Is vaccination necessary for cats if the animal does not leave the house?

Vaccination for a domestic cat is an absolutely necessary preventive measure that protects an animal from diseases. There is an opinion that cats that are not on the street and do not see other animals do not need vaccinations, as they simply have nowhere to get infected. In fact, this is not so! The owners themselves can bring the infection to the house on their shoes. Indeed, many stray animals walk along the streets , some of which are sick or are carriers of infection. Together with their secretions, pathogens enter the soil, and this very infected soil can easily be brought into the house on the soles of shoes. Therefore, vaccination of cats is a mandatory procedure, even if the animal leads an exclusively domestic lifestyle.

Cats can get diseases that happen in humans, such as pneumonia or gastritis. But there are specific diseases of an infectious nature, which only representatives of the cat family suffer from . For example, panleukopenia or distemper, calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis.

Vaccination of cats is mandatory for such a dangerous infection as rabies, as this disease is dangerous for humans. It is recommended to vaccinate a cat from dermatomycosis (depriving). The causative agent of this disease persists in the environment for up to 5 years, and it is not possible to destroy it with conventional disinfectants. Lichen is extremely contagious, not only a cat, but also a person can get sick. Children are especially susceptible to this disease.

An adult animal is vaccinated once a year, vaccination of cats allows you to create immunity to the most dangerous infections for as long as 12 months. Any disease is always easier to prevent than to then fight for the recovery of the animal, nursing it for months.

There are certain rules by which cats should be vaccinated. Firstly, vaccination can only be done if the animal is healthy. Vaccination is not given to pregnant or nursing cats. Secondly, deworming is a mandatory procedure before vaccination. The fact is that the presence of parasites reduces the immunity of the cat, so the vaccine will be ineffective. Thirdly, veterinarians recommend vaccinating cats, especially kittens, at home. The fact is that the animal in the post-vaccination period is quite vulnerable, therefore it is better to limit its contacts with the outside world.

When is a kitten needed for the first time ? The first vaccination of kittens is carried out in two months. If the kitten is with the mother for a long time, then the period of the first vaccination can be moved forward a month. After all, the first immunity in babies is created thanks to the antibodies that they receive with breast milk.

The second vaccine is given 21 days after the first vaccination. The third time the animal is vaccinated when it is one year old. However, the timing of vaccinations are determined individually depending on the health conditions of the animal.

The vaccines used for cats contain a specific set of inactive โ€œkilledโ€ viruses. With the introduction of the vaccine, the cat does not get sick, but in its blood the production of antibodies to the viruses contained in the vaccine begins, that is, immunity is formed. As a result, if the vaccinated animal becomes infected with one of the infections, the body's defenses will destroy the viruses that have entered the bloodstream, and the cat will remain healthy.

The first vaccination is made to kittens with a polyvalent vaccine , that is, protecting against a number of diseases. Most often, Multifel, Nobivac Tricat or Fel-o-Vax is used. After three weeks, revaccination is carried out, that is, the same drug is administered, plus rabies vaccination is added .

The third time the animal is vaccinated with the same vaccine composition at the age of one year, then revaccinated every 12 months. About 10 days after vaccination, the animal is most vulnerable, therefore at this time it is advisable not to bathe the cat and not let it go outside.


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