Note to the gardener: how to get horseradish out of the garden

How to get horseradish from the garden? This is the question that many gardening land owners are asking. Which is not surprising, given the fact that horseradish is growing rapidly. It has huge leaves, reaching a height of up to one meter, and simply strangles neighboring cultures. In fact, all gardeners know that getting rid of this plant is not so easy. If you have suffered the same fate, then get ready for a long struggle, which can not be won in one approach.

how to get horseradish from the garden

Horseradish - a useful plant

No one will argue with this. Horseradish itself as a plant is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. For example, the juice of its thick roots contains the antibacterial substance lysozyme, which can be found in tears and the human body. But it begins to break down with respiratory diseases, which can make the human body even more vulnerable. Therefore, it can easily be replaced with horseradish juice. Doctors recommend using it during outbreaks of infections. In addition, horseradish is a plant that contains much more vitamin C than the lemon fruit. We can also find in it magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, sulfur and potassium. And if we add to all these discoveries that the horseradish does not need any care, it becomes completely unsurprising that it is simply allowed to grow in the area until its reproduction becomes a serious problem.

horseradish plant

Why is removing horseradish from the garden difficult?

This is a plant that is propagated by the root system. He has no seeds. The roots of the young plant are located at a depth of about 30 centimeters underground, and the old horseradish can go up to three meters. Of course, if the soil allows. Also, the part that is underground is spread horizontally. The older the bush, the longer its lateral roots. You can’t get rid of horseradish with an ordinary chopper. After all, if even a small piece of the root is left underground, it will certainly sprout and give life to a new bush of useful weed. In addition to weeding, there are other ways to remove horseradish from the garden. But nevertheless, they require some work, so do not count on the resolution of your problem too soon.

Fighting horseradish with chemistry

In the fight against the plant in question, some summer residents use chemicals. Of course, not all resort to this method. But nevertheless they exist and are successfully applied in practice. In the destruction of horseradish on your site can help the tool "Glyphos". With this drug, it is necessary to spray the leaves of the bush every day, until they disappear. Withering of the plant occurs in up to eight days. Repeated shoots are possible. In this case, you need to perform the procedure again.

Another chemical weed control agent is Roundup. The procedure for its use is somewhat different from the use of the drug "Glyphos". Horseradish roots are unearthed. Small incisions are made in them. Means "Roundal" is typed into a syringe and injected into the holes. Re-use is possible.

how to remove horseradish from the garden

How to destroy horseradish in the garden with nitrate?

Everyone knows that nitrate is a nitrogen fertilizer that stimulates plant growth. But is it really possible to get the hell out of the land with it? And how! From the very appearance of shoots of a bush, its leaves must be constantly cut off. And with the onset of June, the place of the removed greens must be carefully watered with nitrate, right down to the very frosts. Thus, a plant stimulated by fertilizer will not have time to prepare for the cold and will continue to function. As a result, it will perish. But sometimes this procedure has to be repeated the next year.

Tools at hand

How to get horseradish from the garden using other methods? Since this plant is photophilous, it is possible to fight it, based on this criterion. Just immerse the horseradish bushes in the darkness. To do this, you will need material that completely does not allow sunlight through it. It can be slate or roofing material. Any other material will do. The main thing is that the plant's light insulation is complete, without various gaps, even the smallest.

If you want to get rid of weed in the shortest possible time, but do not want to resort to chemistry, then you need to know how to remove horseradish from the garden using ordinary table salt. There are two ways to use it in weed control. In the first method, the roots of the plant are unearthed, the top with leaves is cut. The tops are removed. An incision is sprinkled with salt and laid back with earth. The second method begins similarly to the first. The roots of the plant are dug up, the leaves are cut and removed. Then the depression is poured with a solution of sodium chloride. The procedure can be repeated up to several times. But still you need to water in moderation, otherwise you can salt the soil.

how to destroy horseradish in the garden

Many people know how to get horseradish out of the garden using pitchforks. Only with this method use unusual inventory. We need pitchforks to dig the earth. They pry off a pre-excavated root system and are pulled out of the ground. A repeat of the procedure is possible.


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