Cucumber Pasalimo: variety description, photos, reviews

The leader of domestic gardens is considered to be a cucumber. The absence of this democratic product on the beds and tables is impossible to imagine. Apparently, therefore, breeders do not leave work to create new varieties and hybrids. And this research is very successful.

cucumber pasalimo
The proof of this is our publication, dedicated to the early ripening hybrid of gherkin of the gherkin type Pasalimo, already appreciated by gardeners. Learn about the features of this vegetable.

Pasalimo, cucumbers: variety description

Positioned by the Dutch seed breeding company Syngenta Seeds BV, this cucumber was included in the state registry of the Russian Federation in 2005 and has been cultivated in summer cottages and on farms for more than 12 years. The hybrid is allowed for cultivation in all regions of the country and is growing equally successfully in open ranges and in greenhouse conditions. The universality of the variety is explained by its properties of parthenocarpic, that is, it does not require classical pollination by bees.

Cucumber Pasalimo is a hybrid with a surprisingly short vegetation period, the scope of which is limited to only the 39-41st day, but its fruiting continues until the coldest. Gherkin type of vegetable makes it possible to collect fruits of varying degrees of ripeness and size:

• pickles - 3-5 cm;

• gherkins - 5-8 cm.

The female-type culture, which does not have hollow flowers, is medium-sized, indeterminate, i.e., with an unlimitedly growing central shoot.

pasalimo cucumbers reviews
Light green pubescent leaves reach medium size. A feature of the hybrid is the ability to form up to 6-12 ovaries in one node. Zelentsy are one-sized, of regular elongated shape, white-thorny, tuberous, short (up to 8-9 cm), weighing up to 80-90 grams.

Cucumber Pasalimo is covered with a bright emerald skin with a slightly pronounced spotting and fuzzy light dashes. The hybrid has excellent crisp flesh, free from unpleasant bitterness.

Productivity and disease resistance

The variety is remarkable for a very high percentage of output of high-quality commercial products, which is almost 96% for vegetables grown in the greenhouse and a slightly lower yield for open beds. From 1 square meter usually remove 13-15 kg of cucumbers. After harvesting, the fruits retain their commercial qualities for a long time. Even greenhouses not taken on time do not outgrow. Cucumber Pasalimo, whose photo is presented in the article, is universal. It is used fresh, excellent in marinades, pickles, snacks, as the dense structure of the flesh of the hybrid prevents the formation of voids during heat treatment.

pasalimo cucumbers description

An advantage of the hybrid is its high resistance to cucumber misfortunes such as powdery mildew, cladosporiosis, cucumber mosaic virus, which can destroy the lion's share of the crop.

So, the advantages of the variety are high flavoring properties, one-dimensionality of the fruit, good yield, resistance to typical diseases, transportability and marketability.

Cucumber Pasalimo: planting features

The hybrid yields the highest yields on fertile, drained loamy soils. Like all cucumbers, Pasalimo (reviews of vegetable growers confirm) are not indifferent to the abundance of light and heat. Therefore, choosing sites for planting, they are guided by precisely these criteria. The best predecessors are nightshade, onion, bean and cruciferous.

Hybrid is grown with seedlings or seeds that are sown immediately in the greenhouse. The soil by the time of sowing should be warmed up to 15-18 ° C, since cucumber is a heat-loving plant. Therefore, the approximate timing of the landing of Pasalimo in the middle and temperate latitudes of the country is considered to be from May 15 to May 25, although it is necessary to focus on the weather established in the region. The optimum daytime temperatures necessary for the plant for high-quality development should not be lower than 22-24 , night-time - 18 ..

cucumber variety pasalimo
For seedlings, the seeds of Pasalimo cucumbers are sown in late April. If the climate in the region makes it possible to plant a vegetable in open ground, bypassing the seedling period, then the work of a gardener is greatly facilitated.

Seedling Care

The variety of cucumbers Pasalimo gives tall, but fragile seedlings. Therefore, knowledgeable vegetable growers recommend sowing them for seedlings immediately in separate containers. This will significantly improve the condition of the seedlings, will not delay their growth, strengthen the stem and in a short time will develop a strong root system.

Seedlings need good care, consisting in adequate lighting and maintaining the air temperature at a level of 20-25 ° C. Sprouted seedlings are watered very moderately, avoiding excessive moisture. It can cause bacterial infections. It is important to remember that the seedling period for a cucumber is quite limited and does not exceed 25-30 days. Overgrown seedlings take root heavily and for a long time.

Soil preparation

Experienced gardeners recommend planting cucumbers in high beds with a slight slope to the south, they warm up much faster in the sun and keep heat well. Cucumbers require low nitrogen soils. Acidic soils must be liming.

To prepare a place for landing begin in the fall. For digging, 10 kg of fresh manure or 60-70 g of phosphorus-potassium compounds per 1 square. meter. In the spring, the site is again thoroughly loosened.

Greenhouse preparation and planting

Before planting in a greenhouse, it is necessary to take into account some features of indoor cultivation, since without appropriate treatment it is difficult to avoid infection, despite the good immunity of the Pasalimo hybrid.

pasalimo cucumber seeds
In autumn, the soil and all parts of the greenhouse are sprayed from the spray gun with a solution of copper sulfate. In the spring before planting, the soil is dug up and 15-20 kg of humus or compost per 1 sq. M are applied. m. Cucumber Pasalimo - the culture is tall, so the holes with a depth of 12-15 cm are located 0.4-0.5 m from each other. Varietal features of the hybrid are due to the density of landings: per 1 sq. Km. m plant 4-5 plants. The technology is simple: the wells are spilled with water, the containers with seedlings are also well moistened and, taking out the seedling with a lump of earth, carefully place it in the hole. Then the soil around the seedling is compacted and watered again.

Crop care

Pasalimo is classified as a variety with secondary lateral shoot formation, the appearance of which should be controlled so that the plant does not grow green mass to the detriment of fruit formation. After the 6-8th leaf, pinch the top of the central stem, causing branching. For fruiting, 1-2 strong stems are left, other lateral axillary shoots are cut off. Cucumber plantations are carefully monitored, kept clean, periodically superficially and accurately loosening and removing weeds. It is watered exclusively with warm water, which is served under the root, avoiding the entire plant being moistened.

Greenhouse cultivation of cucumber involves the use of vertical supports, allowing you to increase the number of plants and get high yields of healthy fruits that are not in contact with the soil.

cucumber pasalimo photo
As supports, garters-cords are often used or special trellises are equipped, that is, trellises with cells measuring 20-50 cm. Stalks are tied up as the culture grows.

Feeding cucumbers

Plants are fed 3-4 times per season. A week after transplanting seedlings into the soil, the seedlings are fertilized with a solution of urea, potassium sulfate and superphosphate (15 g of each drug per 10 liters of water). Further feeding is carried out every 2 weeks, giving plants 1-1.5 liters of infusion of manure (1 l / 10 l of water) or rotted green mass.

So, we have listed the main agrotechnical methods of growing Pasalimo cucumber - a promising and high-yielding crop.


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