How to come up with a nickname?

Nick is a peculiar Internet name used in forums, social networks, chats. What is a nickname? This is your middle name, a kind of "dress" by which they meet (and already escorted to the mind, as the old-old saying goes). Nicknames consisting of numbers look very funny - here plainness, scarcity of imagination and mind is clearly displayed. I immediately recall the stigmatization of dogs receiving a “tattoo” in the ear in the form of several numbers. Dogs, of course, are wonderful animals, but still, in terms of development, they stand, you see, much lower than a reasonable person.

How to come up with a nickname to avoid unnecessary associations? First, decide what you want to reflect in your middle name and imagine that you are communicating with a person who has the same nickname. For example, “Kesha” is associated with a funny parrot, “Doe” is graceful and mysterious, “Panther” is a predator, always ready to jump, “Night visitor” is obviously temporary and looking for adventure at night. You can delve into history, mythology, even fairy tales. You need to think about how to come up with a catchy nickname that reflects your essence and has the ability to communicate. Do not hurry. The sailors had a belief that was not devoid of a grain of truth: "whatever you call a ship, it will sail." Remember the movie in which on a ship called "Victory", the first letters suddenly disappeared? So he swam, justifying the remaining four ...

So how to come up with a nickname?

1. Do not use signs. The characters "~! *] # + $% (/" Will not give beauty, but they will make you doubt your intellect. In addition, the nickname will be poorly read and unlikely to be remembered. The exceptions include the "&" sign, identified with "and" and linking words (if nick is long).

2. Speaking of length. Do not use more than twenty characters. The reason is still the same bad memorization. In addition, nicknames that are too long are not always accepted by systems.

3. Do not use characters that are not on the keyboard: your interlocutor will see only empty squares.

4. If you already settled on a compound nickname, separate the words with spaces or write a new word with a capital letter: "BabaYaga", "forest-beast", "quiet pool".

5. Do not write full name, phone numbers, etc., personal information instead of a nickname - this is, after all, your own safety. It is quite possible to combine the combination of parts of the surname, name or patronymic: Leonid Onisimov - “Leon”, Larisa Pavlovna - “Paw”, etc.

6. We have already talked about numbers. But there is another situation: you came up with a nickname, and he is already taken. Some add a few digits to the nickname and get something like: "Leon2", "Lapa2012". If you want to be always second (the first one is already up to you) - then the method is just yours, if not, think further.

7. Nicknames written in English are well read: "GoodOk", "Migera", "LeOn". By the way, not every site or chat accepts Russian letters.

8. Do not use rude or obscene words in nicknames : this will immediately push away the interlocutor. In addition, you intentionally "run into a ban."

How to come up with a nickname for a girl? Consider the above tips and avoid diminutive suffixes. Nicky like: “Helen”, “Olenka”, “Baby” are suitable, perhaps, for schoolgirls. Do you still use kindergarten terminology? Nicknames look very silly: "Pussy", "Lapusa", "I_Tvoya" and the like. Affected by accessibility per mile away. However, if this is your goal - if you please ...

And now - about how to choose a nickname for guys. Avoid, for God's sake, the images of sex giants! Believe me: a positive response in a woman’s heart does not shine for you, but you will provide yourself with suspicions of various kinds of deviations (even if you communicate in specialized sex chats). You can search for a beautiful nickname among natural phenomena, films, and literary characters: "Aurelio", "Ramzes", "OmeN", etc.

Some authors advise mixing the feminine and masculine in a nickname. You should not follow such at least strange tips, unless you are a regular at the “blue” and “pink” clubs and chats.

Your nickname should reflect you like a mirror. Remember: in the virtual world they meet by nickname ...


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