Rafting - what is it? What you need to know about rafting. Rafting Reviews

Many have recently been interested in: rafting - what is it? In a general sense, rafting is an alloy along stormy rivers with rapids on large frameless inflatable boats. Rafts are quite reliable and stable, have great buoyancy, so you can not worry about your safety. One of the most important advantages of such a holiday is the capacity of the raft (from 6 to 12 people), and this allows you to go on an extreme voyage by a large company.

rafting what is it

Rafting in detail

Let's figure it out: rafting - what is it, swimming exclusively along rivers? In fact, this is an extensive concept and means all kinds of extreme recreation on rivers, rapids and waterfalls. This is not just a risk, but a spirit of competition and overcoming. And also a separation in the full sense of the word - from the earth, civilization and the usual way of life.

Rafting is an original way of exploring the water element. Often, rafting means any activities on the water where rafts are used. Since water tourism implies a certain risk, it was exclusively a privilege of professionals. But this was until the raft was invented - a vessel that can be used for rafting in reservoirs of any complexity.

Russian Rafting Federation

In Russia, rafting has been recognized as an official sport since 2003. The Russian Rafting Federation is a non-profit organization and has been operating since 2001. This organization received accreditation in 2003. Competitions in this sport are included in the calendar plan of international, all-Russian and inter-regional sports events. The Russian Rafting Federation is also a member of the International Rafting Federation. Judges in this sport must meet certain qualification requirements.

Russian rafting federation

Alloy preparation

Each of the participants of the rafting is first of all obliged to think about their safety. Vessels must be of high quality, and equipment - reliable. The design of the raft should provide extreme lovers with additional insurance against falls overboard (inflatable crossbars that fix the legs). The swimmers also wear a helmet and a life jacket. In addition, sometimes additional equipment will be useful. For example, if the water in the river is icy, then you should think about a wetsuit, you can also choose comfortable shoes - boots with ribbed rubber soles. Rafting tours can be performed only by those who can swim, because even if you are in a life jacket, he will not be able to deliver a person to the shore on his own.

At the same time, the most reliable lifeguard is the raft itself, and if you suddenly find yourself overboard in a stormy river, it is better to go through all the obstacles, holding on to the raft tightly than to get to the shore by self-rafting.

rafting in Karelia

How to take part in a rafting tour?

To participate in rafting, the participant must evaluate the complexity of the route. It, in particular, depends on the obstacles that must be overcome. Obstacles will be stones in the riverbed, rapids (areas with a difference in water level), as well as other irregularities in the water flow (shafts, sinks, barrels). It is worth noting that barrels, areas with a reverse flow, that arise at the place where the water masses fall from the drain, cause great difficulties. It can impede the movement of the vessel and carry it back into the stream of water, where you can roll over. There is a world classification of the complexity of obstacles in sections of water bodies. There are 6 categories of difficulty in total. Therefore, the higher the difficulty number, the more dangerous and risky the route.


Every year, more and more people want to feel on themselves the fullness of emotions that rafting can give. Reviews about this lesson are only positive. Moreover, many fans of this sport say that it is worth trying at least once a ride - and then it is already impossible to stop. Even many lovers of passive relaxation say that after they went rafting on a mountain river, they absolutely did not regret that they ventured to do something unusual for themselves.

excursion rafting

How is the swim?

For people who do not have special training, overcoming obstacles no higher than category 3 is permissible. For those who want to fully experience the adrenaline in large doses, special expeditions are offered. However, only those tourists who have already descended steep rapids more than once dare at this risk.

During the trip, people sit on the sides of the raft and, under the guidance of an instructor, row oars. The guide will give simple commands regarding the direction of the oars. On difficult routes, the instructors of the unit are athletes. Rafting is not only rowing, but also stops in beautiful places with cooking at the stake, overnight stays, guitar songs.

Travel geography

Now that we have figured out all the details, we hope you will no longer be wondering: rafting - what is it? Therefore, we move on to an overview of the most popular routes. The most famous rafting centers are Karelia, the Caucasus and Altai. However, there are other, no less interesting, routes: the Kola Peninsula, Siberia, Yakutia, the Far East, the Urals. As part of such tours, you can not only go rowing, but also get acquainted with the amazing beauties of protected and wild regions of Russia.

rafting tours


Our country has many unique water routes that you can travel from spring to autumn. A large number of rafting tours are organized in Karelia. There is plenty to choose from for rafting rafting. The most popular rivers are Suna, Shuya, Okhta, Chirka-Kem and others. On Shuya, even children can participate in rafting. This river flows through densely populated places on steep high banks covered with pine forest. There are also many beaches and, of course, rapids of the second degree of difficulty. Those who want to get especially thrills can take a trip along the difficult rapids of the Okhta River. Rafting in Karelia is a large abundance of route options. The Psta River, which flows along the northern part of the republic and flows into the White Sea, is also suitable for this exciting activity .

A characteristic property of the rivers of Karelia is the alternation of lake sections with river ones. One of the most exciting is the Yanisyoki-Valaam-Ladoga Skerries tour, which is designed for a week. It includes a trip to the rocky bays among the Ladoga Islands, rafting on the Janisioki River and a tour of the estate of the Valaam Monastery, which is located in a fabulously beautiful place. Rafting in Karelia is an unforgettable experience on routes of varying difficulty.


A rather interesting route for rafting lovers is the Umbozera River (Murmansk Region). Throughout its length there are rapids, reaches, lakes (there are places up to the 4th category of difficulty). The best place for rafting on this river is July-August. Such a vacation will appeal to those who love an active, but secluded vacation, fishing, northern berries and mushrooms.

river rafting


In the Caucasus, tourists are attracted by the Belaya and Mzymta rivers . By the way, it is on them, as well as on the mountain rivers of Altai, that the rafting federation holds the stages of the Russian Rafting Championship. The source of Mzymta is in the mountains, then it flows through a narrow valley and flows near the Adler into the Black Sea. The rafting from the Ah-Tsu gorge is in demand among mothers with children, because here rafting takes place on almost calm water. But there are more complex routes: from the Krasnaya Polyana hydroelectric station to the Ah-tsu gorge. In some areas, the raft even begins to jump on huge shafts, overcoming a stormy water abyss.

The path along the Belaya River is one of the most extreme. Here, on a small site, a number of thresholds are concentrated: Theater, Toporiki, Kishi-1, Kishi-2 and Axes. The last three are considered the fifth category of difficulty. The Axes threshold is generally insurmountable, therefore, participants carry rafts along the shore, and Kishi-2 threshold is passed with the help of additional insurance. Only for the most courageous and courageous such an excursion is suitable. Rafting is really a test not only of the body, but also of the spirit.


In Altai, most of the rivers are mountainous in nature. The most common rafts in the region are Katun and its tributary Chue. Chuya is a mountain river with rather complicated rapids. Katun is a large and wide body of water with powerful ramparts; it originates on the slopes of the highest mountain in Siberia - Belukha. You can also sequentially go through both reservoirs. Rafting on the Chuya River is considered to be much more difficult: during the rafting, tourists overcome the rapids from the third to fifth category of difficulty. In order to successfully pass them, you need a well-coordinated team work, composure and endurance. The Horizon threshold is especially striking, here the Chuya River boils and rumbles between two narrow rocky cliffs, and then it turns abruptly by as much as 90 degrees. But the rapids do not end there. Only in the lower reaches of the Katun can one relax, there is no particular danger, even children can be taken on this route.

white water rafting reviews

You'll like it!

So rafting - what is it? This is an exciting adventure, and a surge of emotions, and a victory over oneself and the water element. At the same time, remember that there are clear rules to follow. Only if rafting is a safe rest, can he bring a sea of โ€‹โ€‹pleasure.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35205/

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