Love Moschino brand and some facts about its occurrence

Moscino Franco is a famous couturier in Italy who created his own brand in the 80s. Born in 1950 in the city of Abbyategrass, which is located near Milan, the famous fashion center, just 25 kilometers southwest.

Some facts about the brand founder

Franco's childhood passed in a clothing factory that belonged to his family. It was there that his love for fashion and art was born. Although initially he dreamed of becoming an artist, but then he simply began to translate his paintings into life on his models.

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His style was famous for irony, mischief, provocativeness combined with classics. The founder of the brand compared the paintings with clothes: the only difference is that the clothes you put on a person. “Big troublemaker” - this is one of the nicknames of Moskino Franco in the fashion world, he became famous for his rebellious and democratic views. He could allow Chanel to laugh at the classics, decorating jackets with pins, bottles or other trifles, but at the same time always paid tribute to her work.

Brand History

The main vocation of Moskino Franco is artistic, he became famous as a talented illustrator. But in the 60s he was a student of the Academy of Fine Arts and soon became a fashion designer.

For six years (from 1971 to 1977), Moskino Franco worked at the Versace House as an illustrator. And this experience has become invaluable to him.

After Versace, cooperation with Italian fashion houses did not end, and in parallel he created his own collections (he participated in creating new clothes in furs from the CADETTE fashion house in the 70s, where he met Giardini Rossella, which soon became his creative partner). This also gave impetus to create your own brand in the future.

Moskino Franco in 1983 registers his own trademark - Moschino (Moskino). And as early as next year, he released his first collection, which became widely known.

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A couturier looks at women's clothing from a different angle. His line of women’s clothing, shoes and accessories “CHEAP & CHIC” has been popular for more than a year due to its lightness, chic and accessibility.

Love Moschino - one of the most popular brand destinations

This line is designed for young people who like to be in the spotlight. And everyone heard about Love Moschino. Clothing is distinguished by bright colors, unusual inscriptions, ease of cut. Initially, the line was called Moschino Jeans, but over time, the products gained great popularity, and the fashion direction was renamed Love Moschino. Clothes were sewn for all seasons, and today this brand is very popular. The bags and accessories related to the Love Moschino line are not far behind in recognition among buyers.

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They are famous not only for their bright, original design, but also for their elegance combined with classics. And Love Moschino jeans are only high-quality material, quality and comfort. The assortment is quite diverse. Love Moschino is clothing that seems to defy standards. For example, instead of small belts on shoes and patterns on dresses, huge prints are used.

Fashion House is famous for these ideas in our time. Almost nothing has changed, clothes and accessories are becoming more popular among buyers, because this is Love Moschino. Bags, accessories, clothing and fragrances - an exclusive line for young, confident and extravagant people.

Where to buy fashion products

Modern Internet technologies allow you to purchase a fashionable product of any world famous brand, and Love Moschino is no exception. Online purchases are available to everyone. Moreover, things of this brand are also popular among celebrities, for example, Uma Thurman and Madonna have been seen more than once in Moschino clothes.

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A sweater, sweatshirt, dress, shirt or Moschino Love backpack is all inimitable. They are suitable for every day and make everything brighter around themselves. In the catalogs of many stores this brand is always represented.

New Love Moschino

In 2013, Scott Jeremy, a well-known designer from America who is famous for his shocking, became the director of the creative department at Moschino Fashion House. The arrival of people with new ideas significantly influenced the transformation and improvement of the brand. Anna Dello Russo (director of Vogue in Japan) and the famous star of show business and singer Katy Perry managed to try on the 2014-2015 autumn-winter collection . Scott Jeremy reminded the world of Moschino and is working hard to develop Love Moschino as a subsidiary. His new improved collection 2015 has its own corporate attributes: the flag of America in the very middle of the Moschino-heart, as well as black and white graphics in combination with cells.

For the audience, Jeremy himself personally puts on clothes with the Moschino inscription on his T-shirt or jacket, which only emphasizes devotion to the brand and his work. The new collection has replenished with 12 things and accessories. Especially different are the Love Moschino bags (new). They are unique in style and design. You can find it for every taste and color: daily options, clutches for special occasions and much more. Collections of bags are decorated with original jewelry in the form of rhinestones, chains, patterns, furs, etc. Each woman or girl with a bag from this brand will look stylish, gorgeous and unique.

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Now the Moschino brand produces three main lines: Love Moschino, Moschino Cheap & Chic and Moschino Main Line. Each of them is distinguished by its individual style, accessories, and views on the classics.

Sales and discounts

It's no secret that good quality branded items can be bought at competitive prices. Many stores on the Internet offer discounts from 50% and even up to 90% on Moschino collections. Especially the line for young and promising people - Love Moschino. She is one of the most sought after. For example, the average price of a handbag from Moschino is about $ 1000. The discount in this case allows you to save a significant amount.

You can purchase exclusive, branded products at promotional prices at any time of the year. Everyone will be able to express themselves with the help of clothes and at the same time emphasize exclusivity with Love Moschino.


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