How to sterilize a breast pump at home?

Every young mother is concerned about the question of how to sterilize a breast pump. Unfortunately, this technological invention appeared not so long ago. But it is already very popular among the female half of humanity.

how to sterilize a breast pump

What is it for?

Before you consider the question of how to sterilize a breast pump at home, you should understand what kind of device it is and what it is for.

how to sterilize a breast pump at home

A breast pump is a simple device that allows you to pump milk from a woman’s breast into a special container. Currently, there are two options for this technology: with manual and automatic basis. There are several reasons to buy a breast pump:

  1. It helps to increase the amount of milk in the chest.
  2. With it, you can fill the mother’s liquid in a special container and feed it to the baby through a bottle.
  3. You can express excess milk, alleviating the severity of the breast.

Is it possible to sterilize a breast pump

Thanks to this device, you can save a young mother from many serious diseases, such as mastitis, the appearance of a tumor, premature sagging tissues and much more. Do I need to sterilize a breast pump? Of course! This device must always be environmentally friendly!

Why is it necessary to sterilize?

There are several reasons why it is mandatory to sterilize a breast pump:

  • Mother's milk, like any other, can turn sour. This will happen especially quickly when stored improperly. As a result, an unpleasant odor forms, which will be quite difficult to get rid of in the future.
  • If this procedure is not done in a timely manner, then bacteria will begin to multiply. In the future, they will penetrate the body to the child, which will lead to the formation of colic, heartburn and even diarrhea.
  • Even a thoroughly washed device can accumulate the remains of old milk. This can significantly spoil the taste of the freshly expressed liquid. Do not be surprised if the baby begins to actively spit it.

how to sterilize avent breast pump

A young mother may be absolutely not interested in the question of how to sterilize a breast pump, only if she uses it only to ease the feeling of heaviness in the chest, and she herself does not use its components for feeding her baby.

When should this be done?

Another important issue is when to do this procedure. Ideally, this should be done after each decantation. That is, fresh milk needs to be poured into a small bottle, and all the components of Mom’s assistant carefully processed. How often to sterilize the breast pump for young parents depends only on how many times a day the pumping process will be carried out.

how to sterilize avent breast pump

If the mother does not use this milk to feed the baby, then it is enough to process the device once a day.

Preparatory work

Before proceeding to the sterilization process of the breast pump, several preparatory procedures will be required:

  1. It is necessary to carefully disassemble the device into several components. As a rule, this is a pen, through which decantation is carried out, a liquid storage tank, a valve and various connecting components.
  2. Next, prepare a deep container or special packages. If a sterilization dish is used, then it must be made of glass or metal. It is strongly not recommended to use plastic products, as they are able to retain bacteria in themselves. A small saucepan may also be required.
  3. It is worth preparing in advance the matter on which the processed breast pump will be stored. It should also be clean. For example, you can use a boiled baby diaper, towel or gauze.

Once everything is ready, you can begin the main work.

The easiest way

Many young mothers are concerned about the question of how to sterilize a breast pump at home, without spending a lot of time. It is very easy to do. To do this, you need to purchase special packages for sterilization at the pharmacy, the cost of which is about one hundred rubles. The processing process consists of several stages:

  1. Each part of the breast pump must be rinsed under running water. You can use a baby dishwashing detergent.
  2. Next to the component of each part you need to attach a package. It should be well fixed on the walls of the device.
  3. Then the parts must be placed in the freezer.
  4. After 30 minutes, parts of the breast pump should be removed, emptied of the bags and neatly unfastened the remaining paper.
  5. If necessary, you can lubricate the device with a small amount of vegetable oil and leave to dry for several minutes.

Other baby dishes, including nipples and bottles, can be processed in the same way.

Boiling sterilization

Can a breast pump be sterilized at high temperature? Naturally, yes, but this method is only suitable for devices made of durable material. The beloved grandmother’s way consists of just a few steps:

  1. First of all, as in the previous case, you need to disassemble the mechanism and rinse it under running water.
  2. Next, a small amount of water is required to be poured into the pan and put it on a strong fire.
  3. As soon as the liquid boils, the components of the breast pump can be placed in the container.
  4. After 15 minutes, the device can be reached. It is recommended to use two forks for this.
  5. Now it remains to place it on pure matter and wait for it to dry completely.

You can boil all the ingredients in one container. However, the effect will be better if it is possible to treat each part in renewed water.

Steam Sterilization

How to sterilize a manual breast pump? Many young mothers buy this device in order to save money. It is worth noting that manufacturers also skimp on the material to create it. After just a few processing procedures in boiled water, you can notice that an unwanted coating has appeared. To prevent this, such a device is recommended to be steam sterilized:

  1. Pour a small amount of water into the pan. Enough for her to slightly hide the bottom.
  2. Next, you need to cover the container with a lid and wait for the process to boil.
  3. Once this has happened, put a colander on top of the pan and put every part of the breast pump in it.

The whole sterilization process in this way can last up to 30 minutes. After that, all the details also need to be decomposed into matter and wait for their complete drying.

Sterilization with boiling water

How to sterilize a breast pump if there is absolutely no time or additional containers? For example, if you need to do this in a hospital or maternity hospital. To do this, you need a deep glass plate and water:

  1. First of all, you need to disassemble the breast pump and rinse each component under running water.
  2. Now put all the details on a plate and pour them with boiling water. The container must be closed with a tight lid.
  3. After 30 minutes, drain the water and pour cold, slightly salted.
  4. It is necessary to leave the device washed in this way for no more than five minutes.
  5. All parts should be removed from the plate and wiped with a clean rag.

This method is one of the simplest, but cannot guarantee a high degree of efficiency.

Microwave sterilization

Not so long ago there was a new way how to sterilize a breast pump: in the microwave. He appeared to many mothers, as this procedure saves time. It is enough to just place the disassembled breast pump in a deep plate, pour it with water and put on heating for 25-30 minutes. Microwaves do an excellent job of removing contamination. A similar procedure can also be done in the oven or slow cooker.

A few words about the Avent breast pump

Speaking of breast pumps, one cannot ignore the devices of the legendary Avent company. It is this product over the past five years that has gained immense popularity among mothers of all countries. There are several reasons why you need to pay attention to this particular model:

Do I need to sterilize a breast pump

  • First of all, this is quality. Users claim that the breast pump of this company will last for many years. Each fastening is done as carefully as possible, the device will not wear out, even if it has to be disassembled and assembled more than 10 times a day.
  • Durable and environmentally friendly material that is absolutely safe for the baby.
  • Large assortment of goods. If there is a need to choose the Avent breast pump, then it will be possible to purchase the most convenient option from a great many. There are several types of manual and automated devices.

Currently, there are a huge number of breast pumps of various companies. It is the products of Avent that have received a huge number of positive reviews from young mothers. Undoubtedly, this causes a lot of trust.

How to sterilize the Avent manual breast pump?

It has already become clear which firm the device needs to be selected for expressing milk. Now it’s worth saying a few words about how to sterilize the Avent breast pump. It consists of two main parts - a small pear for storing liquid and a convenient handle. To a greater extent, it is necessary for the development of the breast, rather than for the full feeding of the baby.

Such a device is recommended to be processed in two ways. This is best done by the method of "steaming" boiling water. It is the most effective and reliable. If possible, it is recommended to do this with the help of a special device - a sterilizer, which can be bought at a medical goods store.

How to sterilize a breast pump with a bottle?

It is also worth saying a few words about the most popular breast pump with a bottle. It consists of three main components - a reliable handle, funnel and bottle of various volumes: 100, 150 or 200 ml. By pressing the handle, milk is pumped into a special container. Then it can be drained or fed him a baby.

How to sterilize the Avent breast pump with a bottle? You can do this in absolutely any way. Durable material is able to absorb the highest temperature, so it is recommended to choose a method of boiling or steam treatment. In order to prevent the appearance of unwanted scale, after sterilization, rinse the device with cold boiled water and thoroughly wipe with a clean rag.

how often to sterilize a breast pump

Breastfeeding is a very important process for every mother. Due to natural feeding, you can strengthen the baby’s immunity, avoid colic and save money on the purchase of mixtures. It’s great that there are special devices that will help simplify this process. It is very important to know how to sterilize a breast pump. This will avoid adverse effects. For this, it is not necessary to use special equipment or contact qualified centers. To do this procedure is quite simple at home with the help of improvised means. The whole processing process will take no more than ten minutes.


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