Do you know how to pack a bouquet of flowers?

Very often, giving a person a gift, we give him flowers. We usually buy a ready-made bouquet, but it’s also not very difficult to arrange it beautifully and originally on your own. To do this, you need to know only a few requirements and rules. First of all, you need to choose flowers. There are two choices: those that you personally like, and those that you like the person to whom you will make a gift. Next, an important step in how to pack a bouquet is to determine the number of flowers. It should only be odd. In the case of using different species, it is not recommended to choose an equal amount of one species. For example: if the bouquet consists of orchids and roses, then let there be five orchids and six or eight roses.

how to pack a bouquet

Regarding the shape of the bouquet, it should be noted that the traditional is conical, cone-shaped are also gaining popularity. Flowers of the same type look good at different stages of their growth, that is, a combination of blossoming, half-opened buds and completely closed.

In order to understand how to pack a bouquet, it is necessary to clearly define its color scheme. It can be monochrome or contrast. When choosing the latter option, white and red flowers, yellow and purple will beautifully combine. A wonderful harmonious composition will turn out from yellow, red and purple flowers. For example, irises, tulips and yellow daffodils can be used.

how beautifully pack a bouquet of roses
Monochrome bouquet looks more elegant. A combination of colors of the same color of different types will turn out well. A set of roses, lilies and white chrysanthemums will be great.

Well, now let's look at how to pack a bouquet, using the example of a round design called “Biedermeier”. We take the largest flower in our left hand, and with our right hand we select the next ones and set them so that they are a little lower and we get a circle. The first one will take six. Below we create one more. The number of circles depends on how many colors we use. If they are of different shades, then it is advisable to alternate them evenly, to your liking.

After you get a bouquet of spherical shape, we connect the stems in the middle, and besides, we do it firmly enough so that the shape does not get lost. At the next stage, we decorate it with greens. For this, for example, twigs and green leaves are placed at the edges. Then cut the stems to the desired length. So we sorted out the initial part of how to pack a bouquet.

how to pack a bouquet in film

Now we proceed directly to this important process. The following materials can be used for packaging: lace and corrugated paper, organza and colored cellophane. The combination of packaging and bouquet must be observed. This does not mean that they should be the same color, but everything should be harmonious. You need to know how to pack a bouquet in film, a basket. Very often he will win if the stems are wrapped in satin ribbon and at the same time do not use anything else.

Let's look at an example of how to pack a bouquet of roses beautifully. They will look neat in a decorative mesh specially designed for packaging - organza. Long roses are simply tied with a ribbon, they don’t need any packaging. Remember to only remove all lower spikes. For beautiful and short, you can buy a "microphone", the purpose of which is the formation of bouquets, and add more, for example, oak trees and stitches.

Beautiful and long roses can still be wrapped in a film or a transparent bag and bandaged at the bottom with a ribbon. Elegant packaging in no case should compete with magnificent living beauties.


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