible way, if the room will be provided with an influx of fresh air. As a rule, its circulation is achieved due to a small gap under the door. For this reason, the threshold is not set in this room.

Arguments for installing a fan

The main symptom that indicates the need to install a fan in the ventilation duct is the appearance of condensation and, as a result, mold and fungus on various surfaces of the room. These pathogenic microorganisms can serve as a source of various infections that affect residents of an apartment or private country house. In addition, the premises of an apartment or house can be filled with smells from neighbors from below or from above. This also suggests that natural ventilation is not working well.

The use of a fan connection circuit for a hood with a timer in the bathroom helps to improve the sanitary situation in this room. When you turn on the device, the air mass circulates, which leads to the disappearance of unpleasant odors. On metal surfaces (again due to the high level of humidity), the appearance of new rust is stopped.

As for the reproduction of fungi, their growth also stops. In addition, the wet coating on the tiles disappears (and such material is present in the design of many bathrooms) and mirrors.

Bathroom fan

On sale there are different models of fans, among which you can find modern devices that operate silently. In addition, they have a pretty attractive design and compact size.

Features of the right choice

When using a fan connection circuit with a timer in the bathroom and toilet, the choice of the device itself is of considerable importance. To do this, you must first pay attention to its main characteristics:

  • performance;
  • electrical safety;
  • noise level.

The performance of the device is largely due to the volume of the bathroom, including the number of people who use it. To calculate this parameter, you need to recall one formula that is well known from the school bench: to multiply among themselves three values: length, width and height.

After this, the result must be multiplied by the multiplicity of ventilation. According to SNiP, this indicator for a family of three is 6, with a larger number of people - 8. The number in the end will be the same fan performance. In this case, it is better to choose a device with a value slightly larger than the obtained calculations.

In the connection diagram of a fan with a Vents timer, for example, the degree of electrical safety is no less important than performance, or even more. And since the device should work in a room with a high level of humidity, then this figure should vary from IPX3 to IPX5. This indicates that the device casing is reliably protected from splashes, moisture, including direct hit of a stream of water. To purchase one of the options with a higher protection class for a bathroom in an apartment or a private house is not worth it due to inexpediency. This is not an industrial building.

Bathroom fan

There is only one condition regarding the noise level: the quieter the fan, the better. That is, you should choose those models in which the volume during operation is not more than 30 dB. This is especially true if necessary, carry out ventilation at night.

Fan Connection Diagrams

How can one implement a fan connection circuit with an Era timer or any other manufacturer? It is worth noting immediately that such work does not have to be entrusted to specialists, everything can be done independently. At the same time, installing the device itself is not a problem, and this is still half the battle. The main thing is to apply tension to it. And since we are considering fans that are equipped with a timer, there are not many options:

  • Connection through a switch - that is, parallel to the lighting.
  • Connecting directly to the junction box is a fully automated system without human intervention.

It is worth noting that all these options are best implemented at the stage of repair or construction of a new facility. Then the wires will be securely hidden under the tile or plaster. Otherwise, it presents certain difficulties.

Connection diagram of a fan with a timer from a light bulb

Exhaust fans with a timer are more expensive than conventional counterparts without additional equipment. Nevertheless, it is a good option for indoor use in the bathroom. In this case, the connection diagram implies the presence of a switch and looks as follows. Here you will need 4 wires:

  • Terminal L is connected to a phase conductor directly from the junction box.
  • Contact Lt is also for phase reversal, only through the light switch.
  • Terminal N - corresponds to zero; a wire also goes to it directly from the junction box.
  • The PEN pin is the ground for connecting the appropriate conductor.

In other words, only the phase opens, as is the case with lighting.

Connection diagram of a fan with a timer from a light bulb

With this scheme for connecting a fan with a timer, the operation algorithm is as follows. The inclusion is carried out simultaneously with the lighting, and the disconnection occurs after a certain time after turning off the light (configured on the device). That is, the fan will work even if the owner has already left the room. Usually this is a period of 5 to 30 minutes, which is enough for flow ventilation.

But there are other models on sale that are equipped with a reverse mode. In other words, the fan motor will only work if the light is turned off, that is, back to the first option. And then after the time set by the timer.

Direct connection to junction box

Fans with a humidity or movement level sensor make the air exchange in the bathroom fully automated (they are equipped with a timer in any case). That is, the participation of the owner of the home is not at all necessary. Even in a simple wiring diagram, a fan with a timer and a humidity sensor should not provide the cheapest. In addition, you should pay attention to another point, if the bathroom is separate:

  • Devices with a humidity sensor - for the bathroom.
  • Fans equipped with a motion sensor - for the toilet.

The first will be activated automatically, it is only necessary to exceed the set humidity level. Moreover, the hood will work until it reaches the normal parameters.

As for models with motion sensors, their inclusion is carried out when a person appears in the sensor coverage area. Fans will automatically turn off after a delay set on the timer.

Installation and connection of an exhaust fan in the bathroom

And since the system is fully automated and works without human intervention, circuit breakers are not included in its connection scheme as unnecessary. For this, the wires from the junction box (phase, zero, ground) go directly to the fan contacts.

Assembly stage

With the circuit for connecting a fan with a time timer to an electric line, it is now more or less clear, now it is time to start the procedure for installing it. However, an electric cable should first be led to this place. For this, a strob is made from the junction box.

Now it’s already clear why such work is planned to be done during the scheduled repair or at the construction stage. After that, you should connect the wires to the contacts on the fan (more on this has already been written above).

Before installing the fan, the decorative grille is removed from the mine channel (if it was cleaned, it is already open). If you chose the method of mounting on self-tapping screws, then you should drill holes for dowels, where they will then be screwed in during the installation of the fan. The dowels themselves at this point should already be pre-inserted into the holes made.

If necessary (in the absence of the possibility of fastening on self-tapping screws), you can go the other way - put the case of the exhaust device on a special glue or sealant. At the final stage, the removed decorative panel returns to its place.

Timed fans - a good solution

We have already become familiar with the need for a forced ventilation system - just install an exhaust device. However, in comparison with conventional models, analogs with a clock device have much greater advantages. By putting into practice a fan connection circuit with a timer, ventilation can be brought to an almost ideal level.

Timed fans - a good solution

First of all, we are talking about saving electrical energy. The fan, which is powered in parallel with the lighting, will turn on even when the owner just went into the bathroom to wash his hands or load dirty laundry into the washing machine. That is, the device starts to work, even if there is no need for air exchange.

The operation of the models with a timer is due to the long location in the bathroom, and in this case, air circulation can no longer be dispensed with. As a result, the fan functions, as they say, strictly in the case.

No draft!

Here is another weighty argument in favor of installing a fan with a timer. While taking a bath or shower, a person is not exposed to drafts. After all, the device will turn on after the owner leaves the room. As a result, the risk of catching a cold during water procedures is minimal, or even completely absent.

The very scheme of connecting a fan with a timer in the bathroom should not cause questions. The presence of additional ventilation after the process allows you to remove all condensate from the walls. And the last argument: with models equipped with a timer, you do not have to worry about turning them on and off. Actually, the watch device itself takes on all responsibilities for turning the fan on and off. All that is needed is to set the necessary period of his work once.


As we now understand, the arguments in favor of installing a fan in the bathroom are more than convincing. After all, hardly anyone wants to risk their health. Therefore, if natural ventilation does not cope with its direct responsibility, it is worth it to help with this. Actually, for this, several schemes for connecting a fan with a timer in this article have been described.

Bathroom fan

This is not as difficult to do as it might seem at first glance. As a result, the appearance of dampness and, as a consequence, fungi, concomitant diseases can be avoided.


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