Apricot Khabarovsky: variety description, planting rules and care

Happy owners of land can land on their territory everything that the soul desires. Fruit trees are especially popular, and every gardener has at least one. Many people love apricots and try to plant a tree in the garden, but is each variety suitable if you live, for example, in the Urals, where the climate is harsh, summers are short, autumn and the first cold weather are early? Today we will tell you about an early ripe species that is suitable for any part of Russia - apricot Khabarovsky. Description of the variety, planting and care rules will be listed below.

Selection history

Khabarovsky is a long-known variety of apricot. It was obtained at DalNIISH by breeder G. Kuzmin. This variety was bred by pollinating the flowers of the Best Michurinsky apricot with pollen of the Krasnoshchekoy - European variety.

To date, the Khabarovsk apricot is popular, but for the most part in the southern regions, since it blooms early. However, when cultivating the variety in other parts of Russia, the falling of flowers and their damage during late frosts were not observed.

apricot Khabarovsk

Tree characteristic

This is a tall, rather tall apricot tree. An adult plant reaches a height of almost five meters, the same width. Crohn is sprawling, but rare. The main branches (skeletal) are powerful, straight, thick, the bark on them is dark purple, decorated with many longitudinal stripes of a whitish hue. The fruit buds are large, oblong, located two or three together, but can be single. Leaves are medium sized with a pointed tip. The lower part is light green, the upper part is dark, matte, serrate edges, petiole burgundy, long. The flowers are white, large, with oval petals that are weakly closed. The stigma of the pestle is almost on the same level as the stamens, so the Khabarovsky apricot is considered relatively self-fertile. He does not need pollinators, but for greater productivity, you can plant varieties Snezhinsky and Amur.

As already mentioned earlier, the tree blooms early, but frost does not harm him. Apricot Khabarovsky - an early variety, the fruits can be harvested in late July.

apricot Khabarovsk variety description

Fruits and their taste

Harvest from one adult tree can be harvested good, up to 36.6 kilograms. The fruits are high-quality, large, the average weight of one is 30 grams, and the maximum is 45 grams. The shape is round, conical, slightly compressed on the sides, outwardly resembles a heart - the upper edge is pointed, in the lower there is a deep fossa. The fruits are bumpy on the surface, the peel does not lag behind. The color is pale green, yellowish, in places there is a red dotted or solid blush.

The pulp is yellow-orange, medium-juicy, thick, with a pleasant sweet-sour taste. By taste, the variety belongs to the dining rooms. The fruits contain vitamin C, malic acid, sugar. Tasting grade grade received 4 points out of five.

The bone is round-elongated, has grooves. It is small, only 1.2 grams, well behind ripe pulp, its core is sweet.

apricot Khabarovsk early

Plant quality

Apricot Khabarovsky, the description of the variety of which is given above, has the following qualities:

  • fruiting occurs in the fourth or fifth year;
  • transportability is average, so the fruit is not recommended to be transported over long distances;
  • abundant fruiting every year;
  • the variety tolerates both drought and waterlogging;
  • frost resistance is average, but it can be increased by grafting winter-hardy stocks into the crown, also by sheltering a young tree for the winter;
  • beautiful presentation;
  • high resistance to clastosporiosis and moniliosis.

In general, a good grade. Apricot Khabarovsky is popular in many regions.

apricot Khabarovsk planting and care

Choosing a place to land

The tree should be planted on a hill where groundwater can not damage the roots, cause them to rot. The site should be sunny, but protected from the north winds. Apricots do not grow well in acidic soil, so it needs to be neutralized. The variety has no particular preferences for soil, but it will still need to be fertilized before planting Khabarovsky apricot. Planting and tree care are very simple.


It is necessary to plant a tree strictly according to the rules, it is not enough just to stick it in the selected place. It is necessary to prepare the soil in the fall, even if spring planting is planned. In autumn, the seedling needs to be planted before the end of October, so that it will already have grown a little in the cold. In the spring - before the onset of the vegetative period, that is, April - early May. So, how to plant an apricot?

  1. Landing pit should be 0.8 meters in depth, the same width. The size may be slightly smaller or larger - depending on the cuttings.
  2. At the bottom of the finished pit, put a drainage layer, as mentioned earlier - apricots do not like excessive moisture.
  3. The next layer is fertile soil. To prepare it, take a glass of wood ash, ten kilograms of humus, 400 grams of potassium sulfide and 700 grams of superphosphate.
  4. Sprinkle ordinary earth on top, install a peg, then a seedling. Distribute the roots well, sprinkle with soil. When instilling a seedling, you need to constantly move it so that air gets in and the tree does not bend when the soil settles.
  5. The root neck should remain about four centimeters above the surface.
  6. Seal the soil around the trunk, build an earthen roller, it will facilitate watering.
  7. Pour the seedling with two buckets of water, mulch the soil around, and tie the tree to the installed peg.

apricot Khabarovsk pollinators


Apricot Khabarovsky is not the most finicky plant, it will not require anything special from you.

In spring, after the snow melts , loosen the soil so that moisture does not accumulate. Watering in warm weather needs moderate, only in the dry season. If there is a frost, then it is better to play it safe, and at night near the tree create warm smoke by burning straw. From the third year after planting, fertilizing in the form of mineral and organic fertilizers will be required.

Stably remove all excess, diseased, weak and dry shoots, and carry out prophylaxis against pests and fungal diseases with special preparations. If you grow apricot Khabarovsk not in the southern region, then sprinkle the roots with extra soil for the winter and wrap it on top of covering material. Young seedlings need to be covered completely.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F35226/

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