How many teeth does a panda have big and small?

There is probably not a single person in the world who remains indifferent at the sight of a panda. These lazy hulking curious bears simply conquer with their childish spontaneity and incredible eccentricity. Looking at how they chew on bamboo sticks, champing and enjoying every bite, many people start to smile.

And did any of those looking at these cubs wonder how many panda teeth have? How is she so cleverly able to bite bamboo sticks that a person chopped with an ax or with a special knife - a machete? The article will try to answer these interesting questions.

how many teeth does a panda have


In order to understand how many teeth pandas have, the photos of which are presented in the article, you must first mention that there are two types of these bears in nature: the small (red) panda and the big one.

This is not to say that a small panda is a small copy of a large one. Not. These bears are strikingly different from their large counterparts: they have a different coat color, and they eat completely differently, and they have fewer teeth. Therefore, the answer to the question is for each species separately.

How many teeth does a panda have red (small)?

Since the small panda does not differ in large dimensions: its weight is on average about 5 kg and the body size is not more than 51-65 cm, then by definition it will not be able to break out a bamboo stick for itself, and it will be able to bite it. However, young shoots of the plant are a favorite treat of lazy cubs. The red panda prefers them to the rest of the food.

For grinding these leaves and other vegetable "yummy" in the mouth of the little panda 38 teeth are located. I would like to note that the coat color of these mini-bears varies from dark brown to light red, which is why they are also called red. Some unverified sources, answering the question of how many teeth a panda has, report information that there are only 28 of them. This opinion is erroneous, because scientists have proved otherwise.

how many teeth does a panda have photos

Big panda

A large bamboo bear of black and white color with black glasses on his eyes - this panda is familiar to everyone, unlike the one about which it was written above. The large panda is a large enough animal and fully lives up to its name. The weight of an adult reaches 100 kg.

And now it's time to discover the secret: how many teeth does a panda have? Paradoxical as it may sound, the number of teeth in the mouth of a bamboo bear, which weighs a centner, is only 40. Against 38, a small bear doesnโ€™t seem to have such an indicator, but a clumsy sloth bites a bamboo stick with a diameter of 1.5 cm with incredible ease. Maybe someone will say that the panda has not so many teeth, but they are huge and look menacing.


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