How to wear a bra properly? Instructions, tips

How to wear a bra properly? After the inconvenience of wearing underwear, many girls have this question. So how to wear a bra so that it is not uncomfortable? There are several tips that will be discussed in today's article.

Step-by-step instructions for putting on a bra. Stage 1

This is not to say that underwear does not fit in size without measuring it. Similarly, you cannot talk about a bra unless you know how to wear it.

The most common mistake is the wrong cup selection, which is why the entire bra does not fit.

  1. How to put on a bra and what should be done first? To get started, set the maximum length of the strapless on it. This will help to avoid stretch marks if the standard size is small, and will make it possible to adjust the normal size in the future.
    Pink bra
  2. The bra must be kept in front of you. You can bend a little for more comfortable putting on the element of the wardrobe. It should be noted that the chest should completely fill the cups. Remember to correct their position before donning.
  3. Pull the ends of the bra back and fasten them. It is worth noting that you need to do this in the most free position of the body, when nothing squeezes you and is comfortable.

How to wear an open back bra? Repeat all the same steps. If it is difficult to fasten the bra on the back, then turn it forward. After securing the holders, simply stick your hands in the straps.

After putting on, it is very important to carry out a check. On the element of underwear should not be wrinkles, twisting, which can lead to damage to the skin.

It is important to keep the bones in a normal position (if the bra is not seamless).

How to put on a bra with bare shoulders and correct it? Stage 2

After donning, it is important to correctly place the breast in the appropriate cup. This is done in the following sequence:

  1. It is necessary to fix the cup with your hand, holding it with your thumb on the bone. After that, take the chest with your other hand and raise it, lowering the cup. It is important that all empty space is filled, and the nipples are located in the middle.
    Correct location
  2. The next step is a slight forward bend, with which you can properly lock the chest. To do this, shake the bra left / right, but in no case do not need to do it up / down.
  3. After this step, the chest will lie perfectly in the cup, and the bones will not squeeze the skin. In addition, a bra will lift the bust. If you want to fix the bones, put your fingers under the fabric and gently push them.

If your bra does not have a strapless, then at this stage you can finish. It is important to check the belt that covers the back, because it is he who supports the chest.

Strapless length adjustment. Stage 3

The final action will be to establish a suitable length on the straps. It is worth remembering that chest support is carried out by a belt, so be sure to check it.

Breast Support Options

Adjustment is very simple. Put on the straps, and after that, choose the best length option.

After putting on the bra should be parallel to the floor. If you are faced with a crease problem in the area of ​​the upper part of the cups, then simply correct them by sticking your finger.

What gives such a bra wearing?

Now you know how to put on a bra properly, and therefore it is worth talking about the benefits of this option of putting on underwear. There are several of them:

  1. You reduce the risk of breast tissue moving to the armpits or back. Due to improper distribution of the breast in the bra there is the possibility of deformation of the skin, but it is prevented.
  2. Flabby, hanging forms are unlikely to satisfy you. By putting on a bra correctly, you contribute to the support of the chest. Uncomfortable or inappropriate elements of the lower wardrobe can squeeze the skin and weaken it.

These 2 important benefits of wearing a bra properly will protect your chest from deformation.

Tips for Wearing and Putting on a Bra

Follow these guidelines:

  1. Correct the element described so that the chest fits snugly on the cups. They should not have empty space.
  2. When putting on a bra, do not forget to adjust the bones on it. Otherwise, they may dig into the body, causing pain.
  3. Choose material that allows your body to breathe. It may be cotton, but in no case will synthetics be suitable.
    Types of bras
  4. If you are actively involved in sports, then you probably thought about purchasing a special bra. It perfectly supports the chest when jumping, running, allowing the body to breathe at the same time. Such bras have a double elastic band for fastening on the back.
  5. Do not forget that any bra must be measured before purchase. Even considering the fact that it has a size. Check if all the elements are suitable for your body? Are there any unpleasant sensations, pain during sock and movements of the body?

How to put on a bra? The answer is very simple: using the instructions in the article! First, the chest should enter the cups, then fasten the belt and check the location of the bust. Then adjust the length of the strapless and perform any body movements with pleasure.


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