How many goldfish live in an aquarium?

Many busy people, dreaming of a pet and not having the opportunity to get a cat or dog, buy aquariums. However, not everyone knows how to properly care for its inhabitants. After reading today's article, you will find out how many goldfish live.

A small historical retreat

It should be noted that it is these fish that are considered the oldest representatives of the cyprinid family, which they began to breed and keep in aquariums. And the first to do this was the indigenous population of China. Those who are interested in how many years goldfish live do not hurt to find out that professional court breeders were engaged in their breeding. They were obtained by crossing several species of silver crucian carp.

how many goldfish live

After the first bright individuals were launched into the imperial pond, work began on the breeding of new fish. That is how modern veil tailings, vaccines and human beings appeared. Life expectancy of individuals living in natural conditions was about a quarter of a century.

In the XVI century, these bright and rather large fish were brought to Japan, and after another hundred years, the inhabitants of Europe learned about them. Interestingly, the lifespan of imported animals decreased to three months. This is due to the fact that their owners for some reason believed that they did not need food at all.


Those who want to understand how much goldfish live will probably be interested in how they look. The average length of adults is about thirty-five centimeters. However, in aquarium conditions such impressive specimens are rarely found. Usually in captivity they grow up to fifteen centimeters.

how many goldfish live in the aquarium

Goldfish has a long, flattened laterally elliptical body. She also has several reddish or yellowish fins, the longest of which is considered dorsal. It starts from the middle of the red-golden torso. The sides of the vast majority of representatives of this species are painted in golden color, and the belly in a yellowish tint.

How many goldfish live in an aquarium?

In this case, much depends on the conditions in which they live. On average, this indicator is from five to ten years. However, there are exceptions. For example, in one of the English cities there were a couple of individuals who lived to the age of thirty. Moreover, they lived in a forty-liter aquarium and ate specialized food. And in the county of North. Yorkshire was a goldfish that lived forty-four years.

Content Features

Having figured out how many aquarium goldfish live, you need to learn how to properly care for them. First of all, it should be noted that one liter will require fifty liters of water. Those who plan to have five or six fish should purchase a two-liter aquarium for future pets in advance. In addition, it is important to control filtration, aeration and light levels.

how many years live goldfish

The optimum temperature of the water varies from eighteen to twenty-three degrees. However, much depends on the time of year. In the winter months, it can be slightly colder than in the summer. It is important to remember to replace a tenth of the contents of the aquarium daily. Since low-quality and polluted water can cause the development of many diseases.

Feeding recommendations

Having understood how many goldfish live, you need to understand the features of their diet. Just note that they are quite voracious. Despite the fact that these creatures are almost constantly asked to eat, feeding them is often not recommended. According to most experts, frequent meals can lead to various diseases. Experienced aquarists advise feeding goldfish no more than twice a day. It is important to give food in small portions, which are eaten within seven minutes.

how many years live goldfish in an aquarium

The basis of the diet of these beautiful, but very voracious creatures are plants, specialized dry and live food. Moreover, the latter is recommended to be purchased frozen to prevent infection of fish with various diseases. As for dry food, it must first be soaked in a small bowl filled with water, which was taken in advance from the aquarium. Plant food must be scalded in advance with boiling water and chopped. In addition to everything else, it is recommended to supplement their menu with unsalted crumbly cereals, which are cooked on water.

Home breeding

Those who already understand how many years goldfish live in an aquarium will be interested to know how they breed. Especially for these purposes, it is necessary to purchase a tank that closes on top, the length of which is at least eighty centimeters. It is important that the bottom of the so-called spawning grounds be planted with bushy small-leaved plants. In addition, the aquarium must be filled with clean water that is as saturated as possible with oxygen.

how many aquarium goldfish live

Usually the beginning of courtship games falls in the early spring. It is advisable to plant the fish at this time and provide them with full feeding. After a couple of weeks, you can select a female and two or three males. After fertilization, the eggs of the fish must be removed from the spawning grounds. After two days, fry are born, which on the fifth day begin to swim confidently.

Prevention of various diseases

Those who already know how many goldfish live should understand that they, like all living things, are prone to ailments. Of course, conditionally pathogenic microflora is present in any aquarium. Therefore, so that your pets do not become victims of pathogens of dangerous diseases, you need to follow a few simple recommendations.

It is important not to overpopulate the aquarium and constantly maintain a healthy living environment. Do not neglect regular water changes. It is strictly forbidden to add aggressive individuals capable of injuring them to goldfish. Also, one should not forget about the correct diet and feeding regimen.


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